Patrick Swayze's death really makes me sad...

Sep 14, 2009 22:55

Growing up there were a lot of moments and memories that I associate with Patrick Swayze. He starred in North & South-a Civil War mini-series that I devoured nightly with my mom who was very into Civil War romances. When I wa in 6th grade The Outsiders came out and my best friends and I HAD to see it! Some 25 years later the book & movie are favorites of my son which is very cool! When Red Dawn came out my sister and I went to see it and even though I was all about Tommy Howell back then, Patrick Swayze's performance in that movie gutted me emotionally. To this day if that movie is on cable I HAVE to watch it and the final scene between Patrick Swayze & Charlie Sheen just kills me!

Then came Dirty Dancing and my sisters and I went to see it far more times than was reasonable! I still use the phrase "Nobody puts baby in a corner" on a far too regular basis!Patrick's dancing in that film was mezmerizing and he played the role with a lot of heart and vulnerability. One of his finest performances.

So, as you can see my formative years were spent with Patrick Swayze and I grew to really appreciate him as an actor as I got older. When I heard he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer I was so sad. My grandfather died of that kind of cancer and it is just really one of the worst. It can just decimate someone. The last few weeks it seemed that maybe he was on the road to recovery but alas, he didn't survive and I know that I'm personally going to miss him a lot! He seemed like he was a truly decent person and he never took himself too seriously and he never seemed to have let fame and noteriety give him a huge ego. I don't think I ever heard anyone say anything bad about him either. Overall I think he was a nice guy that most everyone liked. It's a shame he was taken so young. I hope his family will be comforted in some small way by the fact that he will be missed by so many.

patrick swayze

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