Book ramblings.

Oct 20, 2008 23:17

Yay~! The new Inheritance series book came out! Well, it came out some weeks ago, but never mind. It's name is Brisingr. -gasps- Ooh, ooh, I know what that means! -is excited-
It was supposed to be the last book, but Paolini said it was too long and extended the cycle of books into four. And it ends on a cliffhanger... sort of. I dunno.
Anyway, my thoughts on it.

Firstly, in the Acknowledgements, I think I... completely missed the 'lonely god' reference. I've already reread the scene a few million times. Maybe I'm blind to these sort of hidden facts or something. -shrugs- That explains a lot. And that bit, 'my only excuse is that the Doctor can travel everywhere, even alternate realities'. Is he talking about 'Doctor Who' there? Huh, I guess so.
Also, Saphira is love. :D Just thought I'd clarify that. I think I snorted in that bit when Eragon said 'Brisingr' and his sword started flaming. It just amused me somehow. Wait, I can't look at the sentence I just wrote without snorting anymore. Weird.
-shakes head- Oh, the possibilities. Also, Roran and Katrina seem... unoriginal to me. No offence to Christopher Paolini, I think they're portrayed greatly, but there's a lot of lovey-dovey couples out there, right? Except, well, usually there's no bloodshed involved and killing and such. I'm glad Katrina has a backbone now.
Ah, yes, the subject of Arya and Eragon. I feel like saying to her, 'Never mind the age difference, girl! Love knows no boundaries!'. XD. I'd love to see her reaction to that. Then again, I'm still trying to look for the telltale signs between the two. So far, I'm failing magnificently.
...Blodhgarm scares me for some reason.
Hee, the idea of 'laughing dead' reminds of of that first episode of Code Geass. That scene where Lelouch goes 'I AM TEH MASTER. OBEY ME.' and the soldiers giggle and shoot themselves in the... neck. It's all rather disconcerting, really.
I like Rhunon's personality. A lot. I like her bluntness. It makes it all the more interesting. :D
The part where the Menoa tree lashed out, my mind was all 'SAKURA TREE SAKURA TREE SAKURA TREE!'. Doesn't have pink petals, but the story's sort of... similar. Actually, it's very different, but my mind keeps twisting it so it fits.
So the lady sings to the tree, and she gets... absorbed, and now she's inside the tree. Sounds a bit like the tree in Ueno Park to me. I keep on expecting Sakurazukamori!Seishirou to jump out from the tree or something. -snorts- I don't think sunglasses existed in that universe.
Actually... the idea of an Inheritance/X crossover amuses me. Dragon of Heaven, Dragon of Earth... and Saphira and Thorn. -chortles-
Rhunon reminds me of Arashi in a... weird and extremely distant way. Their personalities are different, yet I can see subtle similarities. And Eragon reminds me of Kamui. Yeah, they're both hot-headed. XD. I dunno, I have this picture of Sorata calling Kamui 'Shadeslayer!' and Kamui with this strange 'WTF' expression on his face.
It gave me morbid fascination to read 'The Trial of the Long Knives' chapter. I would've expected one of them to topple over halfway through due to the excessive amount of blood that's mentioned in the chapter. There were, I dunno, LITRES of it.
I have a feeling that Tenga, the mad hermit, will make his ultimate return in the last book. Just a feeling. He sounds a lot like a philosopher to me.
Geez, Paolini really has a lot of loose ends to tie up in that last book.
In the chapter, 'Making Amends' when Nasuada says to Eragon and Arya, "You are late," I keep imagining a classroom scene and Nasuada as the teacher with Eragon and Arya and the rest of the gang as the kids.
Angela is officially cool. I love her reaction to Eragon's sword's name. I don't think anyone else would have dared, due to Saphira or the sword.
The story is getting more 'Wait, what?' each chapter. Also, those times where it's mentioned that Eragon is fated to leave Alagaesia and never to return somehow reminds me of Plato's explanation, the Allegory of the Cave. Where Alagaesia is just a mirror of the real world and Eragon is going to pass into the real world, which isn't Alagaesia.
I keep getting the plot lines mixed up. Too many sub-plots, too many would-be villains, too many probably-would-be villains and possible allies to keep up with.
I'm looking forward to the last book. Hope it comes out soon! ^^ Though considering the arrival of Eldest and Brisingr, it's probably going to arrive next year, at most.
Happy reading!

Oh, and I reread 'Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident'. Seriously, that boy is gold. It's hilarious. If you haven't read the whole series, do so now. It'll be totally worth your time.
When Butler ran into that fairy laser-proof wall, I think I snorted water up my nose. BOOM.

inheritance, arya, x/1999, eragon, artemis fowl, saphira, code geass, brisingr

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