{personal} TAIWAN!!! and other chaos.

May 18, 2008 18:39

Guess what you guys???


!personal, :], x__x

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hiddlestan June 1 2008, 19:42:20 UTC
HELLO ( ... )


illusory_ennui June 1 2008, 20:26:26 UTC
LOLOL! Wow that really IS a lot! XD

Ahhh, JJ is amazing. I dunno why there aren't very maay JJ fans on here though :\ Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places?

Added! ♥


illusory_ennui June 1 2008, 20:27:21 UTC
*Many. I can never type that word. I actually got 'just' right though for once.. XD


hiddlestan June 1 2008, 20:31:36 UTC
lol. but i didn't even notice the typo o.o

and yes! there's too many. xD
i wanted to mention something about some of the interests but i know i'll end up typing a whole chunk of crap unintentionally (i'm very long-winded) so yeah. i shall not. lol.



illusory_ennui June 1 2008, 20:40:50 UTC
Ahaha same here. I just ramble on and on.. >__> it never stops.

Thanks for adding me! Though this journal is rather boring, dunno why you'd want to read it haha. It's just basically me whining away about my pathetic life whenever I am not escaping to the utopia that is K-pop/C-pop/J-pop or whatever. XDD


hiddlestan June 1 2008, 20:53:22 UTC
hahaha! yeah. that sucks. it's a bad habit! we must change itttttttttt! *turns evil*

lol, it doesn't hurt to make another new friend. ^^ especially when we have such a large amount of common interests. EVER. it's still so scary. ._.

oh! but just to let you know firsthand, i won't be commenting often cos of school and blogcrews (x:) but i'll definitely read your updates! ^^ although i'll still try my best to comment. x3


illusory_ennui June 1 2008, 21:22:22 UTC
Noooo! I can't shut up! It's so hard! ;__; Hahaha.

Yeah, that list was like.. ALL of the interests I had listed. XDD

Oh, same here~ I don't get on here as often as I used to either. [I used to make the most random posts at like 3am, lolol.] I guess that's a good thing for anyone reading mine? :P


hiddlestan June 1 2008, 21:26:05 UTC

nopeeeee!! not all. it's only like, about 3/4. LOL?

ohh.. lol. my journal is like.. filled with blogcrew claims. yeah. ._. cos i have a personal blog. which i don't even bother to update now, too. heeh X=


illusory_ennui June 1 2008, 22:38:32 UTC
Oh well, it's okay. As long as we don't babble TOO MUCH.. XD

3/4? Good enough. Lolol!

Yay for less f-list spammage? XD

And, -looking at your posts- omg, you have a Gaia account?! o.o


hiddlestan June 2 2008, 11:09:35 UTC
YUP! but i forgot the login details ._.
and i'm pretty much inactive. xD since i registered, i only logged in for less than 10 times. X:

you have one too?! Gaia is so fun! XD


illusory_ennui June 3 2008, 19:45:45 UTC
Yeah Gaia is really fun, but I haven't gotten on AT ALL lately. I've had an account for.. 4 years now I think. :] I used to sign on like.. everyday. XD

I was going to ask for your username, but never mind since you don't use it.. ^^' hahaha.


hiddlestan June 5 2008, 08:28:45 UTC
whoa! after i made that previous comment, i went to hunt for my account details >:D

LOL ^^ i can login now! what's your username? i'll add you instead since i set my profile to be hidden. X=


illusory_ennui June 6 2008, 05:52:31 UTC
Ooo cool! My username on there is xLiFEerasedx. ^^

Btw, I'll be on a computer hiatus starting tomorrow because I'll be leaving for my trip to Taiwan! :D So sorry I won't be able to answer your comments/posts for a while and stuff. :x


hiddlestan June 6 2008, 06:07:42 UTC
ok! i'll add you when i come back.

THIS IS CRAZY! reason: go check my journal for the latest post. xD


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