So, yay!

Apr 16, 2008 12:17

I'm so excited. I've made like five new friends today. I could pee!
I woke up at 10:40 something and walked to the postal office and then just walked straight on to the gas station. I took the camera with me, and therefore got some odd looks from passers by. Oh well, they all know me and they all know I'm odd.
It was nice to walk, and I'm feeling good about it. I might even go to the cafe' for lunch. I just realized that I forgot to buy a paper at the station though...::face palm:: I'm sure the store sells them. I've been really into reading the Chicago Tribune lately. Dunno why. It interests me.

A co-worker of mine apparently has hives. She actually asked me to 'feel it' when I was there. I told her I don't go around rubbing others rashes. I hope she gets it taken care of today, she looks miserable, and icky.

I had a most horrible dream last night, which is why I'm super sleepy girl. I dreamt that I was at work and that it was midnight and people just kept coming and coming, no one would let me close the store. They just kept coming and coming and finally I had my co-worker just turn off the lights, but it didn't stop them, they kept coming in. So, I couldn't do my paper work and I was stuck there and then I woke up. But I feel like I was at work all night long now! Ugh. Oh well

Okay, so on to some pictures, then I'm going to lunch! Just me and me.

Birdie in my neighbors yard.

Same birdie

Miss Rain eating some yummy toast

A blurry up close of the Rain

My Xavier. He's growing up and becoming a real ham. Before I left their house today he came out and gave me hugs and kisses and then said "I gotta go!" and ran off. It was more adorable than I can type out.

For some reason I've been wanted to take a picture of this for a while and just hadn't gotten to it.

I'm still amazed at how far you can see in one direction in this state.

My bosses dog. Well actually she's now my co-workers moms dog. But, I still consider her to be the bosses dog. Missy. She's great.

pets, work, pics, nature, my friends, live journal, me

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