
May 28, 2012 15:41

Luca is 2 and half. Still sweet. Rather mischievous. Loves to talk to people. Terrified of dogs. Speaks pretty damn well (and a LOT). I'm always amazed when he says things like, "Grandma, are you going to put your water bottle in here (pointing to the car console)?" When she says, "Yes, I am," he replies, "Yeah, and I will also do that. And we can both have our water bottles here together." Seriously, why doesn't he just say, "Yeah, me too"?

Anyway, recently heard at my house:

Luca (laying down in a nearly empty bath): I have to stay in the bathtub.
Me: Why?
Luca: I have to show the water how to go down the drain.

Mr. Ilke woke up before Luca and I and he went upstairs to work. When Luca got up he went to the base of the stairs and called up.
Luca: "Daddy?"
Mr. Ilke: "oh, is Luca up?"
Luca: No, I'm down. YOU'RE up!
Me: * snickergigglesnort *

Me: * shooing a fly away *
Luca: where did the fly go?
Me: I don't know. Where do you think?
Luca: to the coffee shop over there.
Me: Oh yeah? What's he doing there?
Luca: Getting his favorite coffee.

Despite the occasional tantrum and OMG COME HERE AND SIT STILL FOR TWO SECONDS this is a really fun age. :)
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