Jul 08, 2006 12:13
First things first... Wimbledon. I've been watching it pretty closely this year, even getting up early sometimes to watch. I'm happy for Maruesmo, thats just fine for me. She's a great player, and once she gets into the swing of things (pun intended) I like the way she plays. Anyway, more importantly... it's Federer and Nadal. This should be an intense as hell match, and really really good. I am, of course, slightly disappointed though, as I saw this coming from a mile away. I guess a lot of people did. I know it was unlikely but I was half-hoping for someone like Henman to just come out of nowhere and take one of them down. They both deserve it, I know, though. I just wish Blake hadn't crumbled in his last set as he did.. it wasn't quite Richie Tenenbaum, but it was bad.
Also, Gasquet is way hot. Oh, tennis.
Also, the new Justin Timberlake single is terrible.
Also, I forgot that Franz Ferdinand is good. And that I liked the last album.
Also, I get to see my prego sister today. Ack.
Also, Elliott bought us Sufjan tickets this morning, and I for one am stoked.