Oct 14, 2004 16:12
Okay, I was close to being a Mac convert but no more.
I spent almost 2 hours chasing around trying to find a part to connect a Powerbook G4 to a projector (apparently there are at least 4 types of adaptors for different types of Macs). I was originally told it was all set up & I just need to test-run the slides. But when I got to the room, oh look no cords with an unplugged end & the only cords in evidence were for the LAN & power. So I went to our IT dept. & asked for help.
The guy who helped me walked into the room, basically went huh that's weird, and pulled a cord out of a cabinet. Then he promptly left the room & went to a farewell party (with the rest of the IT dept). I quickly discovered there was no way this plug matched anything in the laptop I had (it turns out to be for PCs). I caught Debbie (who works in IT) on her way out - and she told me she only knew there were 4 types - and to ask Chris (the resident Mac person) & said she would tell him when she stopped by the party. So I hung around & restlessly fixed a few things for the meeting & gave up after like 10 min. By then some of the younger tech guys were back, so I tried to ask them, but was again told idunno - ask Chris.
So I finally walked back (did I mention the meeting is in another building?) and asked Chris. He thought he had 3 - but oh wait, none right now & none in the loaner projectors. So I went to the bookstore - where they had plenty of the cord I already had, but were out of stock on the adapter I needed. So more running around to IT dept's in other buildings trying to find the cord - and had the tease of thinking we had one but it turned out to for an ibook when we went to another building to compare.
So finally I deentangled another person's PC laptop to take over (as by then it was <10min until the meeting was scheduled to start) - and the stupid laptop screen wouldn't light up so there was the weirdness of trying to navigate by the projected image from a close angle - but whatever, it's their problem now. yeah, so that's the long, rambling story of my frustration.
And in the continuing saga of it's a small world:
When returning to my office I saw Fred - the guy who taught unicycle & worldball at this camp I went to when I was 7-14. And the weirdest part is he looks _exactly_ the same as he did a decade ago. His hair is still purple, he was riding a unicycle, wearing one green & one purple sock, a hat, and these pants I don't know how to describe.