Jan 30, 2012 23:27
Hello, and welcome to the Rare Women Ficathon! I'm glad you got matched to one of my fandoms! I don't want to bore you or bog you down with a bunch of rules and restrictions, so I'm just going to start listing a few things:
-Genfic is best, IMHO. Not to say that romance isn't exciting, but it's more satisfying for me to see a character with multiple things going on, multiple viewpoints. It makes the character stronger as a whole, and the story is stronger because of it. The important thing, for me, is that my women kick all kinds of ass. If they do that while wooing the affections of a handsome stranger, all the better. Bonus points for exploring the other kinds of love too; friendly, familial, etc.
-Sexuality isn't a dealbreaker for me, but most other kinds of kinks are. How's that saying go? 'Your kink is not my kink but your kink is okay, but it's still not my kink'? I say this because I, personally, wouldn't get enjoyment out of a fic where Ellen Harvelle realizes that she's attracted to her daughter. Of course, stellar writing can save anything, so if you really feel the need to put it in, treat the issue with the respect and dignity it deserves (whatever it is). :)
Other than that, I think you're good to go. Good luck writing! :)