Happy New Year everyone, and let's get back to the UES to see how everyone's doing, shall we?
It's 2009 in New York, and Gossip Girl is happy, because there's a lot to catch up on. We're also glad, because we missed GG!
We start at the Humphrey loft, with people I don't really care about, except for maybe Jenny. I'm a bit undecided on Jenny. I liked her character before her head started swelling to the size of a zeppelin when someone told her her dresses were pretty. So that she's going back to school is actually something I welcome. However, I wish she wouldn't have put that pink tutu underneath her school skirt and that she TOUCHED UP HER ROOTS!
Blair on the other hand, wants to leave high school Chuck behind and seems to have landed herself an interview with the prestigious Colony Club (who, I'm pretty sure, will be boring as twat).
Blair looks gorgeous as she tells Dorota that everything needs to be PERFECT when the Committee comes over. Well, I'm sure she's never heard that before. *eyeroll* But, luckily, we all love Dorota and so the writers have decided to give her more screentime. Yay!
So Dorota witnesses the return of Charles Bass, hauled out of a limousine in a velvet sweat suit(!) by his uncle. Uncle Jack is not as hot as I had hoped, but at least he looks at Blair eagerly. For now though, I really can think of only one thing: that's why we had those pictures of Ed Westwick wearing that strange outfit and of course we were confused about still finding him sexy as hell. Mystery solved! (The other mystery however, is why Dorota runs off the complete opposite way she and Blair came when the latter yells at her to get back hom to prepare her party.)
At school, Nelly Yuki is glad to see Jenny. I'm glad to see Nelly Yuki and can't wait for the Mean Girls to return. Yay, there they are, looking absolutely stunning. Jenny, in a look-how-much-I've-changed storyline, wants to save Nelly from the Mean Girls.
Look, here's the deal. I'm not too opposed to that storyline, but I'm sad it's Nelly Yuki. I mean, when we met Nelly Yuki, she was the bomb. Seriously. She was the smartest, most ambitious girl and Blair had to try hard to take her down. She was above their level and this... I find it sad, because clearly, she has about three times Is's IQ. Poor girl, you were better off on your own.
Anyway, there's a showdown... at Pinkberry? It's okay, the MG's look pretty. Enough said.
Oh, yes. Dan and Serena get back together again (because three times is a charm?) and Rufus and Lily have a lovechild. Big surprise on both accounts. Surprisingly, I don't care. Blair's spot on: "I'm going to go vomit now." So I'm going to skip all that, 'kay?
Miss Queller catches Chuck smoking pot ("It was hasj, actually.") in the school yard. That's not actually the shocking part. The shocking part is Chuck's wearing a T-SHIRT! Wait, what?! Yes, you got that right, a t-shirt!
Jack tries to come to Chuck's rescue (which Blair had in the bag), Chuck's glad to see him. Well, we won't be surprised if that changes in an episode or two.
My favourite scene of this epsiode is Blair holding court in the court yard. Jenny's wrong, Nelly did not put in a full year of loyal service, but we're willing to let that go, because look at those outfits! I wish I looked like Hazel there, wow. I also wish they gave Hazel more screentime, because she's the most hilarious of the MG's: "God, P. Tone down the crazy."
I love how Blair's considering both sides and I love how it's very muh death or gladioles for Penelope. No definitive answer is given, because Blair realises that she's unhappy because Chuck hasn't said "I love you" back and is basically worthless and she has a new life to arrange.
Penelope almost gets a heart attack out of fear and excitement, while Is appears befuddled. Well, since it's an episode without Nate Archibald (don't let me get started on that one, by the way), I guess someone had to be befuddled.
There's another showdown at Pinkberry and the MG's are like the three Stooges only way prettier and most definitely better dressed:
Seriously, I don't really care what the storyline is, as long as they keep putting on these incredible outfits, I'm perfectly content. Yes, people. I watch for the fashion. Lord knows we don't have to watch for the really interesting storylines anymore. (I'm looking at you, writers!)
In the end, nothing changes but Jenny, apparently, in Eric's words. Speaking of Eric, anyone else really feel for him? I mean, he adores Chuck and must be really hurt by that and now he's reduced to Jenny's gay sidekick? He deserves better.
Blair is worried about Chuck (and rightly so) and tries to get Serena to help her. Blake's acting is as one-dimensional as always, but it's still a touching scene because Leighton Meester rocks it. Poor B.
Blair tries to snap Chuck out of his... haze by showing up at Victrola (where very good music is playing). I love that he bought the place back. That absolutely shows how desperate he feels, doesn't it? It doesn't work, Chuck squashes B.'s heart cruelly once more and we find Blair heartbroken once again at her vanity, crying just before the Colony ladies will arrive. Serena's just in time to catch her recovery, Blair style, where she pretends she's not hurt. (Does anyone else sometimes think that Serena does little else than run from place to place (UES-Brooklyn-UES-Brooklyn)?)
Serena says that she and Blair are all Chuck has and they have to help him. The second part of that is true, but where the hell is Nate?! (Okay, so I did get started on that one.) What is even the purpose of Nate still being on this show if you're not going to give him any genuine character trait or storyline, writers? It's ridiculous! Anyway, Blair pretends she's ready to let him go.
Doesn't Blair look gorgeous in that outfit, by the way?
The Colony Club ladies are like the Mini Gossip Girls from last season; even the colour schemes of their clothes are alike! Blair's too exciting to ever become like them. Blegh! I love how Dorota wants Blair to stick up for her friends, to be who she really is. She tells the Boring Argyles to stick it (judging by the screencaps however, at least the pink one already has) and rushes to Victrola, just in time to try and talk Chuck out of a ledge. Literally.
Jack's there too and the two have time to squabble while Chuck's swaying above them. Uhm, hello?!
The fact that Chuck Bass is Chuck Bass now means nothing anymore, but Blair manages to really talk Chuck of that ledge in a moment that's great not because of Leighton's acting (which, for the first time, I really didn't like in this scene) but because of Chuck's mumbled "I'm sorry" into Blair's neck as she holds him. Okay, so I also watch for these two, because that has to be the most compelling storyline of the show currently, right?
Unfortunately, Chuck has to go home with his uncle, who apparently shares a dark secret with Blair. What could it possibly be? I guess we'll have to watch again next week. [/sarcasm] Don't get me wrong, I love this show. I love the clothes, the witty and snide comments (Blair's, mostly, although Chuck's "Can't keep out the hoi polloi." was hilarious as well), the locations, and okay, Serena's hair, but I'm almost getting bored. Please, writers, get me really hooked again!
The caps are by
luux_lu, but I did the cleaning up and the colouring. Therefore I'd appreciate it if you let me know when you want to take any of the images and credit me for them, I spent a lot of time on this. Thanks in advance.
Enjoy and please leave me a comment to let me know what you thought about things! :)