So due to some odd brainwave (must be the heat), I stalked Children of Dune over at I read reviews over there and at Amazon, and after going through the IMDB gallery (medium-sized pics, oh where is the hi-res?!) and seeing the wonderful James McAvoy I am just dying to grab a copy of this miniseries and watch it! OMG where oh where can I get this?! Amazon's so expensive at nearly $50 (without shipping too). I want my sci-fi/fantasy James McAvoy fix.
I am off to ramble more later in an edited version of this post after we grab some ice cream. It is so frellin' hot here. =\
ETA: The ice cream was yummy. Now does anyone know where one can download an e-text version of Frank Herbert's Children of Dune series? XD I am absolutely sure the bookstores don't have them. I'll have to ponder about the DVD as well. Hrm.
Ooh, and I just found some lovely LOTR icons! Yesss. Only, uh, 12 more to go.