So. What's been happening?

Apr 03, 2006 16:31

Yaaaawwwn. No, not out of boredom, more like out of exhaustion. I haven't been doing much but playing catch up with sleeping time, trying to get my circadian rhythm not too messed up with all the shifting at the hospital. And to think that I'll be doing this for the rest of my life! That's like saying bye-bye to the 'net. Nooo.

But OMG. The hospital is a prime place to fish for men/boys -- accomplished ones at that. One of the "senior" nurses (and I put that in quotation marks because he's only 24, hah) I worked with for two days is an absolute darling, and not to mention the medical intern I assisted with IV insertions and IV antibiotics. Hahahaha. Hey, I do my work too, but it's easier to do something you don't like when there's good motivation. Hee.

Uh, what happened last week...two of my gay college friends came and slept over for movie night. We watched Transamerica because Dan has been lusting after Kevin Zegers for what seems like eternity, ever since his Airbud days. He was so taken in and affected by the movie in the sense that he felt depressed that Kevin's character (I quote) "just ended up as a porn star with hideous blonde hair." We also saw Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children again, and since we started at 12 MN, we went to asleep after.

Also practicing two songs for the 'commencement exercises' at the end of our skills training. Four of us are doing an acoustic session of Eraserheads' Pare Ko and Ligaya. Hee. 'Cept we haven't practiced much since we're all tired and shit, and I have to figure out how to blend in just listening to the tone and I'm no music/tone expert. Merp. I've been so tired I haven't watched a lot of TV, gone online or read the books I've bought weeks ago. =\

The Chronicles of Narnia DVD will be out here on the 5th! Whee. I heard it's coming out today for some, but I thought it was the fourth? Oh well. The person at the video store said we'll be getting the two-disc edition, and that's the Special Edition DVD and I really hope he was right or I'll, I dunno, throw a tantrum or something. XD

Aww, look -- 10 Things I Hate About You is IMDB's Movie of the Day. It's my all-time favourite teen flick, never fails to make me smile and amuse me greatly. It's Heath Ledger's first "Hollywood" movie, and look how far he has gone after 7 years. Must remember to get my VCD from someone who borrowed it.

Ehhh I'm rambling (although what is new). We'll be going to Ilocos and then Cagayan Valley, my mom and dad's provinces, during the Holy Week and the week after; should be a blast. I haven't visited those places in 10 years, so yeah, good to see what has changed. Dad has been musing about buying a digicam before we leave, maybe he'll get in one of those odd spending sprees he has and get one. Hee. The trip's going to be expensive as it is because we'll just be staying in hotels and such and eating out, so the digicam may not be plausible. Oh well. I'm just happy because the beaches in that area are mighty awesome. XD

HAPPY ICON MAKERS' APPRECIATION DAY to all the icon makers!♥ And an advanced HAPPY BIRTHDAY to bluebear_74! I'd send you David Anders in a box if that was possible. Hehe. ♥♥♥

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