A Fool´s Attempt And Nothing Else

Jun 02, 2009 14:44

A Fool’s Attempt And Nothing Else

A mocking irony of weirdness, this pantomime - that portrays;
the playground disguised as my stage where I perform
A tragic discovery of this event, this charade - that is my life;
how days passing regardless if I’m present

That is just highly amusing;
I am the parody, playing the leading role of a comedy, a drama, a tragedy
All while I clueless and wicked; cry, laugh and applaud -
the character that plays myself

And now, finding myself behind the scene
Facing that contorted mirror that reflects only a fool
Preparing my performance backstage for an imaginary show
Presenting myself to the very next act in front of an empty theatre

All is well; I just highly doubt that my life can add to this world
something more of great importance, you see..
What would my task be anyway; when turned into a deserted excuse?
It has run out of reasons to claim itself

A cosmic joke, a lame attempt -
to cry into space?
or exposing the twists of my soul to an empty room?
to whisper my stories to the deaf?

Rather then; to deny that fruitless urge;
to shut the fuck up - the unspoken, the undone
Just leave behind a mad rumbling laughter, to the irony of all;
and an exclamation in itself

An invisible trace in the grass and an empty embrace made of air
A fool that I am, will leave nothing else; will cast no shadow that clings
That will be my last trick, a fool’s last attempt
To erase everything I could never achieve

Only slightly more tragical than to actually struggle, continuously;
Forever, aimlessly be the contented victim of my own storytelling
I will surprise everyone; even myself - to pull the curtains down while I laugh
No audience there to see it; but a glorious tragedy it was, nonetheless


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