Apr 26, 2005 13:29
One of the wisest people I know once told me that it takes the smallest fraction of a second to fall in love with someone you've really been in love with your entire life.
If that's true..if love is that instantaneous..then why isn't the entire world in love? Why do I feel so alone in my emotion? Maybe it's because what I have is absolutely different than anything anyone else has ever experienced?
No, I don't whole-heartedly agree with that. Love is an universal emotion. Everything stems from love, good and bad, and it's the most basic of elements. The sun, the fire, the earth, the water, and love. Heehee. I shall rewrite the entire method of philosophy in only four short days and for twelve easy payments of $29.95.
Birds fly only so that their pray won't see them coming. They hover so far above everything else, with such skill, that it really isn't fair to their victims.
I'm not a victim.
but I don't fool my prey to get them. I come straight at them with force and vengence.