Look what i got i got in the mail today!
It's all pretty and awesome and YAY! the lights turn on and then the music plays :D
These other ones i already had. I got the Comic Con one last week in the mail, the others are older :D
I bought this thinking that i would be going to Comic Con and picking it up but i didn't get to but they shipped it to me so YAY! :D
This is my Asylum II things that my friend got for me :D She's awesome
A Few Good Men autographs in my program. I love it and i always put it away.
SFX magazine. It looks like it says SEX *laughs* i love this magazine cover.
My alternate magazine covers. I love them.. they are purdyful :D
These are my Supernatural comic books. I won the origin ones and i'm missing the 6th of the Rising Son ones.. i need to buy it i guess :D
Well, that's all the goodies i'm gonna post. I have some Magazine stuff at my photobucket gallery if you want to see
s55.photobucket.com/albums/g126/ilovesn/Magazine%20Stuff/ Love ya'll *blows kisses*