[ Video // Day ]

Apr 12, 2011 22:39

[ There's a clatter as the PORTAL falls from a pocket, rattling on the floor and turning on ( Read more... )

*ladon ceto: original character

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YOU RANG? action; mansamune April 13 2011, 05:06:39 UTC
[That gunfire does not bode well - mostly because anything that deals with gunfire tends to not end well in Masamune's book. And that was only because the last couple times he had to deal with guns, he was on the wrong end of the barrel.

Anyway, he's left his horse behind - he had the feeling that it would only serve to get in the way at this point anyway. But as soon as he spots the familiar hat, he's already rushing forward, pushing his way through the fleeing citizens and any rubble, ready to draw if need be.]

What the hell are you doing, idiot?!


YAY~ Action forever~ rustigedraak April 13 2011, 05:16:14 UTC
[ Ladon's already lit another cigarette and is just strolling down the street after the crowd of people. He pauses to take a drag on the cigarette, turns and shoots up the windows of a nearby building, then spots Masamune, yelling at him.

He tips his head to the side, props his tommy gun up on his shoulder. ]

Got a problem, pal?


mansamune April 13 2011, 05:18:40 UTC
[He doesn't reply at first, only to give him a sharp smirk, a hand hovering over one of his swords. This wasn't good at all.]

Yeah, I do. Never took you for the kind of guy that'd go picking on the defenseless. Not very cool, you know?


rustigedraak April 13 2011, 05:30:43 UTC
[ He shrugs. ] Defenseless, hah. S'defenseless 'bout people who got an army t'protect 'em? S'defenseless 'bout outnumberin' everything else?

[ He chuckles. ] Kill ten, s'already fifteen on the way. Like squishin' ants. Millions of the little fuckers, swarmin' everywhere.


mansamune April 13 2011, 14:34:36 UTC
Who the hell gave you the right to choose who lives and who dies? We got enough to worry about with this goddamn place.

[Masamune snorts before returning his one-eyed gaze to Ladon, eye narrowing.]

And how do you expect for her to react when she finds out about this, huh?!


rustigedraak April 16 2011, 04:55:02 UTC
Decided my kind deserved t'die 'long time ago. Why should I care 'bout this damn place? No different from anywhere else.

[ He shrugs, lightning dances to life in the hand not currently occupied by the handle of the tommy gun. ]

Don't give a shit. She got her warnin'. She don't listen? Just a dumb Dora after all.


and I fail forever and realize this as during the day. 8| mansamune April 16 2011, 15:31:26 UTC
[What's weird is that was what pissed him off the most didn't have anything to do with this place - no, honestly? He didn't care that much either.

His hand, which had been hovering over the handle of one of the katana strapped to his waist, gripped it with surprising quickness as he drew the weapon, taking it in a two-handed grip.]

Bastard. You act like her friend, then you go and say you don't care? Pathetic.


And I almost responded with my personal journal! Go us. XD rustigedraak April 16 2011, 17:39:50 UTC
[ Ladon lowered the gun again, propping it on his hip. He laughed bitterly at that. ]

Think it matters at all in the big picture? Think me bein' a "good friend"'d do any good? Make nice with some kid from 'nother world, shit's still bad back home. Family's still dyin' out. Meanwhile, you humans? Ain't got nothin' to be 'fraid of but yourselves.

M'changin' that.


WE CAN FAIL TOGETHER. o/\o mansamune April 16 2011, 18:40:59 UTC
You'd be surprised what a little bit of help can do.

[A snort, and his smirk came back, sharp as ever. Nobunaga had experienced the power of everyone's will combined before he fell, and because of that, the country had the ability to go into a new era. Sure, conflicts were still there, hell, it wouldn't be home without them, in Masamune's eyes.]

You're really something, you know that? A coward and a hypocrite. If your family's dying out, then how about you do something about it instead of whining and taking it out on people that had nothing to do with it. Stay out of our business and we'll stay out of yours.

But if that's the way you wanna go about this... then I'll show you that I'm not just playing around, you see? This isn't going to be like last time.


LJ decided to join us in fail, I guess. :( rustigedraak April 17 2011, 05:12:29 UTC
Ha! You got no fuckin' idea. Ain't that fuckin' easy. What the hell'd a human know, anyway? Buncha idiots. Buncha insects. Disgustin'.

[ He growls, smoke starting to pour from his mouth and noise. ] You're right. It ain't gonna be like last time.


DAMMIT LJ. B| mansamune April 17 2011, 05:57:49 UTC
And you have no idea what we've been through - your point?

[Lightning crackles across the blade of his sword as his feet shift slightly.]

Then let's go.


rustigedraak April 17 2011, 06:06:46 UTC
[ Ladon laughs again, though it sounds odd and unnatural and is punctuated by sparks of fire spitting from his mouth. Two black wings rip out of the back of his coat and he grins, for once looking Masamune in the eye. ]

About time.

[ He grabs the tommy gun again and opens fire. ]


mansamune April 17 2011, 06:33:25 UTC
[Masamune wastes no time trying to close the gap, deflecting bullets left and right in his mad rush to reach Ladon. The wings and the sparks? Don't phase him. He's faced things that are more demonic in his eyes, anyway.

The final part of the charge will culminate in a spin and a slam with the flat of the blade - stunning was probably the quickest way to end this.]

Come on!


rustigedraak April 17 2011, 06:46:32 UTC
[ The fact that he'd used the flat of the sword is lucky for Ladon, he has just enough time to bring the gun up to block the blow-- had it been the sharp end of the sword, Ladon would be in trouble.

As would be anyone in the immediate area. Ladon's blood was flammable, and he was breathing a good amount of fire now. ]

Holdin' back still, pal? Haha! Some fuckin' warrior you are!

[ He lashed out with his tail then, in an effort to either trip Masamune up or at least get him to back off. ]


mansamune April 17 2011, 15:23:48 UTC
Please, this is just a warm-up.

[He jumps back to avoid the tail, but ends up drawing two more swords in the same hand, jumping again as lightning courses across both Masamune's body and weapons. A shockwave of electricity erupted from the blades as he landed, traveling right toward their target.]



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