Sep 12, 2005 00:02
This is the story of the lamanated pancake. I was in 7th grade at LaSalle Catholic School. We had pancakes for lunch on monday. Delicious. My school made some excellent pancakes. I wasn't feeling totally starved and decided not to eat all of my pancakes. Since I hadn't put syrup on them today for some odd reason I decided to take my extra pancake out to recess with me and use it as a frisbee. It was a lot of fun playing frisbee with a pancake. At the end of recess the pancake was still in mint condition and I was sad that I would be parting ways with my pancake, sending it to the garbage where it would mold and decompose in a trash heap someplace. Lucy Pigati suggested that I lamanate it instead, so I could save it. I thought she was crazy, but I told her she could do it, and she happily did. I played frisbee with the lamanated pancake for about a week. At the end of that week we had a basketball tournament at Peru Catholic. I left the lamanated pancake in a locker in the visiting locker room. I miss that pancake.
If you went to peru catholic and happened to find a lamanated pancake many years ago, now you know why. Let me know, it'd be pretty fly to know what happened to that yummy pancake.
^true story.
the vikings lost today, thus ending their chance at a perfect season. Damnit. Who loses to Tampa Bay? so far this year only the vikings and turnover pron dante culpepper. get it together purple! I watched football all day, and then napped until I had to come to work this evening. Work Work Work Work. That's my plan for the next 4 days. work work work work. ooobleck.
My fantasy football team(s) all need some work. I need to get creative with some trades, see if I can't put some more points up the next few weeks. Luckily I still managed to win with both of my teams today. oh jeah!
2 weeks till home.