Read some potential spoilers for Merlin season 4 & am annoyed!

Jun 25, 2011 02:48

The below rant may contain something that could sort of be considered a spoiler but is mainly my annoyed speculation based on a random comment by the show be aware...

So, I was reading this mag article about the upcoming season of Merlin and one of the little sidebars had 1 of the show runners commenting that (mild paraphrasing here)"we're sort of played around with the Lancelot, Arthur, Guinevere love triangle and it's a road we're going to go down, in our own way, but it's a far cry from what is in Mallory"...

Seems fine, at first glance but since in Mallory, Gwen CHEATS on Arthur and does the naked tango with Lancelot, thereby betraying not only her husband but her king and is then banished to a nunnery or something, basically, getting her ass kicked to the medieval curb, does that mean that we won't be getting THAT version of the legend? Because I will tell you right now, that if they have Arthur marry Gwen and then NOT cheat on him and betray him I will have lost all faith in this show!!!! I mean, it's bad enough that I know they are NEVER, EVER, UNLESS THE WORLD SLIPS INTO AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE going to give me Merthur, but if they are going to try to pass the Arthur/Gwen relationship off as a happy ending I will VOMIT!

Don't get me wrong, I like Gwen, and I LOVE Angel Coulby, but the only real reason I can see them even entertaining the possibility of NOT having Gwen betray Arthur with Lancelot is because the show runners seem rather desperate to try to squelch the Merlin/Arthur slashing that is rampant in the fandom and they honestly seem terrified that the viewing public will perceive these two characters as gay for each other (even though that is how the writing comes off & that is totally how Bradley & Colin play it!). If they have Arthur marry his beard I mean, true love then it will stop all of us slashy fans from thinking about Arthur making out with Merlin...and Merlin helping Arthur dress, and bathe or Merlin rubbing some of Gauis' liniment into Arthur's aching, rippling, naked muscles after a hard day of sword fighting practice!!!

I just wish ONE FREAKING SHOW would have the balls to actually just leave things ambiguously gay or even do more than make it ambiguous, but no, they all have to assert the characters heterosexuality because we can't have people thinking they might be gay...that would just be creepy and wrong! WHATEVER!!!! I should be used to this after Stargate Atlantis, after Supernatural, after FLIPPING HAWAII FIVE-O, but I always go and get my slashy hopes up and then I am thwarted by writers/producers/networks big gay freakouts and it SUCKS!

merthur, rant, merlin, merlin/arthur

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