Holy Crap!

Oct 04, 2009 00:13

I just went to GE's Top Ten section looking for Pansy's Volcano because I just can't take all the bad recs I'm coming across. I feel like I'm caught in a whirlpool of poor judgement and/or super pregnancy hormonal dissatisfaction. I decided I had to lay off the search for great H/Hr and go home. Dramione forever, bitches!

The point of my post, though, is that ACK! Claiming Hermione is at the TOP of the top ten Most Favorite Stories list. Well, FUCK if I don't feel flattered! I'm convinced it's mostly because of people wanting to be notified when it gets updated (they have that functionality, right?), but that's a total compliment in and of itself! Heap on the guilt for not working on it right now! *throws heaps of guilt that is suspiciously akin to cold oatmeal at herself*

Dudes. 6 weeks and 5 days to go. SIX. SHORT. LITTLE. TINY. OHMYGOD. WEEKS!  I totalled up the cost of everything on our registries just in case we get nothing from them and nearly had a heart attack: $4300! Take off the glider and the Wii that Mr. Ilkee insisted on putting on the list *rolls eyes* and it's still $3000. Yikes. This is why I am working my ass off now and not writing. Or at least thats the excuse I'm going with for now.

Miss you guys!

EDIT: D'oh! Just found out Pansy's Volcano is abandoned. Maybe I should just go to sleep. *pout*

the lentil, claiming hermione, ge

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