Crap! It's been a week and I have nothing to say

May 20, 2009 18:45

I friggin' love the Jack in the Box Tropical Smoothie commercial.

Alright, I can do better than that. Saturday morning I woke up to a beeeeee-autiful day and the very first thing I did was look up when the outdoor public pools open. Not til June. Damn. Went to yoga and could not for the life of me get swimming/water off my brain. I practically ran home, immediately spilled my plan to Mr. Ilke to drop everything and go to the beach. We rented a car and were on the road within an hour. I also called in a "you owe me" and got one of our clients to get us a free hotel stay. So we spent the weekend on the coast and damn did we have fun. I look great with a little color. My glutes got a tremndous workout, and we saw Star Trek in a shitty little small-town theater. It was fan-fucking-tastic.

Updates on my little peach

Actually, its getting harder for me to keep track of which fruit it is. It's about 3 inches long according to the ultrasound dude.

Stretch Marks. For the few who don't know much about these buggers, when they first appear, they are nice and red and then later fade. Noticed my first little line of red just now. I can no longer wonder if my stomach seeming huge is just my imagination. DUDES. I'm effing huge. Three strangers this weekend asked me how far along I was without hesitation. But but but... where is the bulge coming from. I now weigh even less than I did a few weeks ago, which was already less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I know it's okay to lose weight in the first trimester, but it has to pick up in the second. So.... am I getting skinnier somewhere else? I'm skeptical. I feel like a cow.

Oh yeah, as of this coming Monday, I will officially be in my second trimester.

My mom is coming this weekend and we are having a facial and a massage (me and her, respectively). We are also going bra shopping at a place like you see in movies, where the staff wait on you. lol. I plan to spend a pretty penny. Did I mention my boobs have been growing right along with my stomach? I am about to enter the world to nursing bras. Give me strength people. I will need it. And then it's on to maternity clothes shopping where I will get at least one more pair of pants, a couple shirts, possibly a pair of shorts if I can not hate my legs long enough, and a freakin' BATHING SUIT so I can SWIM! Have I mentioned how much I love to swim and be in water? I can not WAIT to teach my kid to swim.

Did I tell you guys about the ultrasound? I can't remember. In case I have, I will spare you at this time. I still need to scan in the pics and get the recording online so I can torture you all with them. *grin*

Alright, that's all the computering I can handle for now. Mr. Ilke put on the old movie The Buccaneer and is making me dinner. *triple grin*

Oh, a last note. One of the things they don't tell you is that along with having 50% more blood in your body, and so much snot you're forced to be a mouth breather, it will also take you a full handfull of qtips to clean out your newly aquired abundance of earwax. YUCK!

Love you guys!

rl, the peach

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