Hey guys. Listen, I've been very bored... no video games, and only three channels. And they all suck. So, might as well go with what I've seen other people doing, and do a little question thing. They're pretty open ended, so go with whatever fits.
- Which end of a chocolate cornet do you start from?
- Which side's the head? The fat end or the thin end?
- How do you eat cream puffs?
- What about the ones that have both custard and cream inside? How do you eat those? Do you mix them up?
- When do you eat the strawberry on a strawberry shortcake or the chestnut on top of a Mont Blanc?
- Are you able to eat the last bite of a Popsicle without dropping it? If you aren't careful you drop the last bit, right?
- Then what do you do with curry rice? Do you mix sauce with the rice?
- What about skewered chicken? Do you leave it on the spit? Or do you use chopsticks to take it off?
Just answer on the phone, please. I'm doing this because I'm bored, and it would be annoying to read all those little papers.
[((Edit)) A little bit later...]
I really didn't phrase number 6 well. I blame the boredom. Anyway, what I meant was how do you eat a Popsicle without dropping the last bit?
(( Also known as, "You should have seen this coming." Seriously. It's Konata. ))