Aug 06, 2004 08:49
heh- sometimes i wonder if people really read some of my long ass entries. hmmm. maybe they do. whatever.
dear God.... i am soooooo sore. from the back of my neck all the way down to my feet. i hurt. i ache. i wanna just crawl back in the bed & pretend that it's about 8.30 at nite, so that i can get a really good nite of sleep.
unlike last nite.
we got in the bed around 12. maybe 12.30. i was so uncomfortable & sore that i couldn't be still. i was almost (pretty much, for that matter) in tears b/c of the pain that i was in. i finally decided just to surrender & take some medication for the pain b/c apparently i have an issue w/ "just dealing w/ the pain". i get back in the bed & karis is already asleep- he's also been extreemly tired & sore lately.... i get up again & hang out on the front porch b/c it hurt to bad to lay down. hell it hurt too bad to stand up. drunk people make me laugh. i noticed that an old man was taking a long drawn out piss on the side of his truck. he noticed that i was standing on my front balcony in a t-shirt & under roos & he kindly tipped his cowboy hat to me. classic. when the drugs finally started to kick in, i found my way thru the dark & crawled back in bed, only to be disturbed by the loud laughing & convo's of casey, sarena, and a few others on our back balcony.
the drugs finally forced me into sleep somewhere around 3.30. of course, everyone was still going full force outside. i could also hear all the TKE's yelling & what not in the front.
it's odd that i couldn't just fall asleep. i'm always the one who can fall asleep thru anything & continue to sleep thru any & everything. hmmm. these weird sleep problems are not like me- at all.
is it wrong that i pretty much say what i feel on this thing? i know people read it. i don't care. if i did, i wouldn't write/ have a public journal. i've gotten some verbal feedback from a few people, and they've told me that i'm pretty harsh. it's never really been like me to hold back how i feel on certain issues.
i'm sorry if anyone's been offended. if you have been, you just might wanna stop reading my journal... b/c you just might continue to feel that way.