Dec 01, 2007 12:37

Gakked from danceswithgary
When you see this, post a little weensy excerpt from as many random works-in-progress as you can find lying around. Who knows? Maybe inspiration will burst forth and do something, um, inspiration-y.

Highly unlikely, as long as TbF is getting, and no closer to completion!
But here:

Touched By Fire:
A WIP currently 24+ chapter CLex fic, concerning Clark self-harming. He's depressed because he is in love with Lex - he has bonded with him, but Lex has not reciprocated this bond. It will not be complete (and he will remain depressed) until they confess and consumate their love!!!

“Clark, I wanted to talk to you about whatever has been going on lately. Pete and I have been worried and after what happened at The Talon the other day, we’re even more worried!” She looked at him with wide, expecting eyes and waited for his explanation.

“Chloe, Pete, thanks for being concerned about me, but I’m doing okay.” He watched them both roll their eyes. “Okay, so not perfect but better. I really am. I’ve just been a little down lately.”

Chloe crossed her arms over her chest. She was feeling so aggravated that he was trying to hide this from her too.

“Clark, feeling down doesn’t cause people to throw up and loose weight so dramatically. You are too thin. I didn’t want to be so blunt, but I think that you have an eating disorder.”

Pete looked over to her shocked. “Chloe, I don’t think guys have those.”

She smacked him on the arm. “Of course they can, you idiot. Look at him, closely. He is way too thin. He has been avoiding eating lunch and barely orders anything at the Talon, if he meets us there. Clark, what is going on? Talk to us.”

Clark could see the pleading look in her eyes and the shocked look on Pete’s as he inspected him closer.

“Okay, you’re right. I have been missing lunch and not ordering snacks at the Talon. But it’s not because I have an eating disorder Chloe. I’ve been having trouble sleeping at night and worrying about the farm and just…just stuff. It’s been weighing on my mind. I’ve been worrying so much that my stomach hurts and I can’t eat. Sometimes when I do eat I just throw up or feel even sicker so I’ve been eating less. Sometimes just the smell makes me gag.”

Pete could not believe that he had missed all of this. How did he not realize that Clark had been skipping lunch? Sure, he had eaten with his team-mates a little more often lately, but he thought he would have noticed Clark’s complete absence. Looking at his friend now, he could not understand how he had not noticed Clark losing so much weight. His clothes were too baggy and his face looked tired and worn.

“Do your parents know?”

Pete worried that he was going to have to keep a secret from the Kent’s. He didn’t think that he would be able to lie to them.

THEN, theres a Spander fic thats been abandoned for a good for years; Xander slit his wrists, and was saved, by Spike.

"What's wrong Nummy? You OK" Spike asked worriedly, tightening his hold on Xander's wrist.

Xander smiled his normal self-deprecating, if somewhat sleepy, grin and replied, "No, no, nothing's wrong. It's stupid really. I was just wondering....."

"What pet?"

"Would you - would you...-"

"Would I what?"

"Would you sing me to sleep?" Xander finally asked in a tiny, ashamed and at that moment extremely child-like voice.

Spike looked at him in shock for a moment. Then his lips twitched with the realisation that there was nothing that he would ever be able to deny this beautiful dark-haired boy, and, running a hand through Xander's hair, replied, "Sure, if that's what you want. Any requests?"

Xander shook his head, "No, just something soft and slow."

Spike furrowed his brow in thought for a moment, and then mock-glared at Xander before he started to sing the song that had come into his head.

"I'll be loving you
With a love that’s true
When the thing's you plan
Need a helping hand
I will understand
Days may not be fair,
That's when I'll be there
Not for just an hour,
And not for just a day,
And not for just a year,
But, Always
Days may not be fair
That's when I'll be there
Not for just an hour,
And not for just a day,
And not for just a year,
But, Always"

As he finished, Spike looked into Xander's eyes, only to see that they were closed. Xander was fast asleep, with a smile on his face.
Spike smiled sadly down at the still bruised boy, before propping his feet up on the bed and opening Xander’s diary.

Another CLex that hasn't been updated in years; Jon helps get Clark and Lex together after reading a part of Clark's diary, and realising how Clark feels.

“What are we gonna do Martha? My son - our child, seems to think I am a homophobic bigot, capable of disowning him because of who he loves!”

Martha took a deep breath before replying.

“Look Jonathon, you may not what to hear this, but I’m not really surprised. The way you treat Lex *is* bigoted- unable to look past his last name, and punishing him for what his *father* has done to this town. Add that to the narrow-mindedness of small-town America, and you have Clark’s conclusion.”

Jonathon just stared at his wife for a moment, before nodding grudgingly.
“I guess you’re right. I can see where Clark would get the idea. But it’s still wrong! Straight, gay, bi - whatever! Clark is my son and I love him! I just want him to be happy!!”

Martha patted his hand.

“Good. Now the other thing. Lex. Were you honestly that surprised?”

Jonathon raised his eyebrows.
“I’m not blind Martha! I’ve seen the way he looks at Lex when he thinks no-ones looking. Initially I hoped it was just some hero-worship thing, or a crush. I guess not.”

“And Jon, you realise that Clark is not alone in these feelings?”

“Yes Martha - as I said, I’m not blind! For someone brought up to hide his emotions, Lex can be more obvious than Clark! I mean, Lex has a personal space of what, 6 feet? - and Clark is one of very few people whom he allows to breach it! So, what do we do?”

“Well, we can’t really tell Clark that we’ve read what appears to be a page from his diary, so - it looks like we’re going to have to do a spot of matchmaking!” Martha replied, already rubbing her hands together in anticipation.
“Well, first thing we’ve got to do is for you to make friends with Lex.”

THEN theres my other uber big CLex WIP: futurefic.
Clark's working at the Planet, totally in love with Lex - who loves him, but both are oblivious to the others feelings. An argument between them in the middle of the Planet Bullpen clues everyone else in, and Lois starts to scheme to get them together.
Meanwhile, Lionel has had another go at Lex about not marrying and producing and heir - Clark walks in in the middle of this, and ends up being talked into helping Lex find his bride!

“So Kent, I’m assuming by *that*, and the fact that you didn’t come back last night, means that you and Baldy patched things up?”

“Don’t call him that Lois. But yes. Lex apologised, we talked - it’s as good as I’m gonna get. I may as well enjoy my time with Lex while I can.”

“Jesus Smallville, you make it sound like he’s dying!”

Clark visibly flinched, paling at the very thought.

‘Lord he’s got it bad!’ Lois thought as she led him to his desk, and flung a doughnut at him. “Here! Eat that! And give me the list!”

“What list?” he asked around a mouthful of chocolatey doughy goodness.

“The Potential Mrs Lex Luthor List! Lucifer himself has short-listed these women; there’s got to be something wrong with them!”

“Lois, we can’t go digging up dirt on these women!”

Lois just looked at him despairingly. “And why not? What do we do for a living again? And anyway, you may not be willing to risk your friendship with a man you are so sure is straight; although how you can consider a man who wears *that* much purple to be totally heterosexual is beyond, but are willing to risk Lex? After two homicidal wives do you *really* want Lex to chose another simply on the info provided by Luthor Senior?”

Clark paled once again at the thought of Lex in danger yet again; his mind immediately flashing back to when he attended Lex’ funeral. He may have been high on RedK, but it merely lowered his inhibitions, it did not allow him to hide from his base emotions - only absolved him of guilt. And the pain he had felt when he thought Lex was dead was beyond any type of pain that he had ever felt; physical or emotional, before or since. Clark did not think that he could survive feeling like that again.

Nodding in agreement, Clark was unable to keep the pain out of his voice as he stammered; “You’re right Lois,” and scribbling the list down for her. “But I haven’t shad chance to show it to Lex yet; I’m hoping he’s gonna be able to cut it down a bit.”

However, before Lois and Clark could even consider attempting to *start* making their way through the list, a bellow from Perry had them out on assignment. Within minutes of leaving the scene, Clark heard a cry for some ‘super help’, and with yet another flimsy excuse to his partner, he ended up spending the rest of the morning in his red and blue spandex.

A vvv vague House/Wilson that I started, but could never get to go where I wanted; basically, House comes into work in leather pants, everyones reactions to the sight, and House finally taking the initiaive at the sight of his best friend unable to take his eyes from his arse, and kissing the life out of him!

Shrugging on his new thigh-length leather coat, House grabbed his cane and whistled at himself in the mirror.
Settling himself and his cane on his baby, he rubbed his hands together and grinned, evil genius style. Wilson was not gonna know what hit him.

James had already been in work for several hours - one of his children was deteriorating rapidly, so he had come in early to check on her. For the moment, all his patients were as well as could be expected, and he had thus started down to the clinic - meaning that, coincidently, he came down the stairs into the lobby, just as House was coming in.

Whistling as he walked into a (for once) reasonably quiet lobby caught enough attention - however, that one glance caused most everyone to look twice: for here came Dr Gregory House, clean-shaven, in a good mood…and LEATHER PANTS!

Wilson blinked at the sight, his mouth opening slightly and his eyes widening as his friend turned *away* from him - the sight from behind was even better! Long long legs and a firm arse encased in skin-tight leather? Wilson swallowed audibly to ensure he wouldn’t start to drool.

Saying a cheery ‘good morning’ to the nurse who had stammered his name in shock only seemed to have scared her more, and House grinned at the sight of her scurrying away, before using his cane to spin himself round to face Wilson - whose head immediately jolted up, with a look that said ‘I so wasn’t looking at your arse, *really* I wasn’t!’

A House/Wilson AU: in which House met Wilson earlier; House was at University and Wilson was still in High School.

Wilson was initially rather scared of the bike, but too proud to show this fear in front of House. The sarcastic camaraderie House shared with his grandfather was also bestowed upon him, as was intelligent adult conversation, and praise when Wilson sent a smart quip back to House. Wilson was loath to lose any respect House had for him by showing his fear. However, his face was as easy for House to read as it had been when they first met. He was proud of Wilson for facing - and eventually overcoming, his fears.

For the next two Christmases, House and Wilson performed Christmas carols and songs for the patients, and House gave Wilson a piece of sheet music - a new song for him to teach himself.

Wilson started to fit in a little more. He joined the baseball team and the drama club. House brought his grandfather to his performances when he was well enough to attend (although never on the opening night when Wilson’s parents would be present), and he filmed the shows when James was too sick to go.

Time passed on, and at 20, Greg was graduating from Harvard, at the top of his class, set for Johns Hopkins Medical School. There was no celebration. For Greg, Harvard was merely a means to an end. Aside from his mother, who would always be proud of him, the only people whose opinions mattered were usually found in room 314 of Harvard Med.

The night after his Graduation, he went to visit James, and found both him and Jimmy waiting for him, with a banner and a cake.
The two Wilson’s expressed how proud they were of their friend, and in a rare show of emotion, Gregory House actually blushed at their sincerity.
They ate cake, and reminisced about their time together the last few years, but as visiting hours drew to a close, they faded into silence. They knew that this would probably be the last time they would all sit together in this room, as Greg left the state for pastures new.
So, with a hearty handshake, and address scrawled in House’s chicken-scratch (indecipherable enough to rival the handwriting of any qualified doctor), Greg took leave of his first and only friend, and took the youngest Wilson for his last ride.

As it was their last ride, House decided to throw caution to the wind, and drove Wilson right to the door. Although terrified at what his Father would say if he saw the prodigal son on a motorcycle with another man, Wilson cared more about the fact that his friend was leaving.

“Here ‘ya go kiddo, door-to-door service, seeing as this is our last ride.”

He pulled off his helmet, and passed it to House as he turned his head away, in an attempt to surreptitiously wipe his eyes.

Even in his pre-infarction days, House was far from good with emotions, and just ignored Wilson until he had himself under control. Straightening his shoulders and his resolve, Wilson turned back to House, one hand rooting through his backpack. With a flourish, he produced a perfectly wrapped present, complete with ribbons and bows.

“You didn’t have to do - oh what the heck!” House grabbed the present, and proceeded to stick the bow on Wilson’s forehead before shredding the paper and leaving it to fall to the ground.
Ignoring Wilson - who was stooped at his feet grumbling under his breath as he picked up the mess, House held the gift reverently. He opened the first book in the Sherlock Holmes collection, and read the inscription in Wilson’s flowing script:

For Sherlock,
May the mysteries of Johns Hopkins rival the brain of the mastermind.
Your Watson

As he closed the book, from the back page fell a photograph - taken the Christmas before. Wilson had just turned 16 and Greg was still 19, both were at the piano, side by side.

Greg struggled to swallow the lump in his throat, as he quickly tucked the photo back within the book’s pages, and returned his gaze to the patiently waiting boy beside him. It was in moments like these that House had to remind himself, that however adult and mature he seemed, Wilson was still a boy.

Then, theres a JD/Cox fic, which attempts to get them together from the episode in which Dr Cox's best friend, Ben, dies.

They just sat there for a few minutes in silence, finishing their coffee. As JD carried their empty cups and plates over to the sink, he asked quietly; “Seriously Perry, are you alright?”

Rubbing his hands over his face and leaving them immersed in his curls, Perry took a moment before replying. “I’m starting to sober up, so I’m not gonna feel so good if I’m still awake. But yeah, I will be.”

“So, you go get a shower, and I’ll make your bed up with some fresh sheets.”

As he walked out of the kitchen, Perry couldn’t resist adding; “You’re gonna make someone the swe-eetest lil housewife someday Saskia! Really you are!”

Assured in the fact that Perry couldn’t see him, JD stuck his tongue out at the retreating older man. However, as Perry reached the bathroom door, still with his back to JD, he said; “Put that away unless you’re gonna use it Tabitha.”

That left JD scared of where his thoughts led, concerning himself and Dr Cox.
‘Get your head aWAY from that far-from straight train of thought, and focus on what needs doing Dorian!’
He took a few steps towards Perry’s bedroom, and was suddenly bombarded with more images. With a squeak, he tilted his head and said aloud; “I doubt he can even bend that way.”

Over the faint sound of the shower, Perry bellowed; “Newbie! Stop daydreaming and start cleaning!!!”

Jumping about a foot in the air, JD whispered, “How *does* he do that?” before bracing himself to try the bedroom again.

FINALLY...a Lois & Clark Clark/Jimmy fic, following on from the Al Capone Episode

Jimmy and Perry looked at Lois with concern, as Perry finished with - "But Clark is gone honey."

A familiar voice got that bit louder with each familiar footfall.

"I don't know about that, Chief."

Lois raised her eyebrows at Perry and Jimmy with a beaming smile as Clark - conveniently without his jacket, came to a stop beside her.

"Phew! I gotta start jogging again!"

Perry and Jimmy stood there with their mouths open, eyes moving from Clark to Lois - whose smile just grew, and back to Clark again.

"Clark?" Perry asked in amazement.

Clark raised his eyebrows, and nodded slightly, a familiar smile gracing his face.

However, Jimmy and Perry just continued to stare at him in shock.

//Clark. Is here. Alive. But he's dead. So he couldn't be. I must be dreaming. Might as well make the most of it.//
These were the thoughts that were whizzing through Jimmy's mind from the moment he first saw Clark.

"Must be dreaming," muttered Jimmy, receiving several confused glances from the others, as he gazed at Clark.

"CK," he sighed, and with loving and yet determined glint in his eye, stepped up and kissed Clark deeply.

The moment that their lips meet, Jimmy realised that he was not dreaming.

He pulled away with a gasp, shocked, registering the shocked silence echoing throughout the newsroom and the look on Clark's face.

He tightened his grip on Clark's arm for a moment, reassuring himself that Clark was really there, and then backed off quickly, his adam's apple quivering and his breathing becoming irregular.

"You're real! You're not dead!"

His breath started to come out in short, wheezing gasps, and his face suffused with heat as he continued.

"Shit. You're real. Oh Lord! Shit shit shit!"

He continued to back away, stumbling, gasping for breath as he babbled, stammering.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'm so sorry"

His eyes met Clark's as he reached the door, full of shame.

Gasping out another apology as tears filled his eyes, Jimmy rushed from the newsroom, the door slamming behind him.

I do also have a few fics planned, but not actually started to be written:

Just read ‘Angel’ By WD Hawthorne on SSA.
Gave me an idea.
ER Clex, but it’s a total secret. Clark and Lex have a gesture/phrase to say ‘love you’ in front of people.

Clark as a Doctor - I could see him as a Paediatrician.
Doctor, led me to Hospital, which led me to House MD.
So I House/Wilson the CLex:
Lex - brilliant grumpy diagnostician (chloe, pete and Lois could be the ducklings)
Clark - Head of paediatrics - sends all the otherwise unsolveable kids to Lex.
Admires his brilliance - sees thru his grumpy facade to the brilliant intelligent (secretly nice - he creeps into the kids ward and reads them Warrior Angel) man beneath

See?! FAR too many ideas, no discipline to follow them through!!!

sv, buffy, meme, plotbunnies, slash, clex, wip, fic

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