LOG POST: Mukuro and Tsuna

Sep 01, 2008 23:28

LOG POST: Mukuro and Tsuna

Mukuro raids on Tsuna's parade. In the middle of the night, of course. There is randomness, molestations and cuteness. This log is rated NC-17 for Mukuro's creepiness and extreme gay. Your characters were jealous that they were not there not there and yes, we were really bored so we logged them again. Deal.

Mukuro: *currently hiding out in Tsuna's room, disguised with one of his illusions* *sets down his laptop as he finishes his last comment to Tsuna and then stands up, sneaks over to him* *leans down and whispers into his ear* Well, Tsunayoshi-kun?

Tsuna: [ nearly falls over off of his chair and tries to turn around to yell at him ] M-M-MUKURO, WHAT THE HE--

Mukuro: *clamps a hand over Tsuna's mouth and smiles at him* *whispers* You needn't yell so loud, you know.

Tsuna: Mmph-! [ very angry mumbling here but it isn't having much of an effect, so will be trying to shove Mukuro away and out, though.. probably did not push very far at all ]

Mukuro: *laughs* *definitely didn't get pushed away very far* *leans a little close and whispers again to him* Tell you what, I'll remove my hand if you do not scream at me.

Tsuna: [ getting really uncomfortable from the close whispering so stays quiet and nods ]

Mukuro: Good. *removes his hand* *smiles then adjusts his sitting position in front of Tsuna* *stares at him*

Tsuna: [ looks at his laptop and pretends to be typing something because Mukuro's staring is rather unsettling. after a bit, the staring is frustrating him so, taking a hand and smushing it against Mukuro's face in an attempt to move his eyes AWAY ]

Mukuro: *makes a face, leaning backwards when Tsuna smushes his hand in his face* *grabs Tsuna's wrist and laughs* Are you going to answer my question?

Tsuna: [ looking away from him, tugging his wrist away ] No.

Mukuro: fixates his eyes on Tsuna* *holds onto it tighter* Still going to deny it?

Tsuna: [ still not facing him! ] Y-yes, I'm denying it.

Mukuro: You're stuttering. *smirks* And it's rude to speak to someone without looking at them.

Tsuna: [ not turninggg ] I-I am not! And too bad for you then. [ frown of defiance ohyeah ]

Mukuro: *not letting to!* Am I frustrating you, Tsunayoshi-kun?

Tsuna: Yes, y-you are! L-let go of me! [ attempts to pull away again ]

Mukuro: Hm. *lets go of his wrist* *stands up and then sits down on Tsuna's bed*

Tsuna: [ proceeds to ignore him, but not before tossing a pillow in his general direction as a message of "GET OUT OF MY ROOM" ]

Mukuro: *catches the pillow* *laughs* *is SO not leaving* *throws it back at Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ catches it and throws it back at him, gdmit! ]

Mukuro: *of course, he catches it and then throws it right back at Tsuna, a little harder this time*

Tsuna: [ catches it, but not without almost falling off, and just keeps it now, burying half his face in the pillow ]

Mukuro: *smiles in amusement* *rests his chin in his hand, elbow on his leg, staring at Tsuna thoughtfully*

Tsuna: [ ... ignoring the staring ]

Mukuro: *keeps staring!*

Tsuna: [ have another hand to your face, Mukuro! ]

Mukuro: *grabs his wrists again, frowning just a little* Do you have a problem with my face?

Tsuna: [ ... should've seen that coming. tugging again. ] Y-yes, if it's staring at me!

Mukuro: *tightens his grip* Perhaps you should close your eyes then. *smirk*

Tsuna: I-I'm not going to close my eyes! Can't you just not stare?!

Mukuro: *plucks the pillow out of Tsuna's grasp* Kufufu~ *will do what he pleases, thank you*

Tsuna: Ah-- [ liked that pillow, darn. pulls his legs up onto the chair and rests on his knees instead, frowning ] ... why are you in my room?

Mukuro: *will give it back if Tsuna plays nicely--maybe* *sits back just slightly, still holding onto his wrist* I was bored of my own room.

Tsuna: [ still trying to pull his hand away ] C-couldn't you have just found something else to do?

Mukuro: I could have, certainly, but I didn't want to do something else. *small smile*

Tsuna: [ uses his free hand to try to pry his hand out ] Th-there's lots of other things to do on this ship!

Mukuro: Like? *definitely not letting go*

Tsuna: [ trying to pull Mukuro's hand off of his own now ] I-I don't know, sleeping?!

Mukuro: Kufufu~ Why sleep when there's so much you can do at night? *holds onto his wrist tighter*

Tsuna: N-night is for sleep! You should sleep!

Mukuro: Why aren't you sleeping? *leans a little closer*

Tsuna: I-I just cleaned up the kitchen... I'm not that sleepy.

Mukuro: *nods* Hm, interesting. *still looking at him, his eyes a little less harsh now*

Tsuna: [ frowns and moves a little bit on his chair, looking at something other than Mukuro ]

Mukuro: *cranes his neck to see what he's looking at* *blinks* Tsunayoshi-kun?

Tsuna: Wh-what? [ was not looking at anything in particular, just didn't want to look at Mukuro~ ]

Mukuro: *lets go of his wrist and rests his hands in his lap*

Tsuna:: [ quickly pulls his hand back and gives him a furtive glance ]

Mukuro: *sits up a little, looking up at him* *small smile* Are you going to try cooking again?
tsuna life: [ shakes his head ] I-it's too late for that now.

Mukuro: I meant a bit later, but yes, I suppose you're right. *although, he made cookies with Dino and Nami at about 4am, so...*

Tsuna: I think I'd fall asleep while trying to cook at this time, so.. not a very good idea.

Mukuro: Hm, I agree. *laughs quietly* *glances at Tsuna's wrist* May I see your wrist?

Tsuna: [ quirks an eyebrow ] .. what for?

Mukuro: I want to do something. *it's nothing bad, though*

Tsuna: [ hesitant about it, so just frowns at him ]

Mukuro: *looks at him, smiling calmly*

Tsuna: ... f-fine. [ holds out his hand ]

Mukuro: *gently takes it, sits up a bit and kisses it lightly*

Tsuna: [ feels his cheeks redden immediately ] Wh-what are you doing, Mukuro?!

Mukuro: *flickers his eyes up at him, a small smirk gracing his lips* Kissing your wrist. *kisses it again*

Tsuna: [ blush deepens and tries to pull away ] I-I know that, wh-what for?!

Mukuro: Kufufu~ *kisses one of the reddened marks* Do you need a reason?

Tsuna: Y-yes! [ pulling his hand away ]

Mukuro: *lets him pull it away* *sits back a bit, staring up at him*

Tsuna: [ ... takes the pillow from Mukuro and buries his face into it so he doesn't have to deal with Mukuro's staring ]

Mukuro: *laughs when Tsuna takes the pillow back and buries his face in it* Hiding from me? *still looking at him*

Tsuna: [ muffled~ ] N-no.

Mukuro: I think you are. *leans a bit closer because Tsuna's voice is muffled*

Tsuna: [ shakes his head into the pillow ]

Mukuro: *sits up and tugs the pillow away from him*

Tsuna: Ah! [ didn't expect that and just blinks at Mukuro, pouting ]

Mukuro: *tosses the pillow aside and looks thoughtfully, honestly at him* You look incredibly unbecoming when you pout.

Tsuna: S-so? [ rests his head on his knees instead, looking away from him ]

Mukuro: *shrugs a little* I'm just saying. *still looking at him*

Tsuna: [ huff ] I'm only pouting because of you anyway.

Mukuro: Pouting makes you look weak. *raises an eyebrow*

Tsuna: [ makes an unpleasant sound at that ] Wh-why do you care?

Mukuro: *thinks about this one because hey, he's heard it before!* It's not that I care as it's more that I'm intrigued. *scoots a bit closer to Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ looks back at Mukuro and frowns at him ] Intrigued by what? There's nothing intriguing about it!

Mukuro: *gives him a "like I'd tell you that" look* *chuckles a little*

Tsuna: [ hates that look, lets out a frustrating sigh ]

Mukuro: *knows he hates it, that's why he uses it* *small smirk* Tsunayoshi-kun... *moves even closer, kinda in his face now* *eyelash flutter (hurr hurr)*

Tsuna: [ leans back and has a horrified face on from the eyelash fluttering ] Urk-!

Mukuro: *laughs a little* *gently takes Tsuna's chin under three of his fingers, lifting it up a bit* You have so much to hide. *hiss/whisper* *kisses him firmly on the lips*

Tsuna: Mpfh--! [ REALLY did not expect that and lets out a gasp against Mukuro's lips, frozen in shock ]

Mukuro: *kisses him for a pretty long time actually, keeping the kiss simple, but firm, slow almost, too* *pulls away and looks at Tsuna, a small smirk gracing his lips*

Tsuna: [ stares back for a moment before turning completely red and clapping a hand over his mouth ] Wh-what was that for?!

Mukuro: *licks his lips* So many questions, Tsunayoshi-kun. Kufufu~

Tsuna: A-and you never answer any of them! [ turns away from him, frustrated, cheeks flushed ]

Mukuro: *getting tired of kneeling so he stands up* *sighs, leaning down slightly* *puts his hands on Tsuna's shoulders and physically turns him to face him* Why do you need answers, though?

Tsuna: [ shrinks back a bit ] B-b-because... you're confusing.. and I never know why you do the things you do.

Mukuro: *moves closer* And you wish for things to be predictable?

Tsuna: N-not always-- [ gulps ] J-just...

Mukuro: Just what? *is about three inches from Tsuna's face*

Tsuna: [ looks into his eyes nervously ] I-I'd just like to know what you're th-thinking sometimes!

Mukuro: *looks back into Tsuna's eyes calmly as if not to be overwhelming* Honestly?

Tsuna: Y-yes..?
dynastic paradox: *small smile* *leans in and kisses him again, only a little harder*

Tsuna: [ tenses up and eyes widen, lightly grasping at Mukuro's shirt ]

Mukuro: *gripping gently onto Tsuna's shoulders* *pulls away from his lips just a little, grinning* Do you understand now? *whispers*

Tsuna: [ squeezes his eyes shut and frowns, shaking his head a bit ] N-no. Th-th-that didn't help at all!

Mukuro: You're stuttering again. I didn't ask if it helped you, I asked if you understood. *rests one hand on Tsuna's neck and the other on his shoulder*

Tsuna: [ opens his eyes and looks up at Mukuro ] Wh-what was I supposed to understand..?

Mukuro: *looks down at Tsuna* *shakes his head slightly* *says nothing, just stares at him*

Tsuna: [ turns his head to the side and looks slightly disheartened ] N-no answer again..

Mukuro: *is not about to answer that question himself, you know* *sighs a little* *loosens his grip on Tsuna, still staring at him, silent** Do you like kissing, Tsunayoshi-kun?

Tsuna: No. [ quick and to the point! ]

Mukuro: *can't help but laugh just a little* Is it because you don't know how to kiss?

Tsuna: Erk. [ blushes and doesn't answer him ]

Mukuro: *raises an eyebrow* That's it, isn't it? Kufufu~ *small smirk*

Tsuna: [ lightly trying to shove him away, looking down to hide his embarrassment ] N-not that at all!

Mukuro: *doesn't move away* I'm going to disagree here. Why is that something to be ashamed of, though?

Tsuna: B-because. [ bites down on his lip ]

Mukuro: Because what? *leans a little closer*

Tsuna: B-because you know how and y-you're not that much older than me..!

Mukuro: *stares at him then laughs* Is that the problem then? *sorely amused*

Tsuna: [ trying to shrink back, so incredibly embarrassed ] D-don't laugh!

Mukuro: You're foolishly cute. *smirks* *moves a hand to Tsuna's cheek and strokes his cheek*

Tsuna:: [ shies away from his touch, flushed ] I-I am not! Y-y-you don't call guys cute!

Mukuro: Well, you're not exactly being very manly right now. Kufufu~ *rests his hand on Tsuna's knee* Stand up, Tsunayoshi-kun.

Tsuna: [ frowns at that comment, slightly peeved and stands up relucantly ]

Mukuro: *rests his hands on Tsuna's shoulders* Much better. It's easier to talk to you like this. *smiles softly*

Tsuna: [ still looking down, trying to ignore how Mukuro towers over him ]

Mukuro: *well, he can't help it that he's tall* *lifts up Tsuna's chin with his fingers again, making sure he looks up at him* Tsunayoshi-kun, do you want to know a secret?

Tsuna: [ looking into his eyes, uncomfortable because he had been trying to avoid his gaze ] Wh-what is it..?

Mukuro: *laughs a little and leans close to his ear before whispering* Kissing is very easy. *smirk*

Tsuna: [ shudders a bit from the whispering ] S-says you.. [ glances over at him, blushing ]

Mukuro: *glances back at him* *laughs a little* Oh? I'm sure there are others who would agree with me. *strokes his cheek again* Kissing is just kissing no matter how you look at it, after all.

Tsuna: I-I guess... [ closes his eyes ] I.. just didn't expect to be kissing the people I've kissed so far..

Mukuro: Well, kisses shouldn't be predictable. They're supposed to be unexpected and fun. *slides his hand down to Tsuna's neck* *kisses Tsuna's ear a little* And they make you feel good, too. *or they're supposed to anyway*

Tsuna: T-too many of them have been t-too unexpected..! [ eyes flutter open from the kiss and inches up against him, surprised ] A-and none of them have made me feel good-- [ expect for one! ]

Mukuro: Kufufu~ *slides a hand around the small of Tsuna's back and kisses his ear again* Why would you want a kiss to be expected, though? *whispers* *oho, what was the only feel-good kiss then?*

Tsuna: [ almost squeaks from the second kiss and squirms against his touch ] I-it would be nice if there was some warning..! [ not with you, so sorry~ ]

Mukuro: I don't inform people when I'm going to kiss them. That's not fun at all~ *laughs a little* *kisses his cheek now*

Tsuna: [ closes one eye out of annoyance and tilts his head away from Mukuro ] M-m-maybe you should try it sometime--!

Mukuro: *pulls away and looks at him* With you? Never. *smirk*

Tsuna: [ lets out a sigh and mumbles to himself ] That was worth a shot..

Mukuro: *laughs a little* *pulls him a little closer*

Tsuna: [ stares up at him, blushing, hands awkwardly resting on Mukuro's chest as if trying to keep some semblance of distance between them, however little that may be right now ]

Mukuro: *does not want to admit how much he likes Tsuna's hands on his chest, regardless of how awkward and how he's probably trying to keep distance between them* *looks back at him* Tsunayoshi-kun? *softly*

Tsuna: [ cheeks flush at his name; he doesn't think he'll ever get used to the way Mukuro says it ] Y-yes..?

Mukuro: *smiles* *moves his other free hand to Tsuna's neck, stroking the skin there a little* *looks thoughtful*

Tsuna: [ hangs his head, lightly resting against him, slightly embarrassed ] M-Mukuro.. [ hands ball up, gently clutching at his shirt ] Wh-why are you doing all this..?

Mukuro: *looks down at him* *blinks* *might be stroking his back* If I told you that, I certainly wouldn't have gotten this far. *small smirk*

Tsuna: [ tenses up, looking back up at him ] Th-then what exactly are you doing--?

Mukuro: Holding you? *raises an eyebrow* *feels him tense up*

Tsuna: W-why? [ bites his lip for second before continuing, eyebrows furrowed ] C-coming into my room in the middle of the night and k-kissing me and everything..

Mukuro: *looks into his eyes* Would you prefer I did this during the day then? *tiny smirk*

Tsuna: N-no, definitely not during the day-! [ would die if he ever did that ]

Mukuro: *laughs* *probably wouldn't do it during the day anyway since he's usually sleeping* Good~ I'm more of a night person anyway.

Tsuna: G-good. [ tiny sigh of relief ] A-are you going to let go of me anytime soon? [ hopeful ]

Mukuro: *looks down at him and smirks* Let go? I don't think so. Unless you'd rather move somewhere else? Kufufu~

Tsuna: Like to where--? [ frowns ] D-don't you have to sleep? You.. you can't hold onto me forever.

Mukuro: Well yes, I have to sleep eventually. And of course, I can't hold you forever. *laughs* We don't have to continue to stand up, I suppose. We could lay down instead.

Tsuna: [ immediately takes a step back, hands in front of his face ] Um, l-let's not..!

Mukuro: *pulls his hands away from his face* And you have a better suggestion?
tsuna life: [ still backing away a bit ] N-no, b-but how do I know you're not going to do something weird..!

Mukuro: What do you mean by 'weird'? *moves after him*

Tsuna: [ backing as far away from the bed as possible ] W-weird like.. a-anything-- everything you do!

Mukuro: *follows after him, probably backing Tsuna towards the wall now* Everything I do, hm? So, even when I take a shower, that's weird? Or when I'm eating, that's weird as well? I fail to see how everything I do is weird, Tsunayoshi-kun. *amused*

Tsuna: [ can feel the wall against his back and mentally facepalms, not really liking the situation here, hands still in Mukuro's ] Y-you're just weird.

Mukuro: *laughs a little* *moves even closer to Tsuna, not letting go of his hands* *shrugs* I suppose I am weird.

Tsuna: [ shifts a bit to the side, trying to avoid him ] W-weirdest person I know.

Mukuro: *kinda blocks him from moving anywhere* Hm, is that so? I feel so honored.

Tsuna: [ looks at him, frustrated ] Th-that's not something to be proud of!

Mukuro: *leans closer to him, tightening his grip on Tsuna's hands* Kufufu~

Tsuna: [ squeezes his eyes shut so he can't see how close Mukuro is to him ]

Mukuro: Why are you closing your eyes?

Tsuna: B-because I don't want to see you. [ refrains from saying anything about how close they are again ]

Mukuro: Hm. *looks at him curiously, not really offended or anything* *is fully aware of what he's doing* Pretending I'm not there then? *small laugh* *moves closer and kisses Tsuna's ear*

Tsuna: Y-yes, but-- [ gasps slightly at that ] Y-you're making it hard.

Mukuro: If I'm making it hard then I know I'm doing it right. *nips a little at Tsuna's earlobe*

Tsuna: Ah-! [ inches up against the wall, heart beating faster ]

Mukuro: *moves closer, his body barely brushing Tsuna's*

Tsuna: [ trying to squirm out of his hold, cheeks turning red ]

Mukuro: Stay still. *whispers* *or he'll make him stay still* *kisses Tsuna's ear again*

Tsuna: Wh-why should I--?

Mukuro: Because I'll make you stay still if you don't. *smirk* *pulls away and looks at him*

Tsuna: H-hiii.. [ eyes still closed, can't bear to look at him now ]

Mukuro: *won't make him open his eyes, but he's not going to move anytime soon* Are you tired, Tsunayoshi-kun?

Tsuna: N-not if you're going to make me go into a bed with you..!

Mukuro: *laughs* I can understand if you want to sleep alone. I sleep alone most nights, too.

Tsuna: [ opens one eye and looks at him curiously ] -- most?

Mukuro: Ah-- *blinks then nods* Most nights, yes.

Tsuna: [ hesitantly ] ... y-you're with Dino-san, aren't you?

Mukuro: *his smile fades for a moment and he stares at Tsuna* *for a moment, he feels completely uncertain and sorta speechless* *hasn't had anyone thus far ask him that* *looks away for a second, regaining his composure then looks back at Tsuna* I'm not sleeping with him if that's what you're asking.

Tsuna: [ eyes widen in surprise and he blushes, shaking his head ] N-no, th-that's not what I asked at all-! I-I meant - are you two.. together?

Mukuro: Kufufu~ Oh, sure it wasn't. *slightly amused* *still doesn't like this question, though* What gives you the impression that we're together?

Tsuna: J-just the way you two act around each other and you sleep in his bed..? Th-that's what my intuition tells me..

Mukuro: *sighs inwardly* I will not deny that I have slept and still do sleep in his bed. *or well, they sleep in each other's beds and not solely Dino's bed*

Tsuna: Th-then.. aren't you two a couple?
dynastic paradox: *shakes his head* No, we are not a... couple. *says 'couple' like it's shit or something*

Tsuna: [ frowns ] I-I was so sure though..

Mukuro: It's not a big deal, really. *forces a smile* Can we drop this, though? I'm not here to talk about Cavallone and sleeping in his bed.

Tsuna: [ nods weakly, getting the feeling he's wandered into territory he shouldn't have been curious about ] S-sorry..

Mukuro: *really, really does not appreciate having this brought up* *trying to look like it doesn't bother him, though* Hm, it's quite alright. What were you saying before about being tired?

Tsuna: Ah-- um, I-I don't remember.. [ thoughts were completely derailed once he brought up Dino ]

Mukuro: How can you not remember? We just had this conversation. *slightly amused* Are you tired or not?

Tsuna: [ looks up at him ] A-a little, maybe.

Mukuro: I see. *small smile*

Tsuna: Aren't you tired?

Mukuro: *shrugs* A little, yes. *leans a little closer to Tsuna* That both makes us tired, hm.

Tsuna: R-right. [ straightens himself, looking off to the side, trying to ignore their proximity ]

Mukuro: Perhaps we should sleep. *quietly* *looking at him*

Tsuna: A-are you going back to your room then..?

Mukuro: I could, but I was planning on sleeping here tonight. *small smirk*

Tsuna: You what. [ stares at him ]

Mukuro: I said I was planning on sleeping here tonight. *stares back at him*

Tsuna: Wh-why--?!

Mukuro: Because I felt like it.

Tsuna: I-I don't want to sleep in the same room as you..!

Mukuro: Afraid something will happen, hm? Kufufu~ *shakes his head a little*

Tsuna: E-exactly that!

Mukuro: Nothing will happen, I assure you. *is too tired to do anything else, really* I have no reason to do anything while you're sleeping. Sleep is a very innocent thing, after all.

Tsuna: [ looks at him, frowning with disbelief ] Wh-why should I believe you..?

Mukuro: Because you have no choice. *isn't leaving, kthx*

Tsuna: [ sighs and hangs his head ] F-fine.

Mukuro: So, may I please stay?

Tsuna: J-just for tonight!

Mukuro: Just for tonight. *smirks* Alright.

Tsuna: [ pouts, a little upset he couldn't argue his way out of this ] -- are you going to let me go now then?

Mukuro: Ah, I should probably do that. *laughs a little and lets go of him* *steps back*

Tsuna: [ so glad he's finally free now, rubbing lightly at his wrists ]

Mukuro: *sits down on Tsuna's bed, watching him idly* *sighs and kicks off his socks*

Tsuna: [ goes to the other side of the bed, trying to get as far from Mukuro as he can in a tiny space like that, and slips underneath the covers ]

Mukuro: *smiles to himself, not looking at Tsuna for once* *stretches a little and then crawls under the covers, too* *turns off the light* *lays on his side and faces Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ blushes when he realizes he'd be facing Mukuro, rolls over so he can stare at a wall instead ]

Mukuro: Hm. Goodnight, Tsunayoshi-kun. *whispers*

Tsuna: N-night. [ tries his best to go to sleep now;; ]

Mukuro: *closes his eyes and inches a little closer to Tsuna* *used to body warmth when he sleeps with someone else :|*

Tsuna: [ can feel Mukuro moving closer and mentally groans because he's already close to the edge and if he tries to move away anymore, he'd fall off ]

Mukuro: *would probably laugh if he actually fell off the bed* *but, he's tired and he doesn't move any closer and if Tsuna doesn't want to snuggle then he'll just deal* *falls asleep rather quickly*

Tsuna: [ finding it rather difficult to sleep with Mukuro of all people in his bed, rolling around to look at him after he's fallen asleep ] Mpf. [ sighs, brushing a few stray locks of hair away before pressing a soft kiss to his forehead ] S-sleep well, Mukuro. [ drifts off to sleep as well~ ]

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