Brain Dump 2

Feb 07, 2012 16:11

Pretty sure one of my utility bills is overdue and about to be shut off. I'd pay it, but can't remember which it is, or find the bill.

Running started on Saturday. I did one run prior to the group run, with my friend who took me on a route twice as far as I normally go. I was so dead. But I did it. And then on Saturday, I went 3.5 miles. That's nearly double my usual distance. And I ran the whole way. I am overjoyed with myself. This coming run is 4 miles. I'll probably have to walk a chunk, but I'm going to start setting up a rockin' playlist to help me get through it. I'm training for a 10k which is 6.2 miles. It feels so attainable and right around the corner. Last year at this time, well, I hadn't even started yet, but in March 2011 I couldn't run more than 60 seconds at a time.

My gym (that I never go to despite my year+ membership) has a huge, supervised play area that I finally took Luca to yesterday. My friend's 8 year old daughter, Savannah, went too and Luca LOVES her, so I thought it would be a good first time. I picked him up from day care and as we walked to the car he said, "We have to go the gym. Savannah is waiting for me." Ahahahaha! So cute. I've been so aware lately of his sense of purpose. It's really cool.

I've had a relatively light week the last couple weeks, work-wise, but whamo, it all hit today. And I'm off.

I have to sort through hundreds of photos for a project I'm working on and I came across one of this guy at an event about to take a sip from a wine glass. But he's paused, looking at the photographer and DAMN if he doesn't have a seductive glint in his eye. It feels entirely too intimate. And its one of those shots where the person was looking right at the camera, so you feel like he's look at you...  I keep thinking what if Hermione came across a photo of Draco like this, maybe in the newspaper. And she can't stop staring at it even though it makes her uncomfortable and her cheeks a little hot. And then, everytime she runs into him, she gets flustered and... well, it's not that original, I'm sure you can guess the rest.

So, you know that Russian historical drama soap opera that I've been into? OMG, I'm so hooked. Thank you thank you to someone who sent me to to watch english subtitled episodes. This Vladimir character is such a Draco - arrogant, vindictive, broody, a little childish, and fuuuuuck is he wonderfully masculine (which is not related to those previous descriptors-mostly its his voice). His voice . Okay, I'm just embarrasing myself now.


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