Nov 03, 2008 11:11
I survived the weekend design-a-thon. I got everything done that HAD to be done. And about 5 hours of sleep too. I started to relax, thinking, oh, I can do this, no problem...
ha ha ha ha ha
(oh my god)
Two projects, A and B, both about 30 hours. Project A half done over the weekend, the rest will happen this week. Project B was slated to start next week. Ha ha ha. I now have a call in 4 hours to get going on designs that are due THIS Wednesday. ha ha ha ha (yes, I am hysterical). Here's my afternoon:
12:30 Project A - Internal Review
1pm Project A - Present to Client
3pm Project B - Call to kick off
4pm weekly call with my regular job. heh.
I have to prep for each of these calls. And I have design work to get done on top of that. A LOT of design work. ha.
In happy news, I've discovered "Genuis" on my iTunes. You pick any song in your library and it forms a playlist that will rock. I haven't been disappointed once. It's like Pandora with my own music. And my tooth-hole barely hurts at all anymore. Oh, and I got a great review that pretty much summed up my whole story. I found this enormously helpful, as I knew what was going on, but was having trouble verbalizing it. Will be copy-pasting it into my outline. :)
Congrats to all you NaNoWriMo's who are plunging forward!
real life,