Have I nearly become a ghost?

May 28, 2012 15:30

I hope not.

In a nutshell:  Mr. Ilke has been working full time since October and I'm STILL haven't gotten a handle on how to manage being responsible to getting Luca to daycare and home, cleaning (ha!) and working 50+ hours a week. No idea. Our business has at last been formed and is things are rolling in that department despite a few loose ends. Looking for a second car. We have a gardener! Considering getting a cleaning service. I feel so bougie. Haven't come close to writing - feeling very far away from it, but not in a given up kind of way. Getting slightly better at managing my time - turned down jobs left and right this month. :(

I have a paid mini-gig: I'm looking for a Microsoft Word 2011 genius who can take my roughly converted PDF designs and turn them into well designed templates for a job I have. Looking for someone who can work with paragraph styles, etc. and works in an organized fashion. I designed the templates in InDesign, saved as PDF, then converted PDFs to Word and now they need fine tuning and templatizing. IF you truly have these skills and are interested, let me know and we'll talk details. Extra points if you can work with Illustrator and/or InDesign. This job is for a lesson plan system about healthy foods. :)

And now for some pictures of my bean:

Omg, why is it sideways? I don't know or have time to fix. Meh, now I'm overwhelmed.
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