Why do some people have to be such utter bitches?

Apr 22, 2011 01:37

Haven't posted in MONTHS but this is a rant worthy of Livejournal, so here I go. Been watching this reality show on TLC about a polygamous family living in Utah and it's a great show. I had a lot of preconceived notions about what I thought a polygamous family was like before I watched this show and started to read up on the non-compound-living polygamists that are out there. I was really surprised. While I don't buy into their religious beliefs I've really started to feel that regardless of whether or not I (or anyone else) approves of their lifestyle, they should be able to form their family as they choose and the government should not have anything to say about it. The parties involved all entered into the relationships as adults knowing they would be in this kind of relationship. They live in a regular suburban neighborhood, they work outside the home, they wear pants, they listen to rock and roll, their kids dress less modestly than my daughter (and we're as far from Mormon as you can get!) and they have made it clear to their children that they want them to have happy, fulfilled lives and if polygamy is a part of that, great, but if not, that's ok too. They are not pushing their kids into that lifestyle and all their kids seem like average, normal teens.

There is a facebook page for the show, and I frequent it regularly as do many, many fans...as well as many, many haters. There are two women in particular that post regularly on the page that are CONSTANTLY, commenting about the FDLS church (at large) and commenting on the instances of child-brides, abuse, and molestation that have taken place in some of the FDLS communities- the ones that are basically compounds that are locked down and ringed with armed guards, where women are basically treated as property and the elder men have all this power over the women and kids and they wield it with an iron fist. Now, I don't deny that those situations happen and they are horrifying and there's no excuse for people treating other people that way, but when they bring this stuff up they are always saying it as if the Browns (who the TLC show Sister Wives follows) should be painted with the same brush and it makes me INSANE!

There have been (literally) tens of thousands of children molested by Catholic priests over the last several decades, but does that mean that all Catholics or all priests are pedophiles? No, of course not, but if you used their "logic" that is what you would have to assume. The worst part is that both of these women are the most condescending, arrogant bitches I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. They are just smarmy and self-righteous and it infuriates me! They act as if any of us that think the Browns should be left alone to live their lives or believe that polygamy should be decriminalized are naive, stupid, uninformed, ignorant, etc. And, because one of them lives in Utah, she thinks she is the be-all, end-all authority on what polygamy is all about.

The thing that is so infuriating about them (and people with that kind of attitude in general) is that they have ZERO interest in listening to opposing viewpoints. They don't want to actually discuss the issue, or debate the merits of how legalizing polygamy could actually cut down on some of the abuse by bringing it all out into the open and allowing women trapped in those bad situations the ability to go to authorities without fear of being sent to jail & having their kids taken from them. They just want to tell us all how stupid we are for not seeing polygamy the way they do (as horrible and dangerous and AWFUL) even when we acknowledge that yes, there are abuses in some groups, they will NEVER acknowledge that there are some polygamists that are not abusing their wives & kids. They will never acknowledge that not all people that belong to the FDLS church or any of it's off-shoots are child-bride marrying, child molesting, black & gay hating criminals.

Now that I got that out, I do feel a bit better. So, I am going to read some more of the latest gay romance novel on my Kindle or read Danny/Steve Hawaii Five-O fanfic or watch ID channel or just bask in the happiness of Stefano FINALLY getting kicked off American Idol.

rant, rants

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