Random brain dump

Feb 01, 2012 21:29

I think both Draco and Hermione would like Florence and the Machine, though maybe for different reasons.

Met with the Business Consultant today and ohmygod we're going to do it. In like two weeks I'll officially be a business owner. I'm more than a little excitedoverwhelmedeager about this. Not excited about the set costs, but it will be worth it.

I've been doing some Vision-ing the last couple weeks. Powerful stuff. I recommend.

I start running again tomorrow! Woot! 10k in a few months.

After I picked Luca up from daycare today, I asked him where he wanted to go. You know, park, kid's cafe, bookstore... Nope, Trader Joe's was his answer (a sorta health food/imported food store). Which has small kid's carts. You guys, so fucking cute it hurts. Watching my little 2 year old Luca put carrots and yogurt and avocados in a little cart with so much sense of purpose, just gets me. He's surprisingly good at. Only gets what we need (aka not everything 2 feet and below), doesn't run into anyone, unloads his cart. Ha! I am so momgushing right now.

I haven't been keeping up with LJ at all. :( it feels really important right now to be focused on business/home/career etc. But I miss you guys and I wish I could get like a rollcall snapshot of what's been happening.

*thinking of you guys*

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