Monday's List 1/12

Jan 12, 2009 15:19

Well shit. Monday is certainly off with a bang. I've been running around like crazy, working, meeting with clients, squueeeing, and the like. I'm thinking this is going to be a whirlwind week. And eevilalice is coming back FINALLY! More squeeeing.

1.  Send the damn email about getting a contract with the new company already. wtf!
2.  Farm ad, flyers, and brochures
3.  Internship email re: paper spec'ing workshop for interns
4.  Final changes on Annual Report for sign-off
5.  Billboard Design revisions
6.  And, yes, Ilke, you still need to send that nice lady you met at the fundraiser an email *shakes head at self*
7.  Oooh, contact design school about getting a student to do the farm work - pro bono. Maybe.

1.  Post CH ch. 29 on GE and AFF (ch. 28 on CG, and who knows where the ef I am on
2.  Answer all the reviews on GE and AFF
3.  Post BFaR ch. 5 on GE
4.  Answer all the reviews
5.  Post Little Windows Drabble #5 on GE
6.  Answer the reviews
7.  Update Fics Read List with some of the Restricted Section stories - want to work on Harry/Hermione section
8.  Post at least 2 recs on AccioDHr
9.  Read some great drabbles on Thursday and make pretty shinies (60% complete)
10. Keep going with CH momentum - write write write!
11. Oh, do some serious house cleaning on CH document - notes are all over the place!

1.  Take care of 401k transfer
2.  Check out IRA investments and find a new mutual fund
3.  Still need to place grocery order. I need a plan. Need menus/dishes/ideas!
4.  Plan Hungarian Dinner for Sunday night Dinner Party! :D
5.  The Great Purge: clothes, bathroom, books, media, office, magazines (so hard to get rid of!), kitchen, garden
6.  Repot Plants: the new Paddle Plant, all the succulents, The long strip-ey one in my office, um, other ones in my office....fuck, I think most need to be repotted. EDIT: Put off repotting unitl next week, but prune the umbrella tree, for the love of God!
7.  Put the Christmas stuff away - really struggling with this - it's so purty

Okay, f-list, I need food help. Last week, Lulabelle72 gave me a fantastic meal rec! I need more! What do you love? I need help! I love vegetables and don't each much processed stuff (so, no Velveeta casseroles). I'm easily swayed by fancy names like Roasted Asparagus wtih Poached Eggs and Balsamic Reduction. lol. I'm a sucker for words. However, that dish could have been called Green Veggie Sticks with Eggs and Sauce and I would have still loved it. It was AWESOME! OMG, and last nights dinner was a hilarious adventure into learning how to make nukles (knuck-less) - a Hungarian dumping - the *exact* same way my dad had it when he was a kid *rolls eyes.* My way was better, but was adventure!

Some ideas to get me going:
A nice fish - maybe Halibut (low mercury) with a veggie?
Zuccini Tacos
Lentil Soup
Chicken.... curry? paprikash? spice-rubbed?
Want ham sammy! with avocado.
Cheeseburgers - California Burgers
Sugar Snap Peas
Stuffed Fish Fillet (check the market's selection)
Grilled Shrimp Salad (shrimp, avocado, tomatoes, lemon, arugula (and butter lettuce), garlic
Honey Onions
Steamed Artichokes
Creamed Spinach - pair with chicken - spice rubbed
Basil Nut Chicken
Savory Meat Pastry (or Pies, maybe both)

Dude, I suck at this.

real life, list

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