Spent most of the weekend working on the magazine, including a 6 hour jaunt around Newtown/Enmore on Saturday afternoon with Rachel selling ads and drumming up excitement. Our beloved sub-editor Claire Dobel is moving to the UK so we popped into her going away party at Madame FlingFlongs and I got marched around the room to meet the staff of plenty of "real" magazines. Off to Ascension afterwards, spent mostly talking shop, but I did get to sing along to Madonna with
aeronwen and
kitty_kitty_ and dance like an idiot to Mel and Kim. Home via the Townie where I found myself another volunteer designer and cursed the broken cigarette machine. Sunday I managed to watch the entire first season of Entourage while working on fashion copy, I can't believe how much TV I've churned through recently, but then I don't usually spend this much time at home!
Oh and can I just put in a small mention that I'm shocked how many companies have been so supportive for what is a small publication with a niche audience? Today's squee inducing win includes a heap of stuff from Ubisoft for the December issue and an agreement to provide Rayman Raving Rabbids on its launch!
Things also, stuff (aka I'd like to talk about anything but Fiend :)
- Now that I don't have cable TV I have Attack of the Show set up as a video podcast feed on my TV computer instead and have discovered that it contains commercials, and worse, commercials for the US Military. Unimpressed.
- Had one of my pays fixed so that I could actually pay rent! Hurrah! It got to the point of Conrad and I scrounging for change so we could get to work, which really makes you feel like you're 18 and a student again. Saving for Christmas will now begin in earnest.
- Thanks to the lovelies at Icon film I'm off to see the new Woody Allen on Monday and dragging along dr_nic. If anyone else in Sydney is a film buff and would like to be my +1 on occasion it looks I've regained my lost Brisbane distribution contacts and will have a number of preview tickets coming my way.
- On the topic though it seems as if Johansen is going to become Allen's Deniro (while Scorsese happily replaces DeNiro with DiCaprio). You can't always jam an actor into a role! That being said The Departed looks insanely good even if I expected the world to explode when Mark Wahlberg and Matt Damon met.
- Belated congrats to sugacubb and daemonbeauty on their recent nuptuals and cheer for hearing you're going to be joining us at NYE :)
- One good thing about life at the moment is I'm reading decent amounts again despite being busy as hell. Finished the new Pratchett plus The Great Gatsby and finishing SlaughterHouse 5 at the moment, hurrah!
- In my "my god I do a lot of projects" way I'd completely forgotten that I'd designed the cover art for the new Hyske CD which is about to go to print, only remembering when I was asked to come in and approve the proofs.