Duke Special is playing the Leadmill on the 24th January. He's the best musician for making an effort to engage and involve the audience I've seen after
Paul & Storm (last time I saw him the encore consisted of a rather silly sing-along and improv session in the middle of the audience followed by a procession out playing Entrance of the Gladiators), so I'm really looking forward to it :)
I've really not been keeping up with his stuff for the past year or so and managed to miss all the Neil Hannon (Divine Comedy) duetting schenanigans;
Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes,
Tainted Love,
duelling grand pianos for Amnesty International, and the crazy-catchy Our Love Goes Deeper Than This with it's gloriously silly
video. Tisk.
Also not sure what I think of the new album; Sweet Sweet Kisses and Those Proverbs seem kind of meh, the rest sounds more promising, I'll have to buy it when I have a bit of spare cash and give it a proper listen