Jan 24, 2007 19:16
It's my first day back to work in a long time, and I'm actually happy about it. More than getting money, I'm glad that I'm out of the house and doing something productive. Okay, maybe not more than getting money, because I love money, even if it is the root of all evil. You know what I mean, though.
Today was interesting to say the least. I woke up and was very hyper. Took a test first period in Japanese and did very well, thank you very much. Then I proceeded to work on this seasons presentation with Teresa, and my um...mood got the better of me. Crazy faces, crazy noises, crazy...craziness, pretty much everthing.
Second period of the day wasn't much different, except Ali got kind of annoyed with me because she was trying to be responsible and pay attention to what Mr. Hartmann was saying. Me, I was having difficulties paying attention to anything.
Third period of the day, same sort of thing. I knitted a bit.
Last period was a lot of fun for me, though. We're reading the Nerd right now, and I got to read the part of Thor, the 8 year old son of the wealthy hotel owner Waldgrave and his wife Clelia. He's completely spoiled and likes to whine a lot, so reading his lines were a lot of fun for me. The best part: this play is actually funny! I actually WANT to read it. First time I've really wanted to read something assigned from a teacher since Night freshman year. Whoo!
I passed out surveys for my Int. Relations project today. Got some pretty good results. I didn't expect to be surprised, but I actually was. I don't know if people were being completely honest or not, but I don't have the time nor the funds to go back and survey more people than I already have surveys for. I'll have to go with what I got. One of the things that caught me the most was that almost no one knows what Wicca is. It got circled the most.
Then I got home, dinked around a bit, for some reason got cranky and talked with Kylie. Then my internet got disconnected after this thud from upstairs and I figured Hannah knocked something over. I waited a bit for the connection to reestablish. It didn't, so I figured Hannah was having some issues reconnecting the internet. I went upstairs (mind you I was clad only in a towel because I'd just gotten out of the shower) and she was just standing there at the computer plunking away at the computer. I asked her if she would reconnect the internet and she was just like, "Why? It's not bothering me?" I told her that since she was the one who disconnected it in the first place it would be nice if she would at least try to reconnect it, but she refused, saying that it didn't affect her so she didn't have any reason to do it and that if it was so important to me I should just go do it myself. I pointed out that I was only wearing a towel so she told me to go get dressed and then take care of it. She spent more energy arguing with me about reconnecting the internet than she would have if she'd just taken responsibility for what she did and fixed it. It's not fucking rocket science anyway. So I got dressed and fixed the connection but then confronted her about the way she was acting.
Biggest. Mistake. Ever.
She and I started screaming at each other, me at her for not taking any responsibility, for stealing from me, and for not giving me any respect, and her at me for basically stating things that she already knew about and cared nothing for. Sometimes lying is easier to handle than the truth is. The fact that Hannah knows all these things about herself, all of these horrible things, and still doesn't care is a lot harder to handle than if she'd just pretended that all of this was news to her.
Anyway, the final straw was, according to our strained conversation, something that she'd been wanting to say for a long time: "Everyone in this family is so fucking gay, and I'm seriously going to kill you all, and you can just go to hell." Well, I pretty much lost it, smacked her, and then went back downstairs. I'm not sorry that I did. That girl had that and more coming to her from me. Between the theft and the general lack of respect, I think she needs to be emancipated. Give her what she wants, a home away from us since she hates us all so much. And since she says that she doesn't respect people and therefore doesn't expect respect in return, she can do it all without help from us. We'll just pack up some of her stuff, kick her out on the street, and let her see what it's like to live life without all the support she's taking for granted.
And that's all I have to say about that.
Now I need to get back to doing my own homework, since I helped Liz finish hers.
God, I want to talk to Austin so badly right now.