I think I either had too much coffee (unlikely, I only had one mug of it) or I'm slightly hypoglycemic. *grabs a Fudgee Bar*
I'm supposed to have gone out with friends to watch Narnia (again, as I've seen it yesterday) but they hadn't called or sent an SMS. *shrug* And yes, I have seen Narnia in the big screen, but the cinema had some problem with their sound system. The music kept on softening at some periods of the movie, it was terribly distracting. Still, it was wonderful! I wasn't reduced to sobs by the end of it, but I had tears constantly in my eyes. I think it's mostly because of the weight of the thought that 'OMG, I am finally seeing this book that I love so much in the big screen'.
Yes, I did cry at the Stone Table scene. I wonder if there wasn't a book lover who didn't (although hey, there may be a few).
Will be seeing it again with
fierytempest one of these days, yay! :D
Anyway. So since I'll be stuck here all day, I'm going to play with Photoshop. Wallpapers first, before anything else. But I have this Narnia claim over at
icons100 and I need help! I have the themes figured out, but when it comes to the non-themed, I'm blank. So here's where I ask for help.
If you want me to icon a particular image you like, comment here with the image and I'll see what I can do. :D I'm not promising I'll be using it (especially if it's a photo I've already chosen for the themes or of the previous icons found
here) but I would be grateful of the idea. :) Consider this something like a request post, except the icon is definitely not going to personally for you, so if you don't mind that...:D
hogwarts_rising || Not Your Average Sorting Community ||
The term has just started, so go join us in the fun, yes? :D
Ugh, I need a new layout.