
Jan 15, 2009 07:01

On January 19th, many people have the day off in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Why not spend that day in service to your community and those in need? Live the ideals King fought for. Enrich our communities by investing yourself in them.

If you want more information, read here: http://www.mlkday.gov/

There is a link to the left on that page which shows volunteer opportunities available.

Even if you don't formally volunteer with an agency, do an act of kindness or service on the 19th. There are people wasting away in nursing homes with nobody to talk to and nobody who cares. Go and talk to them; make them feel like they matter again. There are animals in shelters who are living in cramped cages and who fear the world; go and play with them, walk them, socialize them so they have a better chance at being adopted. Pick up trash on your block. Smile at a neighbor. Make the light of the world brighter with your actions and your sprit. It's not hard. Just try it. It will brighten your day too.

volunteering, holidays, help, communities

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