Rating: NC-17
Summary: a send-up of all those transformation pornfics.
A/N: This is not so much a parody of transformation porn as it is a retelling from the other point of view. It gets pretty squicktastic at times, mainly towards the end, but hopefully not as bad as the stories that inspired it. Special thanks to joysweeper for introducing me to transform porn, and by “special thanks” I mean “thank you for ripping away my last remaining shred of innocence and exposing me to the horrific wasteland that is its existence. “ it’s a heartfelt thanks.
The whole mess started not with a bang, but with a whimper.
A steady stream of theatrical moans and half-English phrases oozed through the wall Jack shared with his creepy brother Arnold. Well, step-brother. Well, step-brother with the biggest digital porn collection outside of Japan, which is probably where tonight’s wanking fuel originated.
Jack huffed a sigh and let his mechanical pencil fall to the desk with a clatter. Enough was enough.
“Hey, loser!” he pounded on the thin barrier of drywall and spackle that separated their rooms. “It’s twelve fucking thirty, quite pounding the beef tube and get some fucking sleep!”
Arnie’s response was to squeak some defiant curse and turn the volume down, slightly. It would be back up to full blast in an hour or so.
Jack sighed. Though it was kind of cool having the house (mostly) to himself he missed the law and order his dad and Mrs. Sheffield brought (mostly) to his home life. If his mom were at home, Arnie would probably never play his creepy fetish porn at full blast all night or walk around with his tiny stump of a penis just dangling out of his unbuttoned boxers. Jack repressed a shudder and tried to get back to homework.
He was stuck on metaphase when a loud thump came from the front door. Being a whole seventeen months older than Arnie (who was chickenshit about getting the door anyway) Jack decided to answer it. He tripped down the stairs, noting with irritation that the threat of someone at the door wasn’t even enough to get his brother to turn down his pirated gangbang movie. Fuck it. He flung the front door open.
“Hello can I help y-” he said to the air. Weird. There was no one on the lawn of their two-story ranch house, no one on the sidewalk. There was, however, a large, garish green box dropped carelessly on his stepmother’s ice plants.
“Son of a-” Jack heaved the box onto the front step, nose crinkling at the acrid odor. Something sloshed inside.
He examined the battered, worn fuzzy cardboard at the top for an address. It was scrawled in a dramatic hand in the upper left corner of the box. Jack read it with a sinking heart. Addressed to Arnie.
Jack debated over whether to tell the chode about his newly arrived and probably volatile package. Perhaps if he’d just heaved it back into the front planter, he reflected later, and set it on fire, he might have saved a few lives. At that moment, though, the decision was made for him.
“Hey, is that my package?” Arnie croaked from the stair landing. Jack nudged it with his toe, uneasy.
“What kind of company makes a fucking home delivery at night?”
Arnie turned and stared at him with a smug, I-know-something-that-isn’t-going-to-be-good-for-you-and-boy-don’t-you-wish-you-knew-what-it-was look pasted on his round, scabby face.
“Nothing you’d understand, Jackie boy.” He cooed. Jack rolled his eyes and went back upstairs, ignoring the puffing agony of his stepbrother attempting to move the box a foot.
This would be the last really normal evening Jack would spend at home.
The very next day, his girlfriend Melanie greeted him with a peck on the cheek and the news that his creepy stepbrother had been spying on her again.
“…he even got new binoculars, big ones.”
“Ruby lenses?”
“Yup. Look expensive.”
“Dammit.” He swatted the back of his neck. “I get to tell my dad he’s using his army-issue binoculars to spy on naked chicks.”
“I was playing WOW at the time.”
“I know what I said.”
Odd as it sounds, they had met through Arnie’s peeping tom habits, united by their mutual loathing of the little jerk and a fine appreciation of smartass humor.
Melanie giggled and pinched his arm. “I hope your dad takes a belt to him this time.”
“Naah, his mom’ll probably pull the ‘adjustment, just a kid, no male role model, waah waah’ routine again. “ Jack sighed and picked at a blade of grass. “You’d think he was slicing his wrists open on a regular basis, the way she talks.”
“He’s spilling some kind of fluid, alright.”
They shared a mutual snicker over Arnie’s wanking habits and kissed.
At lunch he got help from his lab partner, Jenny, who was probably the best biology student in the entire school. She managed to pound the different phases of mitosis into his head through blunt mnemonics, so by the time lunch was over he was having difficulty remembering his own name.
“Please Meet Arthur Trilobite,” he muttered to himself as he stowed his books in his locker. Jenny grinned.
“At this rate I’ll have you up to a B average in no time.”
“Cool. I won’t be able to button my own pants but I’ll do adequately on tests.”
They left for her locker. “Look at it this way; you won’t have to snooze through honors biology.”
Jenny fished her gym trunks from the bottom shelf and Jack’s stomach fell as her nose crinkled in distaste. A familiar, acrid odor stained the air like the greenish slime staining her blue Lycra shorts.
“What the fuck?” she held them up between thumb and forefinger, gagging slightly.
“Somebody likes you.”
“Yeah.” She tossed them back in. “I feel the love all right.” Jenny shuddered and wiped her fingers off on the bottom of her shoe.
Jack felt a prickling on the back of his neck, the kind he felt when he was supposed to be remembering something.
“I’ll just borrow some from Hailey. Smell you later.” Jenny punched his arm affectionately and went to find her girlfriend. Jack’s mind went enviously after her before it snapped back to the present and the shifty-looking character skulking down the hall.
“Hey, fuckface!” he called, “I need to have a talk with you about respecting my dad’s shit!”
Arnie’s hunched form disappeared in a nanosecond, leaving Jack with a small, petty feel of pride.
The next day he woke late, his alarm clock nowhere to be found. Jack dressed in the car, cursing every red light as he tried to get his arm into a sleeve through the seatbelt. He might very well not have bothered. When he pulled up to the school, there was a crowd milling outside its shut gates, composed of both students and teachers. He ducked and dodged his way through the crowd until he found Melanie, arm around Liz Reichman.
“What the hell happened?”
She looked at him with hollow eyes. “You haven’t heard?”
“Heard what? I got here late.”
“The cheerleading squad is gone.”
“Gone…like missing gone?”
“Gone like they all disappeared sometime last night, and nobody knows what the hell did it.”
Liz shuddered and hid her face.
“What, did some psycho with a grudge break in and-”
“-no, no, that’s just it, no one can see any sign of breaking and entering, the windows were intact, still locked, the door was bolted, god-” she broke off and shook her head.
Jack felt cold prickles creep up the back of his neck. “Anyone hear anything? Whatever happened, they must have made a noise.”
Melanie shook her head again, but Liz looked up. “Yeah, someone did.”
“It’s just rumors, but-” she broke off and chewed her lip for a second. “Tiffani Daigle’s mom woke up in the middle of the night, thought she’d heard choking-no, gagging. And people say there was this weird slime everywhere-” she stopped as the vice principal approached the crowd with official heaviness.
“With the sudden and saddening loss of our entire cheer squad,” he began,” I’m afraid school today will be canceled until further notice.”
Melanie sighed and slid under Jack’s proffered arm. “Shit, at least I won’t have to suffer through home EC today.”
Jack smiled weakly. “You wanna catch a flick?”
Melanie smiled back at him. “Nah. I’m gonna help Liz get home and then I’m barricading myself in the basement.”
Jack’s boyfriend senses tingled. “Need an escort?”
“You’re sweet.” She pecked him on the lips. “But I’ll be okay. You should make sure your brother’s okay, too.”
“Oh yeah,” he said darkly as Melanie waved bye, “wouldn’t want anyone to steal him now, would I?”
Much as he dreaded leaving his girlfriend alone, some pinprick of fraternal concern managed to worm its way into his heart. Arnie had already left by the time he was up, but with school canceled he could be anywhere. He hit up several friends-well mostly acquaintances and stalkees-of Arnie’s for where he might be found. Nothing.
Fuck it, he decided. He would see to his friends.
Jenny’s door was quadruple-bolted and solid to his knock. He saw the button-cute face of her girlfriend peek out from behind the curtains. She cracked a window.
“What is it?”
“Are you and Jenny alright?”
“I’m fine,” she said with a guarded look. He knew what that meant.
“Where’s Jenny?”
“Won’t say.”
Jack ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “I just want to know she’s okay.”
Hailey bit her lip, hand on the window latch.
“Some creep left something on my gym bag. Something weird. It really freaked Jenny out, so she’s going to try and see what it is.”
“Ah.” Understanding crossed Jack’s face. “Just tell her to stay where people are, okay?”
“Yeah.” Hailey gave him a look that made him feel even stupider than normal and locked the window.
Jack felt like punishing himself for wasting the day, so he decided to go home and have hot pockets for dinner. He arrived home to the fleshy sounds of his half-brother’s only source of entertainment. Fire crept up his neck as he raced upstairs and pounded on the door.
“Hey shitsqueak, open the fucking door!”
The volume of groaning reduced, slightly, but the wet slapping sounds continued loud as ever.
“Uh, Jack, I’m kind of busy right now, what do you want?”
Arnie’s voice was strange and thick, almost as if he’d been crying. Jack felt some of his anger cool.
“I looked for you at school today, where the hell were you? People are missing!”
“Oh shit, really?” his tone was full of exaggerated surprise.
“Look,” Jack said, trying his best not to get annoyed with Arnie, “this is really scaring Melanie, I think I’m going to go stay over with her for awhile. I want you to promise me you’re not going to go out in the middle of the night or anything stupid like that.”
Arnie’s voice was inappropriately eager. “Sure, I won’t Jack, I promise.”
“Good.” He thumped the door once with his knuckle and went to gather his shit.
“You sure this is fine?” Melanie asked him as he thumped down on the couch next to her, carrying a bucket of low butter popcorn.
“I think this is plenty fine, but I’m willing to pass pictures of you around to get the consensus view, if you’re up for it.” He grinned and grabbed a handful of kernels.
Mel didn’t laugh. Her lips thinned and a thin wrinkle appeared between her eyebrows in a positively mom-ish look.
“You really think your brother is going to give up night peeping just because you asked him?”
“Of course he will,” Jack sighed, “I basically just handed him free license to choke it in every room of the house. The dude just never stops; it’s like some shitty superpower.”
Melanie did giggle a bit at that and Jack relaxed. He’d really wanted to spend a normal evening with her, despite the circumstances, and he was damned if he was going to let the pimply visage of his half-brother cockblock him.
After the movie, she suggested they go upstairs. It was their first time having sex in a bed. Jack was quite grateful that he didn’t have to do his business in a sort of half-crouch or constantly watch for happy picnickers. They finished at approximately the same time and he blurted out the big one. The ‘L’ word. She looked at him for a moment, amused, and repeated back at him.
“Well shit,” he said, “it’s not like I’m just saying it because we-”
“-I know, baby,” she soothed him, “I know.”
They stared at each other a minute.
“Go to sleep,” she murmured, tucking herself between his arm and his body. Jack knew that by morning his arm would lack oxygen flow and feel like a rain of pins and needles, but surprised himself by not caring even a little. He nodded off, a rank odor tickling at the dog-end of his consciousness.
The next morning, during breakfast with Melanie and her sister, he got a call from Jenny. She spoke in hushed tones, begging him to meet her at the school lab that afternoon.
“I’m sure I can spare the time, but are you sure Hailey’s okay with you being all alone in the lab with me?”
“She doesn’t mind.” Jenny’s words were clipped. “She’s gone.”
Jack hung up the phone and sat down with his girlfriend again, dread eating his insides. It turned out that more girls had gone missing that night, Jenny’s girlfriend included. By the time Jack headed for the school, three more girls were confirmed as missing along with their boyfriends. School was on indefinite hiatus, and Jack kept extra close to the wall when he snuck in. Luckily the facility was not on lockdown, owing to the fact that all the abductions happened at home or out at popular make-out spots.
Jenny’s face seemed years older when she let him into the lab, dark puffed under her eyes.
“I’ve been analyzing the stuff that was left on Hailey’s gym bag,” she told him in a flat, dead voice, “I hope you’ve enjoyed normal life so far, because from here on out shit gets weird.”
“Hi Jenny,” he replied, “sorry about Hailey.”
She tossed him a plastic stadium chair as a response and sat on the edge of a counter. “I don’t have the best equipment here, but I’ve made a pretty good guess nonetheless.”
“What, is it some kind of drug?”
“No,” she gulped coffee out of a paper cup, “it’s mostly human semen, actually.”
Jack blinked. “Come again?”
“It’s man juice. Most of it, anyway. But then humans are mostly water. It’s the trace ingredients you have to watch out for.”
“Meaning what?”
“Meaning the stuff has a fluctuating ph, moves on its own, and has anesthetic properties. I can’t tell much of the secret ingredients, but what I can see scares the shit out of me.”
Jack’s mouth fell open, and his more complicated thought processes stopped.
“I- you- it’s- what?”
Jenny smiled at him; that is, her mouth turned up at the corners but her eyes stayed dead calm.
“What we have here is-and isn’t-human. What’s more I think it’s preying on people for-”she took a deep, shuddering breath, “sexual purposes.”
He felt his stomach drop, and all he could manage was an “Oh, no.”
Jenny crushed the empty coffee cup in her hands, digging her nails in until her knuckles turned white.
“That’s why I called you here, Jack. I’m going to find out how to kill it. I’ve been trying to synthesize an acid-with no luck, so far-that will break down its molecular structure. When I’m done,” Jenny threw the coffee cup to the floor and glared at it, “when I’m done, I’m going to find the fucker and shove it down his throat. And I want you to help me.”
Jack winced. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to go outside the law like this…but he couldn’t let Jenny do this. Not alone. She’d helped him when everyone had given him up as a lost cause, and he knew that she’d been fiercely devoted to Hailey. Besides, no one got away with kidnapping girls in his neighborhood.
“I’ll do it,” he said.
Driving home, he felt his conscience prickling at him. It wasn’t right to leave Jenny alone, but she was very adamant that he go home and get some rest. In the morning they would both go out and hunt for the thing responsible, but for now he needed to stock up on supplies. He went over a mental list of equipment he could borrow from his dad’s workbench as he pulled into the drive. The door was slightly ajar.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he snarled as he tangled with his seatbelt. He barged in the door, yelling as loud as he could, but the house was dead silent. Nothing was in disarray; it didn’t look like a burglary had taken place. And that’s when the smell hit him.
An ugly smell, one he was quite familiar with by now. He took the stairs two at a time and burst into his brother’s room. The window was broken out and the frame was bent inhumanly wide-something big had gone out that way. There was slime over everything.
Jack stopped and stared. A small whimper started in his throat, but he choked it down again. Why had it taken his brother, only a kid? What did that fucked-up monstrosity want with Arnie? He felt misery heaving in his chest and pushed it down, distilled it into rage. Fuck if he was going to let anything hurt his family. Monster or human, this bitch was going down.
He spent the rest of the evening assessing the damage and stocking up on makeshift weapons. Most of the damage was to Arnie’s room, but there was a human shaped outline in the slime in Jack’s bed, and something had gone through his stepmother’s underwear drawer. He rolled up his comforter and threw it out. His father had climbing equipment, which meant Jack had some nasty surprises for anyone who tried to take him down. He stockpiled his tools on the kitchen table, adding things for the pain he imagined they would inflict on the thing.
He was jimmying the lock on his father’s toolbox when the phone rang. It was Jenny.
“Jack, are you there?” Jenny’s voice was barely a whisper.
That’s how he knew something was wrong.
“Yeah, Jen, I’m here.”
“I think I finished it Jack, it’s a carboxylic acid. I have it stored in tanks here.”
“That’s awesome!”
“Listen, Jack, I don’t think I have much time, there’s something in here with me and I think-NO!”
Jenny’s voice cut off in mid-scream and the line went dead. Jack stood still for a moment, staring ahead uncomprehending.
“Jenny,” he whispered, “fuck.”
He tried calling Melanie on the way over. No luck. He tried her cell phone, her home phone, and her cell phone again. Nothing.
His heart hammering, Jack parked in front of her house, hoping to god that she was safe, that she just took a nap with her phone off.
He tried the front door. Locked. He knocked and rang the doorbell. No answer. He ran around to the back of the house, and looked up to her window. Intact.
With a sinking heart, Jack realized that she was no longer home. And the only reason she would leave the safety of her house would be to see him. He recalled the human outline on his bedspread. It hadn’t been Arnie’s.
There was only one place left to go now.
The school grounds were as quiet as ever, too quiet, Jack realized, to be right. There were no security guards on patrol, no teachers in their offices though he could see cars in the parking lot. He let his feet carry him numbly to the lab.
Jenny had been smart to the end, stashing the canisters where no one but her lab partner would know to look: underneath that month’s display model of Telophase. There was a trail of slime from the payphone in the hall outside the lab, and he followed it with grim purpose. It led to the gym.
Jack took a deep breath and pushed the double doors open. Whatever fanfare had been built up in his mind, it hadn’t been this.
A great, pinkish bulk lay in an undulating mass, wet squelching sounds emanating from it. The blob easily filled half the basketball court. It had Arnie’s face.
Jack felt the feeling go from his limbs. “A-Arnie?”
The column of mass in the middle rose up, like a gigantic, fleshy head/neck his stepbrother’s visage rode on. Wet clopping sounds issued from its mouth, which Jack realized after a moment was laughter.
“Hey, Jack-off, how ya been?” it sent a fleshy tentacle towards him and Jack had to fight the animal instinct to scramble backwards and get the fuck out of dodge. The ridge of plasm stopped just short of him, however, and the tip unfurled to show a bobbing, writhing mass.
“You remember your lab partner right? Miss smarty-pants über-dyke? Well, I think I’ve given her what she’s really wanted all along!” Arnie’s voice dissolved into slurpy giggles as Jack stared in horror at the tableau before him. It had been Jenny, once, and the thing it was penetrating had once been Hailey. Or someone else, it was hard to tell. Jack was insanely glad they didn’t have faces, the cries were bad enough.
“Or how about big-shot Jeff Green? Or miss Amber Slutskie?” more hills unfurled, more horrors set to light.
“Or how about the ice bitch, Christine Matthews? She never gave me the time of day, but she’s giving it to me now. They all are.” Arnie’s grin split his face nearly in two.
Jack knew these people. All of them. Jeff had been a good guy; he helped take care of his autistic little brother. Amber ran the food drive every fall and had a kind word for everyone. Christine Matthews had shunned every male in their grade, not just Arnie. She’d been molested as a child and couldn’t stand to be touched.
“Or how about Double-D? She can’t hide those tits from me now!” Debbie Dinkman, breasts bloated to a grotesque size, begged Jack for death with her eyes.
There were others, spawning like a hellish garden in the prison of flesh. All people at school. All, presumably, people who had snubbed Arnie.
He had saved the best for last.
“And how can we forget that cute little number you’re been sticking it to?” Arnie gloated, his neck-column swaying in excitement.
The last bud unfurled, and Jack’s mind cracked irretrievably in two.
Melanie hadn’t been absorbed as long as the others, but the only thing that was still recognizable was her blonde ponytail. The rest of it was an unrecognizable blob of slime and skin, pulsating.
“So what should it be, Jackie-boy?” Arnie’s smile had turned poisonous. “Big boobies? But you liked ‘em smart, there won’t be much left of her brain after that. Or how about a giant cunt? Most chicks are eventually, anyway. I want you to pick what she becomes, Jack, I want you to watch as I fuck your girlfriend like you never could. And then maybe when mom gets home I’ll show her what a real man is like, while your asshole-jock dad watches. And then I think I’ll pay Mel’s sister a little visit, too. What do you think? ”
Jack stared at the scene. And giggled.
Arnie’s face shut down. “What the fuck are you laughing at, bitch?”
Jack laughed brokenly, drool escaping the corner of his mouth. “You. Fucking. Funny.”
“That’s right,” Arnie snarled, “I’m finally fucking all the bitches who never gave me the time of day, isn’t it funny?”
Jack choked back some of the laughter. “No, you. You’re funny. You won’t be fucking anyone!” he guffawed as urine ran down his leg.
Arnie evidently hadn’t been expecting this reaction. “What?!”
“You’re making everyone do this Arnie, you’re alone. You may be bigger and uglier, but you’re still Jacking off!”
Jack bent in the middle, tears pricking his eyes, agonized with mirth. He couldn’t catch his breath, his sides ached and spots swam before his eyes.
Arnie was speechless with rage, choking out sentence fragments. “I- fuck- you- I-son of a-“
He lashed out with a tentacle, and Jack acted. Flipping the valve on a canister, he sprayed the acid dead-center on the ropey column of flesh heading his way. Arnie gave a head-splitting bellow and writhed in agony. As the spray wound down Jack opened a second canister, spraying all the surface area he could reach. The great blob began to split down the middle in a cruel parody of cellular mitosis, flesh dissolving into reeking sludge.
Jack dropped the now-empty canister and searched for something. He spied a ponytail sticking out from what was left of the blob and held his hand out to it, wishing, hoping, begging.
“Mel! Over here!”
The bulge moved toward him, the ponytail zig-zagging like a shark fin. The great mass gave a final heave and Melanie’s blob split from it, falling to the gym floor. Jack was waiting underneath with open arms.
It had been months in the underground facility. Time passed differently for the two anyway, so patience was easy. The company that Arnie had bought the substance from had arrived just in time to grab what remained and torch the gym to the ground. Arnie had been dropped shrieking into an acid bath, the others carted off to different parts of the facility, possibly to be put to further use.
The Melanie-Jack thing huddled in its cell, waiting. There had been talk outside lately, of repurposing them into another tool of the company. They laughed to themselves, in the privacy of their mind. The company, while selling warped sexual fulfillment, had forgotten the other purpose of sex.
Now their young lay in the skin-cocoon between them, growing, learning, waiting for freedom, itching for vengeance. In the dark, the expecting couple huddled together and smiled at the future.
End note: you made it! A winnar is you! This was my response to the rash of transformation porn on weepingcock, writing it as straight-up horror. I tried to keep it as short as possible, sorry.