As many of you have noted some of the Sydney social pics for
Fiend Magazine are now online - Brisbane and Melbourne will come later. If you know good photographers in Adelaide/Perth/Darwin or other Australian regional centres that can contribute scene photos we would love to include all of Australia and even NZ. There's still some time for ad submissions so email me if you want to be included, and take advantage of the cheap subscription rate to get the new issue complete with cover CD and 3 more issues for $25AUD within AU/NZ.
*amaya takes off her salesman hat and gets back to normality*
- Okay so this Wii ad was cool but this one kicks serious arse Wii v PS3 (ala Mac v PC)
- Is it really news that conservatives are repressed homosexuals and politicians are perverts? I'm amazed they kept the whole Foley thing out of the press as long as they did though.
- Cheers to AV Club (by way of dr_nic for finding all the Fall TV I actually want to watch. Ergo have now let The Class (free at Inner Tube) and Studio 60 on Sunset Strip (available for free download on NBC Rewind) into my life.
- Was meant to go to Kinokinuya for book signings tonight, realised all my Otori books are in Brisbane and cannot afford the new one till pay day. Besides too much magazine work to do (life is a bit unglamorous and glued to my couch at the moment)...still new Ad Noiseum releases arriving for the magazine make it kind of worth it
- When you're busy as fuck something as simple as having the time for coffee with a friend seems like a total luxury. Cheers malinari86 I needed the company, and we must give you all of Weeds
- This weekend apparently holds Star City, drinking, hangovers, Claire's going away, Ascension and hopefully more documentaries and cleaning. Oh and more magazine work. Oh and possibly some sleep, but I doubt very much.