Grawr fucking tummy pains!

Jun 24, 2008 23:39

I spent most of the day curled up in bed, sleeping away the pain of my recurring epigastric pain. It scares me because of the possibility that it might be a gastric ulcer, and we had a patient who underwent surgery because of an ulcer that perforated his stomach lining. I'd have to get an endoscopy for the doctors to see if its an ulcer, and while I know endoscopies are nothing, I'm too scared to undergo through having a camera inserted through my mouth. Just...:|

I planned on getting the some icons done today, but the pain only went away by 3 PM (after I had to inject myself on my arm with an antispasmodic) so I ended up playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It's a pretty good RPG game, save for the parts where the computer stalls and hangs. Dunno what's wrong with it. Might look for a patch. Very annoying too, because I'd rather keep on playing with it instead of having to restart over and over.

Anyhoo, speaking of RPGs...honest_illusion -- remember that idea you had about having all the Narnian characters in one game despite the obvious difference in timelines? I'll have to catch up on MSN. XD

Right. So, the last entry had me asking for a dress choice from you lot and I was going for the red...not until I found out the theme was 'fairy tale' and the ushers were going to be in colourful, pastel shades. Black seemed to be the way to go to not follow the trend. Nevermind if it was way out of the theme, others came in jeans. XD Anyway, I've two pictures from it (too lazy to upload all the others) plus three more from the Family Day the week before.

Surgery Residents!
[Top: L-R] Dr. Roy Salamat, Dr. Eric Paraiso
[Bottom: L-R] Dr. Robin Barretto (the chief!), Me, Millie, Jonar, Dr. Lissa Henson

[L-R] Jonar, my Mum, Sheila, Me, Ruthie

With the orderlies!
[Top L-R] Jerome, Allan, Gary
[Bottom L-R] Nick, Stephen, Danilo, Me, Millie, Chris
and the stooping is one of the floor nurse supervisors, Ma'am Beth Ereno.

Apparently, it's a solo picture of Jonar, but Millie (rightmost) and I went and squeezed ourselves in anyway. XD

Group picture! The framed certificate/plaque there is our award for being the second placer as Patients' Choice.
[Top L-R] Rox, Des, Danilo, Me, Chris, Millie, Jonar
[Bottom L-R] Len, Me-an, Mae, Joan

Oy, finally, the pictures have finished downloading! I have to be up in 7 hours, then be awake until 7 AM the next day (minus the driving time going back home) and that is just ARGH. Wish me luck on getting sent home after my 2PM to 10PM shift!

But before that, a meme --

1. It begins with a list of all 26 letters of the alphabet.
2. Comment with something for me to talk about that starts with one of those letters. Make me babble about anything -- TV shows, actors, actresses, food, discover what I really think about stuff!
3. One topic per letter -- it's like a claims list! I will cross off letters as topics appear.
4. You can comment multiple times, but only if the letter you chose hasn't already been taken.
5. I will post a new post talking about all topics given to me!

A - Anna Popplewell's fashion style (and liking for red dresses it seems) simply_strange
B - Ben Barnes simply_strange
C - Caspian galenalistova
H - High School Musical honest_illusion
I - I'm a Slytherpuff because... simply_strange
M - Making graphics simply_strange
P - Pevensie honest_illusion
S - Sark scarletumbrella
T - The best movie OST ever is... simply_strange
W - William/Anna simply_strange

When I can be arsed, I shall be sharing the Immediate Music love. Because they made of audio-pretty.

pc-games, feeling 100% is not my current state, friends: work, pictures: workmates

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