TbF 25

Dec 02, 2007 02:25

Title: Touched by Fire
Authour: Beloved
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Note: This fic would never have been continued had it not been for RogueSpike, greensloven, dianehc, rose_etta, bonnysprite & sussixer, all of whom encouraged me - and all of whom deserve credit for more or less anything good in this, because they have written chunks of it!
They are absolute stars and wonderful people, and I thank God that I know them.
*squishy hugs*
Warning: Angst and self-harm!

Previous Entry: http://ilovedoyle.livejournal.com/292680.html

As the sound of an expensive automobile faded into the distance, the Kents looked at their son expectantly as he walked into the kitchen.

This time, unlike with Lex, Clark knew that he would have to reveal everything.

Taking a deep breath, Clark began. “Jor-El said I have come of age.”

“Puberty? Clark, if you grow any taller, I’m not going to be able to buy you trousers that fit right!”

“Not puberty Mom. A Kryptonian comes of age when they bond with another.”

Speaking for the first time since Clark came back in, Jonathon asked dazedly “Bond?”

“Jor-El says that I’m depressed because the bond is incomplete, and I will remain depressed until I complete it.”

That did not seem an adequate explanation to the man of the house; “Clark, what exactly do you mean by ‘bond’?”

Clark *knew* he couldn’t avoid that question, but wished it had been his mother who had asked. “Well, Kryptonians are kinda like penguins, they mate for life. Once you have chosen your bondmate, the bond must be reciprocated in order for it to be complete.

“So, if you can *chose* your bondmate, who is it? Lana, Chloe or Lois?”

Martha glared at her husband; annoyed that he was either ignoring. or refusing to acknowledge what she had told him earlier concerning Lex and Clark.

“You can’t chose who you fall in love with Jonathon. If you could, I would probably be married to a respectable Metropolis lawyer, and you to Nell!”

Turning to her son, she smiled softly. “So Clark, what did Lex say when you explained the situation.

Clark paled. “I can’t tell Lex!”

“Why not?”

“Now Martha, he doesn’t need to share everything with Lex. I’ll agree that the boy seems to be helping Clark through a difficult time but that doesn’t mean that Clark needs to run to him with every little thing. He might just try and find Clark some society girl to bond with. He just doesn’t understand the differences in the way Clark was raised.”

Martha looked over at her husband shaking her head at the density he was exhibiting in that moment.

“Dad, I’m right here. You don’t need to talk about me like I’m a little child. I didn’t explain it to Lex because I need him too much and this might be just too much for him. I wouldn’t be able to handle not having him as my friend.”

Martha could see and hear the sadness in her son. She put her arm around him and gave a squeeze of encouragement. “Clark, I’m sure that Lex would still be your friend even if you explained how you really feel about him.”

“Martha, you don’t need to push the boy at him!”

“Jonathan, can’t you see…”

Clark moved out of his mothers embrace, stepping away from both his parents, radiating a tense anguish.

“No he doesn’t see, he never will. Dad, Mom is not pushing me at Lex. She’s trying to convince me to tell him what I really want to. The reason I have to learn to live with this depression is because I have bonded with Lex, my heart chose Lex. My soul knew he was the one for me and I am so afraid that if he ever finds out he’ll leave. I have already asked so much of him, I can’t add a lovesick farm-boy to the mix.”

Jonathan winced at hearing his son declare his love for the Luthor boy. He had listened to Martha earlier that evening, but had been hoping she was mistaken. He should have known better than to think that the intelligent woman he married would be mistaken about something to do with their son. But he did not feel he could ever agree that Lex should be the person Clark devoted his life to. He would just have to convince his son that there was someone else out there for him.

“Clark, I don’t think you have to tell Lex..”

Clark turned quickly to glare at his father. “Of course you don’t. If it was up to you I wouldn’t have ever told him anything. In fact, I’d probably still be hiding everything from everyone! You know I might have stopped burning myself and started to try eating, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to get better any time soon. Jor-El told me that the illness will be life long unless I complete the bond. He also said that if I’m not careful I could still die from this. I’m missing apart of myself. It won’t ever get better. Time can’t heal this, food can’t heal this, only Lex can.”

Clark saw his mother reaching for him and he pulled further away. He didn’t want to be touched right now by anyone but Lex. Everyone else’s touch just felt wrong and unsettling. “I can’t talk about this anymore. I need to go to bed. Just…I’ll see you in the morning.”

Clark went up the stairs two at a time and closed the door to his room firmly. He settled himself, still dressed, on the bed and cradled the phone in his hands. He missed Lex terribly and wanted to talk to him. He knew he couldn’t share why he was upset and that would only hurt Lex further so he closed his tear filled eyes and willed his body to sleep.

It was several hours later, when his mind finally allowed him some fitful rest.


sv, wip, fanfic, fic, slash, clex, tbf

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