Oct 14, 2005 12:13
School is horrible this year! The worst year ever! They treat Wayne like complete crap! Im so pissed I didnt even go to school today. Wayne is grounded because he supposedly talked back. I know Wayne. I know he gets mad sometimes and he doesnt like our school but when he talks to adults he doesnt talk back. So of course when a wanna be dean told Wayne to tuck his shirt in and it was spirit day and he was wearing a jesery and and was suppose to have it untucked! Thats the whole thing that gets me and I woulda at that point told the wanna be dean a thing or two!! OF course Wayne was polite and just tucked in his shirt but I guess not fast enough! So he writes them up! Or tries too but instead he calls his parents because he was supposedly dissrepectful! BULLCRAP! And his parents believed the deans. NOw I dont know why they dont know how this school runs! IT seems like everyone I talk to knows how currupt and political it is. IT seems unreal but it is! SO Now because they believed the dean my whole weekend is shot, Wayne is depressed again and I might have to do somethin I dont wanna do. I love him so much but Im so sick of being the only one that supports him. Everytime he is upset or something goes wrong Im the only one that does anything! His parents never believe him and it irrates me to know end they dont believe him about the school thing! They know he wouldnt do that! ITs so stupid! Im so dissappointed in the school and his parents. I love his parents but on this one they should know! I know! But I guess I go to the school. My sister said two football players walked by and the same dean said get those shirts in for 2night. Thats it. He wasn't a smartA like he was with Wayne. He didnt join in and make fun of him. He just told them to get those shirts in for 2night. AND IT WAS A SPIRT DAY! HE HAD NO RIGHT TO EVEN SUGGEST THIS! THIS IS HOW MESSED UP OUR SCHOOL IS! It just bothers me cuz they don't care. They are deans and teachers that just dont give a crap at our school and Im very very sick of it. Thats what they get paid for. But they dont care. Im thinking about being a special teacher because I think I would actually care and maybe help kids taht need help. Wayne does have an anger problem but I know he showed no disrepct to these people. But personally the way that one deans handles things if it was me Id prolly show no respect. And Im real big on respecting adults but in some situations.........like this one this guy deserves no respect. Hes a jerk. ANd I should write him thank you letter! Because now my whole high school year will prolly be worse than ever! Ill prolly have to break up with Wayne cuz I cant stand it that no one else supports him and Ill prolly end up failing cuz at this point I dont think I even care anymore.