[ Video // Day ]

Apr 12, 2011 22:39

[ There's a clatter as the PORTAL falls from a pocket, rattling on the floor and turning on.

The angle the video's taken from only manages to capture the scuffle of feet, people running across some kind of tile floor inside a building with decent acoustics. There are a few yelps, a "run!" from someone farther away, but the real noise doesn't start for a few moments. Suddenly the audio explodes into the sound of gunshots-- something reminiscent to a submachine gun. There are screams now, a spatter of blood on the screen. After that, a silence that is misleading-- there are still yells, still the sounds of fleeing residents, and over that some quiet breathing. One long breath in, another out, then a short, breathless laugh.

Someone discards a still-smoking cigarette nearby, then heavier footsteps clomp off in the direction of the screams. ]

(( I WILL STOP SPAMMING WITH LADON POSTS NOW REALLY. Obviously he's not going to respond to any PORTAL replies, so action is the way to go. Feel free to come fight his possessed ass. /looks at Masa ))

*ladon ceto: original character

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