wiggle wiggle wiggle

Jan 12, 2009 13:28

Dude, I'm dying over the idea of this crack!fic akashathekitty  and her maz...er, discussed... sort of, even if he didn't intend for that to happen. ROFL! Please God, let someone write this!

Now onto serious matters....


Between Forgetting and Remembering won at the dramione_awards  - First Place for Best Angst and Second Place for Best Romance (both under 6k). This story is so special to me and it means so much that other people love it too! GAH *back flips* *more back flips* *okay, I can't really do back flips, but I feel like I can*

Thank you so much to everyone who voted for BFaR! THANK YOU!

And WOOT! So many of my f-list won too! *takes on an affected air* Of course, I only associate with the best obviously, so I'm not at all surprised. Congratulations to all my lovelies! YAY!

And a special shout out to my girl mmmels for her wins for her wonderful drawings! *squeezes you* I'll be posting the next chapter of CH with a bit of her gloriousness!

mmmels, dramione_awards, awards, akashathekitty, between forgetting and remembering

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