You guys should go over there first if you are in XMFC fandom.
Link. Okay, now you're back here: if you feel like writing something for me, please do, because I can hardly breathe for my cold.
The Five-Minute Warning: A multi-fandom fic challenge
1. Clear your schedule for five minutes (or longer if you have time, I'm not gonna turn down more fic).
3. Then look under the cut tag, where you will find ten prompts. This particular set is derived from song lyrics.
4. Choose one of the prompts, and - using any appropriate fandom/character[s] (meaning ones you know I enjoy) - write.
5. Reply with your teeny weeny story in the comments to this post.
6. Repost this in your journal and make your friends write for you!
1. children of the revolution
2. white magic song
3. strange blue box
4. the pleasure, the privilege is mine
5. I'm not going to be your hero
6. playing at pop star
7. if I sang out of tune, would you stand up and walk out on me?
8. what's bringing you down?
9. skyline sight
10. between asleep and awake
So have at it, and thank you so much.