
Nov 20, 2007 21:09

Three things:

- Modcloth.com is possibly the coolest online clothes shop evar, omg. I need new clothes. Half the time I look like a H&M mannequin, the other half I look like I haven't bought new clothes in 10 years, because I spordically buy outfits, but never get rid of any old stuff. I probably sound really vain - I'm not. I'm not the kind of girl who goes out of her mind for new clothes... Well, until I found Modcloth, that is. Then, I was squeeing over their Library School Heels like any girl who follows fashion trends religiously. I mean, admit it, those shoes are gorgeous! :P So I ordered two shirts. I can't wait 'til they get here :D And I'm going to stop writing about clothing now.

- My cat! Is another thing I'm in love with :P Really, I never understood why people all love cats so much. That's because I've never had a cat of my own before. This is Copenhagen (named after the Duke of Wellington's horse.)

She's just having a rest here, so she has the energy to run after us and jump at our legs from behind later. Another thing she likes doing is hiding under the stairs until someone comes down them, then wrapping herself around their feet and gnawing their toes. Ah, she's so lovable.

- I discovered this site on Saturday: The Rasterbator. You can upload any picture and enlarge it as much as you like, then it gets send to you in a pdf file you can easily print. You can't look at it too closely, though, because the picture is made of dots, but it worked for me:


random, cat

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