Jul 18, 2010 14:53
Okay guys, I figured I’d try something new later today, and I decided to post some guidelines. After reading way way way too much topless robot, I decided to try my hand at sporking horrible, soul destroying fiction. Here’s what you’ll see:
1. Profanity. I likes to swear.
2. Critical judgment. Some writers are better than others. This is a given. Some people who write creepy fetish-specific horror porn have technical skill that outshine others who are content to simply thrust cock into clit. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge this.
3. References. I’m an obscure little bitch, and I likes me some trivial knowledge. Feel free to chime in if you want.
What you won’t see:
1. Jokes disparaging someone for race/gender/sexual orientation. Commentary on sexual preferences I’ll try to limit to “that’s some messed up shit that turn you on, son.”
2. Comments like “OMG no wrrryyyy!” we can already assume that the content of the fic is making my brain eat itself, it gets old after a while and gets in the way of the funny.
3. Scat. I’m sorry, I just can’t go there. I can’t.
I’ll try not to post the entire contents of the fic in the interest of space, but a few fics are already just a paragraph so I won’t always bother.
NOTE: all the fics sporked here are in the interest of parody and/or satire, in sporking your fics, I in no way claim them as my own. I will give credit wherever credit is due and available.
And lastly, I’m not responsible for your eyes bleeding. Everything’s under a cut, and you know curiosity killed the cat, right? ;P