Chapter 7- Dont you know anything?

Apr 22, 2005 03:04

Adyn stepped into her bathroom and opened her ducky-covered shower curtain. She rubbed her eyes and grabbed the towel from off the rod placing it on the bathroom floor. Reaching in she turned on the hot water and then the cold. She walked over to the mirror taking her hair down and brushed it. Closing the door she slipped out of her night pants and t-shirt then stepped in. Wetting her hair down she put in her V0-5 Coconut shampoo and began to scrub. She stood there letting the water run off her body trying to relax. The past two weeks had been so hectic. She had started a new job at the bistro down the street and she had finals to study for at school. Not to mention she had Hillary which really was a task all its own. Adyn had hardly any time for herself anymore, she valued the times like this that she did have. Adyn reached up running her fingers through her hair helping to get the soap out and down the drain. It seemed that not even five minutes had passed before she heard the doorbell ring. Adyn shook her head she didn’t want to climb out of the shower. She hated that lately people have had bad timing. She contemplated wether or not it was worth getting out of the shower for and decided against it. She figured it was only one of Hillary crack friends anyway, so she ignored it. Adyn continued to wash her hair putting in the conditioner and then grabbing the loofa squeezing bath gel out onto it. She began to scrub her body washing away all the dead skin cells and she heard the doorbell again. This time not once but twice.

*ding dong* She stood there, "Whoever the hell that is can wait, im in the shower" she told herself. She hoped they would just go away and let her enjoy her shower but she doubted this would happen.

The doorbell rang another four times by the time Adyn had become fed up. Whoever was at the door was obviously impatient and wouldnt take the hint that the door wasn’t going to be answered. She turned off the water with soap still on her body and stepped out.

"This best be something important," she thought to herself as she wrapped a bath towel around her hair and another tan colored one around her body. She cautiously opened her white bathroom door and headed out into small hall way.

The doorbell began to ring again this time continuously as if the visitor had permanently glued their finger to the button. This began to annoy Adyn, Hillary was asleep and she wanted it to stay that way so she could clean. This however would wake her up. She quickened pace trying not to slip on the water falling from her body and yelled to hold on. Only this didn’t stop the person. She screamed to herself out of annoyance as she tried to keep the towel wrapped around her body from slipping off.

Reaching the door she lifted the cover to the eye whole and tried to peer out. Whoever it was had their hand covering it so that she wouldnt see. She hated when people did this, and it scared her. She hardly answered the door when this happened. It could be anyone from a murderer to a stalker. It gave her goose bumps. It was too late to now not to answer, she had already yelled and showed she was home. The problem was she was in a towel. How embarrassing is it to open a door in a towel? She didn’t know that she could do it. She decided to walk away but it rang again. Unlocking the deadbolt but leaving the chain on the door Adyn cracked it to see who was standing there.

Peering out she asked, "Who is it? What do you want?"

It was Zac from the coffee house. He was wearing his black leather jacket with a pair of jean carpenter pants, and a green t-shirt that said "Lettuce Entertain You.”

Adyn gasped and quickly shut her door "oh shit!" she said to herself looking down at the towel she had on.

Zac rang the doorbell once more, "What’s going on? Adyn open up! It’s rude to make a guest stand out in the hall after youve made yourself known."

"Stop ringing the bell youll wake up my room mate," She spoke to him quietly and firmly.

"Well open the door and I won’t have to," he laughed.

"That’s not going to happen," Adyn spoke.

"What? Why not? Do you mean to tell me I paid a cab driver 30 dollars to come over here and not see you?" Zac questioned still standing in the hall with his arms folded.

"Just can’t open the door. Good enough reason for me!" Adyn yelled

"Not for me, is it because of that towel you have wrapped around your hair? Don’t think you look good enough to see me right now? Don’t worry. Im sure I’ve seen worse"

"Quite possibly, maybe you should have called first like normal people and you wouldnt be standing in the hall."

" Well maybe if you had given me your number I would have but seeing as how you didn’t I think that would be a problem.", he stated.

Adyn’s stood on her tiptoes and peaked out the eye hole again while holding up her towel. Zac looked nice. He had his hair cut short with a slight spike in the front. It really suited him. She watched him for a few minutes then he spoke again.

" Come on Adyn. Please let me in. If it’s because you don’t have make up its okay. I prefer girls without it anyway." Zac looked up at the eye whole and begain to pout.

"I don’t wear make up. The problem is im a little indisposed right now so I can’t open the door."

"Indisposed? ," Zac asked with a slight chuckle in his voice, " It’s not like I care after all I have seen it before if you remember correctly!"

There it was again, that terrible remark. Adyn rolled her eyes and quickly lifted the chain off the door. She opened it and leaned against the wall.

"You happy now?" she asked Zac with a disgruntled look on her face.

He smiled his gorgeous smile and took one hand out of his pocket pointing at her, “Well yea, and not bad. Exactly how I remember it" He then proceeded to walk past Adyn and into the apartment.

"How are you just going to walk into my apartment?" Adyn exclaimed as she shut the door behind her and followed Zac to the couch.

"No see youve got it all wrong. What’s rude is how you invite me over and then leave me in the hall," he said as he puts his feet up on the table in front of him.

Adyn walked over pushing his feet onto the floor, "This is not a foot rest and I invited you over a week and a half ago. You’re kinda late, aren’t you?"

Zac rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, "Yea,well what can you do right? "

He shook his head as he thought about what a coward he had been trying to come over anyway. He remembered passing by her apartment six times in the past two weeks before he finally got the nerve to knock. To say the least he felt stupid now.

Adyn sat down and picked up the remote completely forgetting about the towel she was in. Pushing on the power button she noticed Zac staring at her out the corner of her eye. "Is something wrong?" she asked.

"No not if you’re comfortable. I mean who am I to question you running around with nothing but a towel on in your apartment." he answered.

Adyn threw the remote down next to her and looked at the towel, "Ha yea, sorry I guess I forgot." She smiled and stood up trying not to let her embarrassment show, " You know you like it anyway"

Zac laughed and she headed to her room. A few moments later she returned to the front room in her favorite pink tank top and jean mini skirt with black heeled boots. She stood in front of the couch and looked at Zac who had his head leaned back on the couch, his eyes closed. She hoped he hadnt fallen asleep.

Walking behind the couch, she took her spot behind him. Reaching down she shook his head and pinched his cheeks. He jolted up right and grabbed them. Adyn laughed and picked up a brush from the table beginning to brush her hair. She pulled the wrap around out of the mouth and pulled her hair into a low pony tail.

Zac sat rubbing his cheeks and Adyn sat down starring at him, "Wow im sorry, I didn’t know that would hurt you so bad"

"No its okay, really, im used to it. When I was younger, it happened all the time. It wears off after awhile, " he leaned back putting his arm across the top of the sofa. "Cute little apartment you got here. Much smaller than mine but I like the feel it has going."

"Thanks I guess." Adyn replied slowly.

The sound of a clank came from the kitchen. Adyn turned around and found Hillary opening a can of Dr.Pepper.

"Could you possibly be any louder?" Hillary asked Adyn putting her hand on the white counter top trying to steady herself.

Adyn turned back around and grabbed the remote from the table trying to ignore her friend. "Sorry" she said quietly.

She was ashamed of Hillary and the way she looked. Her only hope was that she didn’t come in the front room and that Zac didn’t turn around. She felt a cold hand land on her shoulder and she pushed it off. She could tell it was Hillary not because Zacs hands were in front of him but because Hillary smelt. She hadn’t changed her clothes in three days and she probably hadn’t showered. She claimed clean clothes and a shower werent as important as sleep and a life.

Hillary clicked her tongue watching as Adyn flipped televison stations, "So who’s this?" she asked as she pointed at Zac.

"Well if you must know, Hillary this is Zac. Zac this is, " Adyn took a deep breath, " my room mate Hillary"

Hillary extended her arm over Zac shoulder and grabbed his hand shaking it.

Zac pulled back slowly, " Uh nice to meet you, Hillary although I believe we have met before." He looked toward Adyn confused.

Adyn couldnt tell if he was disgusted but she was. Not to mention fairly embarrassed.

"Don’t you have some sleep to catch up on, a shower to take, clothes to change or something," Adyn asked Hillary without turning around. Looking at her made Adyn sick.

" We have company Adyn, stop. I don’t want to be rude and leave when I just met him. He’s so cute by the way, where did you find him?" Hillary asked as she walked around to the front of the couch taking a seat in Adyn’s black leather chair.

"Seeing as you probably don’t remember, like you don’t remember a lot lately, this is Zac from the coffee house about three weeks back, " Adyn spoke to her.

"Oh yea That’s right! The cute lost puppy dog! How’s that hottie you were with that night? He single by any chance?" she asked Zac as she light up a cigarette.

"Uh He’s fine, and yea single but I don’t know whats going on with all that."

Hillary interrupted, "Adyn, give the dude our number. You give my number to him let him know What’s up. Id love to meet him! He had such a nice ass!"

Adyn tried to hide her face. She was turning red from embarrassment and just wanted to die. Hillary couldn’t have possibly made things worse.

Zac just laughed at her, "Yea, he gets that a lot. His names’ Isaac. I'll have him look you up."

He turned and winked at Adyn who didn’t respond.

Adyn shifted in her seat and Zac reached over rubbing her shoulder. He leaned in and whispered, "Lighten up! No need to be embarrassed!"

Adyn rolled her eyes thinking to herself, "If only you knew Zac"

She didn’t understand how he could be so cool about Hillary.

The door bell rang and Adyn felt relived. She stood up to answer it but Hillary stood up with her stopping her in her tracks, " I got it. I know who it is."

Adyn growled, "Well who is it?"

Continuing to make her way to the door Hillary responded, "I invited a few friends over to hang out for a few hours. No one important" Hillary waved her off like it was no big deal.

Adyn fell to the floor instantly. A few friends usually meant 20 to 30. A few hours usually meant for the night. Their apartment had turned into party central. When Hillary invited friends over their apartment would become trashed with paper, beer cans, liquor bottles, condoms, and ash trays. Adyn was usually stuck cleaning it and she had just finished cleaning from the night before. The parties got bad. So bad in fact that neighbors were complaining and Adyn was about to get evicted.

Hillary opened the door and was met by four screaming girls and chattering from the guys behind them. Adyn sat on her floor and watched as Hillary hugged them.They made their way into the apartment with their boxes of beer and bottles of liquor. A few of the guys had bags in their hands. Hillary picked up one of the bags that the guys lay on the counter before instantly raiding the fridge and opened it.

She stuck her hand inside and felt it with two fingers, "Perfect! You guys rock!" she high fived one of the girls.

"That shit's the best!" a girl named Jessie answered.

Zac came up behind Adyn and pulled her to her feet . Adyn threw her hands up in the air not knowing what to do. The girl named Jessie walked up to Zac and shook his hand.

First she stuck her cigarette into mouth and spoke through clenched teeth, "What’s up man? Im Jessie"

" Hey. Nothing too great I suppose. Im Zac by the way, " he reached out and shook her hand. He was then met by a few of the other girls and the four guys they had brought with them. Zac then stuck his hand in his pocket after looking at it.

A guy named Mark grabbed Jessie by the hip and then a bottle of liquor from the counter and made a start for the couch. He put his bottle on the table and pulled Jessie onto his lap and kissed her. She giggled and kissed back, before Adyn knew it they were having a full-blown make out fest on her sofa. Adyn walked by and smacked the guy in the back of the head.

Hillary yelled, " What was that for! You can’t just do that!"

"I can just do that!" Adyn responded, " As much as you would like it to be, this isn’t a place for your friends to come have sex on our couch while you get drunk and fucked up Hillary!"

" She pays the rent here to you know. That means’ she can do whatever she wants, " a girl commented from behind Adyn.

She turned around to look at her but found Zac instead. "Adyn don’t waste your time"

Adyn pushed him to the side and spoke, "No correction now that Hillary has dropped school and quite her job I pay the rent, so stay out of it!"

The girl ignored her and the doorbell rang once more. Hillary ran over to answer it but first grabbed a beer. Five more guys were at the door. Adyn walked up to them pushing Zac to the side.

"Hillary how many more people are showing up?" Adyn asked standing in front of the door.

"I don’t know, 10, 12 maybe?"

"Maybe? You’ve got to be kidding!" Adyn screamed. "Hillary we are so close to getting evicted don’t you see that! We won’t have anywhere to live!"

"Yea so?"

"Yea so? I don’t know what your gonna do when we lose this apartment,” Adyn shook her head trying to hold back tears.

She looked over to Zac who was laughing and mingling with the couple on the couch. He seemed so calm, so collected. Adyn felt angry, confused, worried and fed up all at the same time.She was feeling more emotions than she ever thought were possible to feet at one time. All she wanted to do was crawl into a dark corner and hide for the rest of her life. She wondered how red her face had become or if it was showing yet just how mad she was.

" I for one don’t care if we lose the apartment Adyn. I know where im going if it happens, what about you?" Hillary asked as she jumped onto the counter top opening a bottle of liquor.

Adyn didn’t answer she just looked at Hillary. She noticed how the rings under her eyes had become darker, how the skin on her body had become a ghostly white, and that her clothes were now beginning to hang off her body. She threw her arm to the side and brought one up to wipe the single tear off her face.

"Hillary would you look at you? Look what you are doing, you don’t care do you? Im guessing not, so you know what I don’t either. I give up,” Adyn turned around and walked to her room leaving Zac behind.
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