It's @!*&@+^ snowing AGAIN!

Jan 02, 2009 01:37

The 28+ inches FINALLY melted. It's been lovely out. And now it's snowing.

*grumble* I do like the snow. At least in places that can deal with it. I know most of my f-list is in the mid-west and east coast and are probably rolling their eyes at me. I moved to Portland from Minnesota. I know snow. But this city just can't DEAL with it. There are no shoveling laws, no plows, no salt or sand. meh. I don't have anywhere I have to go, but I mean.... again? This is the west coast!! *sigh*

It's almost 2am, I am muddling through CH. Mr. Ilke is sleeping so soundly. And I so badly want to wake him to look out the window with me.


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