LOG POST: Mukuro and Tsuna (Yes, you read that correctly.)

Aug 01, 2008 03:48

LOG POST: Mukuro and Tsuna

Mukuro and Tsuna have a very romantic date together. :| Obviously, Gokudera had the video cameras spying on them, and Yamamoto was most likely... doing whatever he does when he should have been watching Tsuna, I guess? Other than that, NOBODY SAW THIS. This log is rated NC-17 for adult content and Mukuro.

Mukuro: *is already in the new ship's dining room* *set the table for two, dragged in the candles, the mood lighting and all sorts of other things* *he even dressed up rather nicely*

Tsuna: [ takes a small peek from the doorway, wondering if he really wants to go in because it's Mukuro and there's a little voice telling him not to be alone with him. ]

Mukuro: *standing in front of the window, watching the horizon* *smirks widely* Vongola Tenth, do come in.

Tsuna: [ jumps a bit at that, a little surprised ] H-how did you know I was here? [ was totally being quiet ]

Mukuro: *because he just KNOWS and plus, he can see Tsuna's reflection faintly in the window* *laughs and turns around* I'm just that good~. *approaches Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ takes a small step back just because he's slightly creeped out ] R-right..

Mukuro: *very amused!* I saw your reflection in the window. *studying Tsuna carefully*

Tsuna: Oh. [ feels rather stupid now, yes. blinks at his staring ] Wh-what are you looking at?

Mukuro: Kufufu~ I'm looking at you obviously. *brushes a piece of hair out of own eyes and smiles pleasantly at Tsuna* Dinner is almost ready~.

Tsuna: [ glances at the table, uncomfortable from the stare ] Errr.. you didn't have to do all this. [ looking at the candles and junk ]

Mukuro: *glances over at the table, too* Oh, but I thought it'd be nice. We can always eat somewhere if you want~. *can create an illusion setting if that's the case, yo*

Tsuna: [ raises hands in protest ] N-no, that's fine! I-I just didn't think dinner would be so.. fancy?

Mukuro: *looks back at him* It's not that fancy. I could have went completely high-class, but you didn't seem like the type of guy who'd enjoy that much.

Tsuna: Er, yeah, s-simple is good. [ laughs weakly ]

Mukuro: *smiles* *one moment later and some of the fancier things have disappeared and it's a little more simple* Is that better? *left the candles, though*

Tsuna: Y-yes, thank you. [ candles still bother him a bit because it makes it look like a date, but not saying anything! ]

Mukuro: You're most welcome~. Shall we then? *smiles at him*

Tsuna: I-I guess..! [ moves over to the table to take a seat ]

Mukuro: *walks over to the table with him* *gets his chair for Tsuna*

Tsuna: Y-you don't have to do that.. [ feels like a girl because of it ]

Mukuro: *obviously he's justbeing gentlemanly* Oh, but I want to~. *after he helps Tsuna with his chair, he sits down himself right across from him*

Tsuna: You're supposed to do that for girls.. [ slightly exasperated expression ]

Mukuro: And? *looks over at him* Does that matter here?

Tsuna: I-I guess not.. [ frowning, maybe :< ]

Mukuro: Would you like something to drink?

Tsuna: Um, what is there to drink?

Mukuro: *laughs a little* Wine, wine, and more wine. *has water too but like he's going to serve WATER to Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ water would be nice--! ] Haah, I don't think I should drink that..

Mukuro: Why not? I drink wine. *looks at him curiously, smiling just a little*

Tsuna: You're different! I-it must be different in Italy because we don't drink wine at 15 in Japan!

Mukuro: We're not in Japan, though. And it's good wine, I promise you~.

Tsuna: That's not a good reason at all-- W-wine isn't safe-!

Mukuro: Isn't safe? *raises an eyebrow and laughs* It's perfectly safe.

Tsuna: I don't think so--! [ vaguely remembers Gokudera being drunk ]

Mukuro: *well, it's not like he's going to make him drink the entire bottle* Just a glass then?

Tsuna: [ frownnn ] ... h-half a glass?

Mukuro: Three-fourths of a glass. *smile*

Tsuna: [ gets a bit of a pout on his face, knowing he won't win ] F-fine, three-fouths.

Mukuro: *his smiles widens, knowing he's totally won* Three-fourths it is. *grabs the bottle of wine, uncorks it and pours them each a glass* *hands it to Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ takes the glass and gives it a funny look before taking a tiny sip ]

Mukuro: Here's to you~. *says this quietly and then takes a sip, totally savoring it*

Tsuna: [ sticks out his tongue a bit after drinking a little more ] T-tastes weird..

Mukuro: *purses his lips* Wine has a distinct taste~. I tried to pick something sweeter. I didn't think you'd like anything too dry.

Tsuna: [ doesn't want to hurt his feelings so-- ] I-I guess I'm just not used to the taste of wine..! [ takes another sip, maybe more will make it taste better?? ]

Mukuro: *thinks wine tastes better once you drink more of it; it is a bit of an acquired taste, really* I understand, Vongola Tenth. *smiles at him*

Tsuna: [ looking over from above his glass ] Y-you don't have to keep calling me that, you know..

Mukuro: Oh? Would you prefer if I called you something else then? *puts down his wine glass carefully*

Tsuna: Just Tsuna is okay. [ drinks a little more before setting down the glass ] I-I'm not even the Tenth yet, so.

Mukuro: Tsuna. *says it to himself thoughtfully* All right. You will be the Tenth at some point, though. *unless he goes through with his plans then...*

Tsuna: M-maybe. [ hoping he can get out of it some way, someday ] But Tsuna is easier to say than that, isn't it? [ small smile ]

Mukuro: *nods* It is much easier to say, yes~. *wonders if by calling him 'Tsuna' it brings their relationship to THAT LEVEL :O* *laughs a little*

Tsuna: [ WHAT LEVEL-- ] I wonder if I could get Gokudera to call me by my name too.. [ thoughtful look ]

Mukuro: *kufufu, oh you know, THAT LEVEL* Hm, perhaps~. *takes another sip of his wine then glances at his watch* Dinner should be out shortly~.

Tsuna: [ denieddd ] What did you make anyway? [ curious! ]

Mukuro: Ah, I made spaghetti alla cabonara~

Tsuna: [ smiles politely because he has no clue what that is ] S-sounds good-!

Mukuro: It's the tastiest thing in the world, I promise you~. *smiles* *takes another sip of his wine*

Tsuna: I'm sure it'll be tasty if it was anything like the stuff in that restaurant on the island. [ drinking more wine, godwhy, and already almost 3/4 done with that 3/4 ]

Mukuro: Kufufu~ *grabs the bottle and pours them both a little more wine* Well, if you liked what we had on the island, I'm sure you'll like what we're having tonight~.

Tsuna: [ h-having some more, derp ] I didn't know you cook. [ now that tsuna thinks about it, he doesn't know a lot about mukuro. ]

Mukuro: *having some more too because he can handle it* I don't cook much, really~. I learned a few things, but I'm no chef by far. *glances at him, smiling*

Tsuna: At least you know some-- I don't know how to cook at all.. [ sheepish look;; ]

Mukuro: Anybody can cook~. *takes another sip of his wine* It's not hard, really. It takes practice, I suppose~.

Tsuna: I think I'd burn down the kitchen if I tried. [ takes another sip, this is getting easier to drink oops. ]

Mukuro: *laughs* That's why you have fire extinguishers and other people to help you.

Tsuna: I-I think it's safer if I just stayed away from cooking..!

Mukuro: *takes another sip of wine, smirking in amusement* *glances at his watch and then at Tsuna* You'll have to excuse me. The food is nearly done~.

Tsuna: Ah, okay. [ will just have to entertain himself with drinking more wine while waiting ]

Mukuro: *comes back a moment later with a little cart filled with various dishes* *made some other stuff, too* *starts serving them*

Tsuna: [ looks over, surprised. wasn't expecting so much! ] Haah. [ kinda red in the cheeks now ]

Mukuro: Kufufu~. I made a lot, my apologies. *there will be leftovers for days* *sits down again and then pours them some more wine when he finishes serving them* Don't wait for me, do dig in~.

Tsuna: [ tries a dish and is pleasantly surprised~ ] Th-this is really good!

Mukuro: *has another sip of wine before digging in* I'm glad~. *smiles*

Tsuna: [ lets the fork linger in his mouth as he tries to decide what to eat next ] Where did you learn how to cook? [ a bit mumbled because of his fork, but just wondering~ ]

Mukuro: *eats slowly, savoring it* *swallows and then glances at him thoughtfully* Ah, awhile ago. When I was... in Italy. *doesn't like talking about this one bit*

Tsuna: Oh. [ puts his fork onto the plate and picks up the glass again. can sense that he doesn't like it and doesn't want to push it but-- ] Do you ever.. miss Italy at all..?

Mukuro: *clears his throat and laughs a little, trying to act like it doesn't bother him* *picks up his wine glass and takes a sip* *hates this question more than anything* *sighs* How I miss a place that sent me to hell?

Tsuna: So.. nothing at all, huh? [ murmured over the edge of his wine glass ]

Mukuro: *leans back a bit in his chair and looks at Tsuna* I'd prefer we didn't talk about this. *pauses* Tsuna.

Tsuna: [ looks up from the glass, frowning ] S-sorry.

Mukuro: *guzzles down the rest of his wine, tempted to chuck the glass somewhere but he resists and puts it gently down on the table* Don't worry about it~.

Tsuna: You say that but-- n-nevermind. [ cutting himself off by drinking the rest of the wine as well. curiosity is killing the cat, so time to stop! ]

Mukuro: *pours himself another glass then continues eating* I have chocolate mousse for dessert, you know~.

Tsuna: [ probably should not drink any more wine because his face feels awfully warm, so puts his empty glass down ] You like chocolate?

Mukuro: *notices this and he smirks a little* *scoots a little closer to Tsuna* Kufufu~ I do. It's my favorite food~.

Tsuna: [ doesn't really notice. thoughtful look on his face ] Really? I thought you'd like something more.. fruity.

Mukuro: Well, I like fruit dipped in chocolate~. *likes anything dipped in chocolate, though* *studying Tsuna*

Tsuna: Oh. [ lost his train of thought already, whoops. bringing a hand up to his cheek because it feels so warm now ]

Mukuro: *moves just a little closer again, feeling the warmness from the alcohol, too* *gently, he rests his hand (ungloved tonight) over Tsuna's hand on his cheek*

Tsuna: [ blinks, looking over at him ] .. M-Mukuro..?

Mukuro: *smiles, his eyes sparkling a little* *just watching Tsuna* Yes?

Tsuna: Wh-what are you doing..? [ maybe just a bit uncomfortable ]

Mukuro: Ah, touching you. *duh*

Tsuna: ... why.

Mukuro: Because I want to~. *leans a bit closer*

Tsuna: I-isn't that always your reason..? [ leans a bit back! ]

Mukuro: *laughs* Yes. *scoots closer, keeping his hand over Tsuna's*

Tsuna: [ maaaaybe trying to pull his hand out from under Mukuro's while moving away from him a little ]

Mukuro: *leaning veeeeery close to Tsuna now* *has got THAT LOOK in his eyes*

Tsuna: [ leaning awaaaaay some more, but realizes a tad too late that THERE IS NO SUPPORT HERE and proceeds to fall over! ] Hiiiiie--! [ aaand in an attempt to grab ahold of something, he ends up pulling Mukuro down with him ]

Mukuro: *was totally staaaring into Tsuna's eyes when suddenly, something pulls him in Tsuna's direction and with a loud CRASH... he's on the floor... on top of Tsuna* *blinks*

Tsuna: [ squeaks when Mukuro lands on top of him. if it was possible, his face already quite flushed from the wine turned redder ] S-sorry--!

Mukuro: *sits up a little, his body still sprawled all over Tsuna* *smirks a little, his own cheeks a bit red too* Kufufu~.

Tsuna: [ looks up at him, blinking ] ...?

Mukuro: *moves his head a little, breathing lightly against Tsuna's neck* *smirks and starts to gently kiss his neck*

Tsuna: [ makes a weird sound at that, squirming ] M-Mukuro, wh-what are you doing--?!

Mukuro: *continues kissing him, nipping a little in between kisses now* Kissing your neck~. What does it look like? *smirk*

Tsuna: [ squeaks when he nips him, trying to move out from under him now ] Wh-what for?!

Mukuro: *because he wanted to, duh* *laughs* Because I can~. *bites him gently, thinking of Hibari Kyouya for a brief moment while he does so*

Tsuna: Hiiiie-! [ pushing Mukuro's head away from the vicinity of his neck now! ]

Mukuro: *lets him push his head, frowning just a little* Hmm~. *sits up and then crawls off of Tsuna, smirking madly now*

Tsuna: [ scooting away from him now, clapping a hand over the spot where Mukuro bit him ] Y-you--! [ flustered as hell ]

Mukuro: *leaning against the chair, looking at Tsuna now* *laughs, licking his lips a little*

Tsuna: Th-that wasn't funny! [ so terribly embarrassed ]

Mukuro: *knows that mark will be there for at least a couple days* I didn't say it was funny~.

Tsuna: [ tsuna will use makeup to hide it if he has to ] Y-you were laughing!

Mukuro: I know I was laughing, but I didn't mean for it to be funny. *knows he's embarrassed* *crawls over to him*

Tsuna: [ still covering the bite mark and crawls away from him, pouting ]

Mukuro: *isn't going to apologize, kthx* Why are you pouting?

Tsuna: I-I'm not pouting--! [ blushes more ]

Mukuro: *sighs a little and sits beside him* You're pouting~.

Tsuna: [ scooting away from him ] Am not!

Mukuro: We still haven't had dessert~.

Tsuna: Y-you're still thinking about dessert?! [ facepalms ]

Mukuro: It's chocolate--how could I not think about dessert? *laughs*

Tsuna: [ supposes that's better than whatever the hell they were just doing now so going back to his seat now, still rubbing at the bite mark ]

Mukuro: *is definitely pleased by this and he returns to his seat, too* *clears away their plates* I'll be right back~. Excuse me. *politely leaves to get their chocolate mousses*

Tsuna: [ uses this moment while Mukuro's gone to COMPLETELY DIEEEE and bury his face into his arms on the table ] Auuuugh.

Mukuro: *comes back two minutes later with two little glasses filled with some really good looking chocolate mousse* *places one in front of Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ was already sitting upright by the time he came back in!] Haah, l-looks good.

Mukuro: *laughs and then sits down, settling in* Thank you~.

Tsuna: [ feels like he could use another glass of wine instead but that is a bad, bad idea so trying a bit of the mousse now ]

Mukuro: *starts eating his mousse slowly because omg chocolate chocolate chocolate* *glances at Tsuna out of the corner of his eye*

Tsuna: [ very very focused on this delicious mousse because he's too embarrassed to be looking at Mukuro right now ]

Mukuro: *aw, he can tell he's totally embarrassed* This is good, isn't it? *licks his spoon*

Tsuna: Y-yeah, it is. [ mousse has never been more interesting in his life. ]

Mukuro: *finishes his rather quickly and puts his spoon down quietly, waiting for Tsuna to finish* You recall our conversation from your journal, yes?

Tsuna: [ spoon in mouth ] W-which one..?

Mukuro: The one about life, the mafia, etc~.

Tsuna: What about it..?

Mukuro: *shakes his head a bit* I was just thinking about it is all~.

Tsuna: [ remembers how he was totally gipped out of a proper response and frowns. quietly finishes the rest of the mousse ]

Mukuro: *glances at his watch and then at Tsuna*

Tsuna: [ notices! ] Are you waiting for something..?

Mukuro: *raises an eyebrow* No, I was just thinking that it was probably getting late for you~. *smirk* You've got a bedtime, don't you~?

Tsuna: W-well, not really.. [ considering no parents! ] I-I didn't realize it was that late already though..

Mukuro: Kufufu~. It's only about ten o'clock~. *thought he'd ask just for the amusement factor*

Tsuna: Th-that's not too late. [ finishing the last of his mousse now, though, woe. ]

Mukuro: *has more chocolate mousses in the fridge, probably* Well, I have the rest of the night free if you'd like to join me somewhere~. *and no, he is not suggesting somewhere in a bedroom >|*

Tsuna: Like where..? [ sadly, would not think that ]

Mukuro: *well, some people would >|* The upper deck, maybe~?

Tsuna: Um, sure. [ wouldn't mind getting some fresh air ]

Mukuro: All right~. *stands up, pushing his chair in and then walks towards the door* *will clean up later obviously*

Tsuna: [ pushes in his chair as well and follows after Mukuro ]

Mukuro: *leads them to the upper deck* *leans against the railing and looks out at the ocean*

Tsuna: [ stands next to Mukuro, though er, not that close to him, and chooses to look up at the moon instead ]

Mukuro: *lets the silence flow between them* *smiles a little*

Tsuna: [ rests on the railing, enjoying the silence. makes things less uncomfortable! .. sorta. ]

Mukuro: *slips his hands into his pockets and sighs quietly* *still smiling, though*

Tsuna: [ unconsciously ends up rubbing at the bite mark and pouting again ]

Mukuro: *glances at Tsuna* I wouldn't rub it more, you know~.

Tsuna: [ blushes and stops ] Would that make it worse..? [ definitely does not want that ]

Mukuro: *nods* Yes, it would~. Just leave it be. Your hair will cover it up if it bothers you that much~.

Tsuna: My hair is definitely not long enough to cover it..!

Mukuro: Well, it should cover it enough, I think~. Kufufu~. *totally enjoyed doing that too*

Tsuna: [ did not enjoy it!! ] I-if it doesn't, I'll just have to wear a scarf or something..

Mukuro: Whatever you think works~. *contemplating heading back to his room now* *turns to Tsuna, slipping his hands out of his pockets*

Tsuna: A-anything to cover it up.. [ slightly distracted by his own thoughts but looks over at Mukuro when he turns to him ] ... ?

Mukuro: *takes a step forwards, leans over and kisses Tsuna's cheek* *pulls away, smirking* I think I'm going to turn in~. Goodnight, Tsuna~.

Tsuna: Hiiie! [ steps back from surprise, bringing a hand up to his cheek, and blushes ]

Mukuro: Kufufu~ *with a little swish, he turns and starts walking away, waving as he heads towards his room*

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