LOG POST: Mukuro and Dino

Aug 05, 2008 07:48

LOG POST: Mukuro and Dino

Another log post! This one has chocolate, some awful cuteness, then some awkward stuff, some more cuteness, and then SOME SEXY TIMES. Followed by Dino's fail. This log was brought to you by lack of sleep.

Mukuro: *wanders down to the kitchen because he's starving and it's almost 4am again, but who cares?* *starts raiding the fridge for something tasty and preferably chocolate* *hums a little*

Dino: *was looking for the bathroom to wash his face* *ends up in the kitchen because he STILL hasn't worked out the layout of the ship, blast!* Oh!

Mukuro: *unfortunately, there is no chocolate, so he makes himself a sandwich* *hears an 'oh' and he glances over his shoulder* *raises an eyebrow* Oh?

Dino: *grins bashfully* Hello! *peers around him at the sandwich* Oh, food!

Mukuro: I was talking to you online, and you come to find me anyway~. *sighs and grabs a bag of chips to go with it*

Dino: I didn't mean to! *watching Mukuro's hands with the food, but possibly mostly his hands maybe* I was...trying to get to the bathroom.

Mukuro: *isn't wearing his gloves because uh, it's weird to wear gloves when you're making food* *sits down at the counter with his sandwich and chips* ... You still haven't found the bathroom? *snorts*

Dino: Only on accident! *winks and falls into the chair across from him* It keeps moving. I was just going to wash my face before bed and all. Since I knew where it was a few hours ago when I was looking for, well. The kitchen, actually.

Mukuro: *takes a bite into one of his sandwich halves, rolling his eyes a little* Bathrooms don't move, Cavallone~. Although, I think your brain does. Did you misplace it again?

Dino: Possibly. I think it just sank somewhere near my stomach, so it didn't wander too far. *eyes the food...and Mukuro's hands...again* That looks good.

Mukuro: You're not having my sandwich. *firmly, narrowing his eyes at him*

Dino: *stomach grumbles loudly* *makes puppy eyes?*

Mukuro: Make your own. *eats a chip*

Dino: *leans towards the food* *snags a chip* Why, when I can steal yours?

Dino: *crunch*

Mukuro: *slaps Dino's hand* I didn't make it for you!

Dino: But I wouldn't be hungry if you hadn't made it! *leans forward some more* Plus, eating that much late at night will make you fat, my mother always said.

Mukuro: *glares at him and then moves the plate away* I'm rarely ever hungry at this time of night, and you had to bother me when I am.

Dino: I'm just looking out for your own good! *tries to follow the plate*

Dino: *falls on his face*

Mukuro: *looks at him and then laughs* Looking out for me by eating my food~? *shakes his head* How pathetic.

Dino: *gets up and flops back into the chair, snagging another chip as he does so* Keeping you from getting fat? It sounded better in my head, possibly.

Mukuro: I'm not going to get fat. How dare you even say that to me! *scoots over with his plate and takes another bite of his sandwich*

Dino: Yes, because I was going to take all the...fatness on myself! *has no idea what he's saying, clearly*

Mukuro: *raises an eyebrow* What are you talking about?

Dino: Uhhh. *blinks* Why you should share your food.

Mukuro: *eats a chips, thinking* I'm not sharing my food.

Dino: I noticed. *rubs head where he fell before* *sighs* Fiiine. *digs around in a random drawer and comes up with, lo and behold, a bit of CHOCOLATE*

Mukuro: *finishes half of his sandwich and then glances over in Dino's direction* ... *sees that luscious looking chocolate in Dino's hand and suddenly that sandwich is just not looking tasty at all* *swallows and looks away, eating another chip to look like he's not like OMG CHOCOLATE DO WANT right now*

Dino: *nibbles happily on his chocolate while returning to the table* *falls into his chair again* *licks a bit of chocolate off his lip*

Mukuro: *squirms a bit in his seat, glancing over at Dino for a moment* ...

Dino: *takes another bite, totally does not care about the sandwich now* See, I got my own food!

Mukuro: *wonders what it would take to get that chocolate from him* ... I noticed~. *looks back down at the sandwich*

Dino: *licks melted chocolate off his fingertips* *oblivious, mostly*

Mukuro: *takes a sip from his glass of milk, thinking* *eying Dino's fingertips*

Dino: *slowly takes another bite* *lifts an eyebrow at Mukuro*

Mukuro: *puts down his glass of milk and pushes his plate aside* Cavallone.

Dino: Yes? *swallows* Can I have some of that milk, at least? It's not food, technically..

Mukuro: *smirks just a little* If you share some of that chocolate then yes, you can~.

Dino: *looks down at the chocolate* *looks at the milk* *looks at Mukuro's face* *pauses* *grins brightly and gets up to get his own, taking the chocolate with him*

Mukuro: *stares at him, his smirk fading rather quickly* ... *really, really hopes he trips on his way back to his seat now* *glares*

Dino: *caaaarefully sits back down with his only-slightly spilled glass of milk and takes a long drink*

Mukuro: Kufufu~. Going to be like that, hm? *watching him*

Dino: Yep! You wouldn't share either. *takes a sinfully small nibble of chocolate into his mouth and lets it melt*

Mukuro: Obviously you failed preschool~. *going to get his hands on that chocolate if it means doing something horrible to get it*

Dino: Well then, I suppose you did too, didn't you? Take you a few years to get out of primary, did it? *grins and licks his lips before repeating the process*

Mukuro: *glares at him for a moment then smirks before leaning across the table and kissing him in an attempts to taste that chocolate*

Dino: Mmphgh! *grins and swallows the chocolate* *presses a quick kiss before he pulls away to eat more*

Mukuro: *only tasted it a little bit* *licks his lips when Dino's pulls away* *watches him*

Dino: *washes that last bit down with some milk* Want it that badly, mm? *pleased*

Mukuro: *makes a face, feeling annoyed* *stares at him, refusing to answer*

Dino: *pops a bigger piece into his mouth and holds it between his teeth, a la that DinoHiba art*

Mukuro: I feel like I'm in a romantic comedy movie~. *staring at him, deadpan*

Dino: *grins and shrugs, still holding it between his teeth, licking the other end as it melts*

Mukuro: *sighs a little then leans forward, grabbing onto the piece of chocolate with his teeth, brushing his lips a little with Dino's*

Dino: *grabs the back of Mukuro's neck and tugs him closer, swiping his tongue into Mukuro's mouth to deposit the rest of the chocolate there before pulling away*

Mukuro: *feels something sweet and delicious go into his mouth along with a tug of his neck, and he swallows the chocolate without thinking much about it* ... *pulls away, staring at Dino, totally feeling like they need to do that again* *licks his lips thoughtfully, his eyes raking Dino over now*

Dino: *grins and leans onto the table, propping his chin in his hand* Good, isn't it?

Mukuro: *smirk, nodding a little* It's Belgian chocolate~. *can tell from the taste*

Dino: Well spotted! *pops another piece into his mouth, letting it roll on his tongue* Mmm...

Mukuro: Kufufu~. I have a flair for chocolate, let's put it that way~. *watching him, totally wanting another piece now*

Dino: I see that! *still has chocolate on his tongue*

Mukuro: *leans over and licks a little chocolate off Dino's lip*

Dino: *grins and pulls back and licks a chocolatey line on Mukuro's cheek*

Mukuro: *blinks, thinking to wipe it off his cheek (just washed his face too!)* Lick that off.

Dino: *sucks the last of the chocolate off his own tongue before drinking the last of his milk* If you insist!

Mukuro: *brushes a piece of hair out of eyes, looking at Dino, smirking a little*

Dino: ..I take it you do, then. *turns Mukuro's face with his thumb before licking up the chocolate in a warm, damp path* *ends with a kiss on his nose*

Mukuro: It's too fun not to insist continuation~. *laughs, his cheeks turning a little pink now* *smiles, tilting his head slightly*

Dino: Oh? *grins brightly* You enjoy me licking you?

Mukuro: *raises an eyebrow* What if I did~? *leans on the table, propping his chin in his hand, his eyes focused on Dino*

Dino: *aises an eyebrow in mirror image* Then that's another thing I'll have to remember.

Mukuro: *still feels like they're in a romantic comedy movie* You may as well start making a list~.

Dino: *dude, they totally could be- villian falls for clumsy idiot? totally.* I should! it would make an interesting LJ post. *winks*

Mukuro: *oh yes, totally* Make an LJ post about it, and it'll be incentive for me to kill you~. *smirks slowly*

Dino: But would you, actually? *sorely tempted*

Mukuro: I haven't killed anybody in awhile, you'd be a wonderful target~. *except he wouldn't have anyone to make out with and this lovely meetings in the middle of the night would be no more*

Dino: Maybe you should give me a reason not to post, then! *wouldn't like these meetings in the night to be ended. or to be dead*

Mukuro: I suppose I will have to, won't I~?

Dino: You might just. *beams and goes for more chocolate only to find ONE PIECE left* *one piece, lololol* I hope you have some ideas, because I'm running out of chocolate.

Mukuro: Oh, I always have ideas, Cavallone~. *stares at the ONE PIECE of chocolate left then glances up at Dino* I sincerely hope you're going to share that~.

Dino: Hmm. *picks it up, looking at it* *grins and presses it to Mukuro's lips*

Mukuro: *opens his mouth a bit, taking the chocolate between his teeth*

Dino: *grin softens to a smile as he moves his hand to cup Mukuro's cheek* Now I can only hope you'll share!

Mukuro: *leans a bit closer, looking at him* *tempted to just eat it...*

Dino: *waits with a quirk of a smile*

Mukuro: *was going to share with him, but...* *smirks a bit and then tips his head back slightly, letting the chocolate slide into his mouth, savoring it as it melts*

Dino: *pouts a bit* Guess I have an LJ post to make, then! *starts to stand*

Mukuro: *grabs Dino's arm, attempting to stop him* I don't think so, Dino.

Dino: *stops and falls of his ass* *peers up at him* Oh?

Mukuro: *kneels down beside him* First of all, it's the middle of the night, and nobody else will be up to read it~. Second of all, you're not posting my secrets~. *leans closer to him* And lastly... *smirks at him* ...I'm ready to ask you that question from before that you promised me~.

Dino: *blinks* They'd see it tomorrow...What was the question? *isn't moving, for the time being, kthx*

Mukuro: *actually, he has more than one question to ask Dino, but he's going to save the other ones for a later date* *hesitates for a moment* I want to know if you and I could... *thinking of how to phrase this and not sound like an idiot* ...take things to the next level, I suppose.

Dino: Take things to...*repeats* *stares at his own crotch* *glances at Mukuro's* *looks away quickly* Ah? Well. I mean. I guess it's legal in Italy, isn't it. *has NO IDEA how to respond, really* *glad this isn't on LJ for the need of BLUSHING AGAIN*

Mukuro: *would have never, ever asked this on LJ because that's totally lame and Dino is ON HIS SHIP, so he may as well waste some breath to ask him* *kinda glances away, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks* Well, yeah, it is legal in Italy, and in some places of Japan, it's legal. *pauses* But we're not in Japan or Italy, we're in the middle of the ocean.

Dino: *very grateful for the waste of breath instead of keystrokes, srsly* ...So we are. *gulps* You know, that would just make the accusations of pedophilia even worse. Even if it's not...strictly true. *facepalms*

Mukuro: *sits down on his ass, giving up on kneeling* *sighs a little, thinking about this* ... Well, if you're worried about your reputation then it doesn't have to happen~. *just wants to get off, dammit*

Dino: It's not...that. *would flail if he didn't know he'd break something, possibly Mukuro's nose*

Mukuro: *is flailing a bit on the inside, actually* *didn't think he'd turn out to be a NORMAL, HORMONAL TEENAGER OMG... well, one that plots to destroy the mafia, but still* ... Then what is it?

Dino: I'm...Well a little off-guard and embarrassed, honestly! *waves hand at nether regions* As you might can see.

Mukuro: How do you think I feel actually asking you about it~? *shifts a little, gesturing to his own nether regions*

Dino: Well! *shifts* You at least had a moment to mentally prepare yourself!

Mukuro: *almost laughs, shaking his head a bit in disbelief* This was going to come up eventually and you know it~.

Dino: Well, I suppose it was bound to eventually, wasn't it? *laughs nervously before curling his hand around Mukuro's neck again and into his hair* It's a good thing I'd already fallen over.

Mukuro: *leans closer, resting a little on Dino* *is sorta nervous but he doesn't look it because uh, this has never happened before* *smiles* Oh, it's always a pleasant thing whenever you fall over. More entertainment for me~.

Dino: Well, it saved me the trouble of falling twice I suppose? *leans his forehead against Mukuro's rather...larger forehead*

Mukuro: I can't imagine it's horribly comfortable~. *gestures to the floor before Dino leans his forehead against his (which is not that big :|), flickering his eyes closed a little*

Dino: Not really, no. I think my skin has gotten tougher, over the years. Fewer bruises, you know. *takes a deep breath* I have to answer, don't I? That was the deal.

Mukuro: *chuckles a little, moving closer to him* *nods slightly* That was the deal, yes~. *although, he probably won't kill him if he doesn't answer. probably*

Dino: I.. *pauses and places his other hand at Mukuro's waist, hesitantly* I don't think I'd mind. But maybe just.. not just now. *dies a bit*

Mukuro: *shivers a little at the hand on his waist* *opens his eyes a bit, looking at him* *dies a little, too*

Dino: We can just. *drops his head to Mukuro's neck* Just let things happen as they will. You know? I won't call a halt. If you don't want me to, I mean.

Mukuro: *brings a hand to Dino's head hesitantly. sifting his fingers through his hair slowly, thoughtfully* No, I... *pauses, thinking on what to say* ...I don't want you to call a halt on this. I understand. *smiles a bit* This whole thing sorta just 'happened' anyway and anything else after it may as well just happen too~.

Dino: Alright. *leans his head into Mukuro's hand, tracing circles on his hip* Alright. That's...pretty alright, I think.

Mukuro: I think so, too. Unless you have something else in mind? *might be playing with his hair a bit*

Dino: *lifts his head from Mukuro's neck* Not really, no? Can this be our quota of awkward conversation for, oh, say the month?

Mukuro: *glances at him then laughs* I'm perfectly fine with that~. No more awkward conversations until the beginning of September. *rests his hand on the back of Dino's neck*

Dino: Hm, good. I think I might really start brusing, otherwise. *moves his hand to the small of Mukuro's back and pulls him a bit closer*

Mukuro: I think it's a sign we should seek refuge someplace more comfortable~. *places his other hand on Dino's waist*

Dino: You could be right about that. *laughs softly* though it's not so bad sitting here, really. Now, I mean. Since I'm not currently falling.

Mukuro: Oh, I know I'm right, and I suppose it's not so bad sitting here... in the middle of the kitchen... on the floor, but I am not falling asleep out here. *glances at him*

Dino: I've done it once or twice and it really isn't comfortable. The storage room is marginally better for that sort of thing. *grins* But if you're hinting that we should probably find a bed...I would probably agree. Especially if you lead.

Mukuro: *laughs lightly* I try to sleep in beds like most normal people, and yes, I am definitely hinting that we should find a bed. *emphasis on WE* *brushes back a bit of hair from Dino's face* And I'll lead since you're so incapable right now~.

Dino: *drags Mukuro in for a kiss before he can get up* My savior. Ropes do not a good pillow make. Lead on, McDuff!

Mukuro: *kisses him back, of course* *rolls his eyes at the literary reference and then pulls them both to their feet* Come on.

Dino: *stumbles up with a sheepish grin* Gladly!

Mukuro: Do I have to hold your hand or can you can walk without tripping over your own feet? *glances at him, not amused at the idea of HOLDING HANDS wtf*

Dino: Ah, I should be able to manage alright if I concentrate...*scratches head a bit* It's the concentrating that can be difficult! Just don't...leave me too far behind?

Mukuro: *will mock him if he fails, of course* I won't, I won't~. *leads them out of the kitchen and down the hallway before stopping at the stairs* Your room alright?

Dino: Fine by me! *follows along just fine for a while before he accidentally looks at Mukuro's butt and prompty falls over* *scrambles back up* Nothing happened!

Mukuro: *turns around slowly when he hears a crash, raising an eyebrow* *then shakes his head, too tired to say anything mean and continues onwards* *stops at Dino's room and then opens the door, hesitating*

Dino: *catches up without further incident, besides a few quick stumbles when he thought of...well* You found it!

Mukuro: *would probably chuck the nearest object he could find if that's what Dino was thinking about when he fell over* I happen to be competent whhen it comes to navigation of this vessel~. *walks inside the room*

Dino: Unlike me. Of course. *follows him into the room he's only really been in during the day when Romario's about* I appreciate it! *closes the door behind them before caving and shoving Mukuro against it, kissing him* *hisses* Your ass is distracting.

Mukuro: *has his back to Dino, slightly in front of him, smirking widely* *feels his back slam against the door and lips press hotly against his own* *kisses him back without thinking* You're ridiculously insatiable. *but he likes that*

Dino: *grins against his lips, pressing closer, almost, if that were possible* Hope you don't mind?

Mukuro: Not at all. *grins back, wrapping his arms around Dino*

Dino: Good! *wraps both hands around Mukuro's jaw and slides a leg between his* *nips at his lips*

Mukuro: *parts his legs, letting Dino slide a leg between them* Mmn. *slides his hands to Dino's shoulders, digging his nails a bit into them*

Dino: *runs his hands from Mukuro's jaw to his shoulders and down his sides, ending at his waist again* *fingers the edge of his shirt* You don't sleep in this, right?

Mukuro: *shudders, arching a little into Dino's hands* *feels his mind go pretty much blank and his body starts doing the talking* Definitely not. *smirks at him*

Dino: *starts pulling it upwards and off then, exploring the skin he hadn't paid much mind to on previous occasions* It's...just getting ready for bed, yeah? *contradicts himself as he latches onto the skin behinf Mukuro's ear*

Dino: behind**

Mukuro: *lifts up his arms, feeling much better without the shirt now* *answers with a little moan, kinda wanting to touch Dino, too*

Dino: *starts to walk backwards towards the bed until his feet get tangled up in eachother and thin air, AS THEY ALWAYS DO, and he falls backwards, draggin Mukuro into a tangle of limbs on the floor* *totally knocked his head on the bed*

Mukuro: *walks back with him, not even thinking how they're probably going to fall and get completely tangled like always* ... *all of a sudden, he's on the floor when he was totally against the door a second ago*

Dino: *peers up at Mukuro's...elbow? Some sort of joint!* Er, Hi? *nothing more sobering than a good knock to the head*

Mukuro: *cranes his neck a bit* ... You were doing awfully good for a minute there, you know. *feels a little dizzy now*

Dino: It only ever lasts for a little while when my feet are involved. *grimaces* Didn't hit anything, did you?

Mukuro: Make a note: Do this where your feet are not involved. *sighs* And no, I didn't hit anything. Just you~. *wriggles a little, trying to get untangled*

Dino: Note made. No making out while standing. Beds and floors are wise. Hot tubs are not. *rubs his forehead* Neither are whips. Or hard surfaces. Ow, that hurt!

Mukuro: I have a sad feeling that list will get longer and longer by the day~. *stretches his neck to look at him, weaving his hand from underneath... something* Are you alright?

Dino: You're probably right about that, I'm sad to say. *wiggles al hsi fingers and toes, they all seem to be in working order* Just a bump to the head, really. *laughs at himself* I really am going to commit accidental suicide one of these days, aren't I?

Mukuro: *isn't exactly amused* I wouldn't be surprised if you did commit accidental suicide, you're practically begging for it. *pauses* And now that we've confirmed you're alive, I'd like to get to bed, thanks. Considering whatever you were trying to do before failed miserably~. *starts to untangle himself*

Dino: *waits for the untangling to occur with a resigned sigh* I was having fun too. *fights back a yawn*

Mukuro: Oh, so was I, don't get me wrong. *tugs his limb free and sits up finally* *smirks* There's always next time~.

Dino: Next time, yeah. When we start on the bed and get railings for it. *grins and sits up, now free of extra limbs* Staying?

Mukuro: I doubt even railings would keep you from falling off it. *stands up, feeling a bit shaken from the fall* Unless you rather I didn't? *glances at him*

Dino: No! *grabs his wrist* I mean. Yes. I mean. *puzzled for a moment* Which one means you stay?

Mukuro: *looks at him curiously, amused* I'll make it easy for you and just stay.

Dino: *laughs before realizing that hurts a bit and stops* Okay. That's...good. *shimmies out his pants so he's down to boxers and digs around for a clean tank top*

Mukuro: *laughs, too* *peels off his pants and kinda tosses them aside* *sighs and flops down on the bed* *crawls under the covers, not even waiting for Dino*

Dino: *finally finds a shirt and swaps them out before clambering over Mukuro to wedge himself against the wall*

Mukuro: *scoots over to make room* *gets comfortable*

Dino: *scoots down under the covers and tosses an arm over Mukuro's waist with a yawn* Sleep well, Mukuro.

Mukuro: *curls up to him, closing his eyes* Mmn, you too.

Dino: *cuddles contentedly and manages not to fall off the bed...for ONCE*

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