Wow, I'm really sucking at this

May 13, 2009 16:05

This being keeping up on Live Jouranl (or, well, anything for that matter). I did a couple memes (welcome to my new attention span - it's the size of a fruit fly) and didn't post them. Apparently, as a Star Trek character, I'm Beverly Crusher. Smart, doctor lady who is someone's mother. *snort* But, I also did this one and thought I'd post it since it was different than all my f-lists' so far.

K, the last part just killed me.

I can't effing stop talking about babies....

It's been a while, so here is the 12 weeks preggers update.

1. I'm huge.
I look bigger than some of the 30 weekers in my yoga class. I haven't gained a pound. In fact, I'm still 5 lbs below my usual weight and my dad keeps commenting on how thin my face looks. This "displacement" is a mystery that I do not understand. But this will all change very soon. The chickpea is already the size of a large plum (a navel orange by Monday), and I'm at the stage where I need to start gaining weight. I'm not upset about this really. I'm just already so sick of eating. It's so much work.

2. I feel nauseous all the time.
ALL. THE. TIME. I honestly frequently wish I WOULD throw up so that I'd feel better for a little while. If this doesn't pass as I enter the second trimester (in two weeks), I will be very very very very unhappy. *grumble*

3. First doctor's appoint is tomorrow.
SO SO SO SO SO excited to hear the heartbeat. A little scared they won't be able to find it. But all the nausea tells me that everything is just fine. On Friday I have testing to find out the likelihood of Down's Syndrome or retardation. The result is a ratio. 1:240 or higher is positive and lower is negative. Wait. Other way around. So, if I get a score of 1:200, it will be positive and I can decide if I want to have amniocentisis (another test) to find out yes or no. The thing is, they won't advise you at what point to have the amnio. 1:200 is a .5% chance. Oh. amnio comes with a small risk of miscarraige. So, I want to know, at what point do most women go for it? If there is a 10% chance (1:10)? A 1% chance (1:100)? I'm very curious about this.

4. I am 95% sure that I already have gestational diabetes.
I asked to be tested early. No blueberry pie for me. No fruit or juice either. I can't handle it! I seriously thought I would need to go to the hospital last night after a small piece of pie. They usually don't test until 28 weeks, but I can't wait that long.

5. I'm so tired of eating.
And peeing. And drinking water. And feeling sick.

6. My healthcare is fucking FREE!
No premiums, no co-pay. Thank you to the Universe for taking care of me.

7. I can't stop touching my tummy. :)

8. I've finally stopped scolding myself for touching my tummy this early in the game.
Fuck that shit.

9. We now own 1 bottle, 1 onesie, and 1 baby swing thing that rocks. :)

10. Buying a bathing suit next weekend, then a car, then I will spend every day that I can at the outdoor pool I love.

11. Crying and weepy.
At least four times a day, but it's hard to get a good cry on when you are laughing at yourself. This is really truly frustrating.

Weird food things:
Besides my insatiable appetite for red meat (ground beef only, steak is too hard to digest), I haven't indulged any of my recent tendencies. Yesterday Mr. Ilke mentioned pickle sardine ice cream. It sounded oddly appealing. Its mostly been a tendency to want to eat weird combinations of things. Yeah, go ahead and put the peas and peaches on the BBQ pizza. *shakes head*

What else? Yes, we're FINALLY buying a car! And I just read Consumer Reports and and ALL the cars we're looking at are on their good used car buys. We're going test driving labor day weekend. Woohoo! The Matrix, Mazda 3, and Impreza (and probably an Outback if we run across one).

Oh yeah, and I spilled water on my $5000 computer. *deranged sounding laughter* It's not dead, but Mr. Ilke will be replacing the keyboard tonight. Currently using a USB keyboard hook up. Not ideal.

Fuck, I need go eat again.

rl, the plum, meme

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