Jun 25, 2006 15:00
Things I don't like:
1) When people call themselves nerds for enjoying school, or something to that effect. We're in college now, I think its okay to admit that you're interested in what you're learning. "I love math, oh god, I'm SUCH a nerd!!!" No.
2) People who are completely indifferent about politics. To me that translates into you not caring about what's going on in the world around you, and that frustrates me. I know I'm not as on top of things as I'd like to be, but I hate apathy.
3) On the flip side, I hate when self-proclaimed experts on politics really don't know half as much as they think they do. And extremists on either side are never fun. Also, when people who claim to be all about politics do absolutely nothing but talk. Actions speak louder than words, or something like that.
4) Bad spellers.
5) People who are okay with copious amounts of alcohol but judge anyone who's ever smoked a bowl. I'm not a big advocate for pot or anything, but hypocrisies of this kind always bug me.
6) Girls that date my guy friends and try to ruin them.
7) Stingy bitches (aka old roommates).
8) When people don't give authors, musicians, etc, a chance because they're famous or well-liked. It doesn't make sense.
9) People who place too much stock in Pitchfork.
10) When people don't watch any sort of sports game all during the season, but during the playoffs/finals/whatever suddenly become very interested and into it.